Curriculum Vitae
Philip Bradford Stark

  Biographical Information
  Awards and Fellowships
   Refereed Publications
   Books and Edited Volumes
   Book Chapters
   Technical Reports, White Papers, and Unrefereed Publications
   Editorials, Reviews, Comments, Letters
  Selected Presentations
   Other Invited Seminars
  Press and Media Appearances
  Teaching and Advising
   Former Graduate Students and Postdocs
   Graduate Committees
   First-year PhD advising
   Current PhD advisees
   Undergraduate Research Advisees
   Professional Societies, Government Agencies, and Journals
   Foundations, Non-Profit Corporations, and Industry
   Editorial and Referee Service
   University and Higher Education
  Contracts and Grants
  Consulting and Expert Witness Experience
   Recent Testimony

Biographical Information



Awards and Fellowships

Professional Societies




Refereed Publications

  1. Stark, P.B. and C. Frohlich, 1985. The depths of the deepest deep Earthquakes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 90, 1859–1869.

  2. Stark, P.B., R.L. Parker, G. Masters, and J.A. Orcutt, 1986. Strict bounds on seismic velocity in the spherical Earth, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 13,892–13,902.

  3. Stark, P.B., 1986. Travel-Time Inversion: Regularization and Inference, Ph.D. Thesis, Scripps Instution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 106pp.

  4. Stark, P.B., and R.L. Parker, 1987. Smooth profiles from tau(p) and X(p) data, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 89, 2713–2719.

  5. Stark, P.B., and R.L. Parker, 1987. Velocity bounds from statistical estimates of tau(p) and X(p), Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, 2713–2719.

  6. Stark, P.B., 1987. Rigorous velocity bounds from soft tau(p) and X(p) data, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 89, 987–996.

  7. Orcutt, J.A., R.L. Parker, P.B. Stark, and J.D. Garmany, 1988. Comment concerning “A method of obtaining a velocity-depth envelope from wide-angle seismic data” by R. Mithal and J.B. Diebold. Geophysical Journal, 95, 209–212.

  8. Stark, P.B. and R.L. Parker, 1988. Correction to “Velocity bounds from statistical estimates of tau(p) and X(p).” Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 13,821–13,822.

  9. Donoho, D.L. and P.B. Stark, 1989. Uncertainty principles and signal recovery. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 49, 906–931.

  10. Stark, P.B., 1992. Affine minimax confidence intervals for a bounded Normal mean, Statistics and Probability Letters, 13, 39–44.

  11. Stark, P.B., 1992. Minimax confidence intervals in geomagnetism, Geophysical Journal International, 108, 329–338.

  12. Stark, P.B., 1992. Inference in infinite-dimensional inverse problems: Discretization and duality, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 14,055–14,082. Reprint:

  13. Donoho, D.L. and P.B. Stark, 1993. A note on rearrangements, spectral concentration, and the zero-order prolate spheroidal wavefunction. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 39, 257–260.

  14. Pulliam, R.J. and P.B. Stark, 1993. Bumps on the core-mantle boundary: Are they facts or artifacts?, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 1943–1956.

  15. Stark, P.B. and N.W. Hengartner, 1993. Reproducing Earth’s kernel: Uncertainty of the shape of the core-mantle boundary from PKP and PcP travel-times, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 1957–1972.

  16. Stark, P.B., 1993. Uncertainty of the COBE quadrupole detection, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 408, L73–L76.

  17. Stark, P.B. and D.I. Nikolayev, 1993. Toward tubular tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 8095–8106.

  18. Constable, C.G., R.L. Parker, and P.B. Stark, 1993. Geomagnetic field models incorporating frozen-flux constraints, Geophysical Journal International, 113, 419–433.

  19. Gough, D.O. and P.B. Stark, 1993. Are the 1986–1988 changes in solar free-oscillation frequency splitting significant?, Astrophysical Journal, 415, 376–382.

  20. Stark, P.B., M.M. Herron, and A. Matteson, 1993. Empirically minimax affine mineralogy estimates from Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy data using a decimated wavelet basis, Applied Spectroscopy, 47, 1820–1829.

  21. Pulliam, R.J. and P.B. Stark, 1994. Confidence regions for mantle heterogeneity, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 6931–6943.

  22. Genovese, C.R., P.B. Stark, and M.J. Thompson, 1995. Uncertainties for Two-Dimensional Models of Solar Rotation from Helioseismic Eigenfrequency Splitting, Astrophysical Journal, 443, 843–854.

  23. Stark, P.B. and R.L. Parker, 1995. Bounded-variable least-squares: an algorithm and applications, Computational Statistics, 10, 129–141. Preprint:

  24. Hengartner, N.W. and P.B. Stark, 1995. Finite-sample confidence envelopes for shape-restricted densities, The Annals of Statistics, 23, 525–550.

  25. Stark, P.B., 1995. Reply to Comment by Morelli and Dziewonski, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 15,399–15,402.

  26. Gough, D.O., T. Sekii, and P.B. Stark, 1996. Inferring spatial variation of solar properties from helioseismic data, Astrophysical Journal, 459, 779–791.

  27. Benjamini, Y. and Stark, P.B., 1996. Non-equivariant simultaneous confidence intervals less likely to contain zero, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91, 329–337.

  28. Hill, F., P.B. Stark, R.T. Stebbins, E.R. Anderson, H.M. Antia, T.M. Brown, T.L. Duvall, Jr., D.A. Haber, J.W. Harvey, D.H. Hathaway, R. Howe, R. Hubbard, H.P. Jones, J.R. Kennedy, S.G. Korzennik, A.G. Kosovichev, J.W. Leibacher, K.G. Libbrecht, J.A. Pintar, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., J. Schou, M.J. Thompson, S. Tomczyk, C.G. Toner, R. Toussaint, and W.E. Williams, 1996. The solar acoustic spectrum and eigenmode parameters, Science, 272, 1292–1295.

  29. Thompson, M.J., J. Toomre, E.R. Anderson, H.M. Antia, G. Berthomieu, D. Burtonclay, S.M. Chitre, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. Corbard, M. DeRosa, C.R. Genovese, D.O. Gough, D.A. Haber, J.W. Harvey, F. Hill, R. Howe, S.G. Korzennik, A.G. Kosovichev, J.W. Leibacher, F.P. Pijpers, J. Provost, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., J. Schou, T. Sekii, P.B. Stark, and P.R. Wilson, 1996. Differential rotation and dynamics of the solar interior, Science, 272, 1300–1305.

  30. Stark, P.B., 1996. A few considerations for ascribing statistical significance to earthquake predictions, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 1399–1402.

  31. Evans, S.N., and P.B. Stark, 1996. Shrinkage estimators, Skorokhod’s problem, and stochastic integration by parts, The Annals of Statistics, 24, 809–815.

  32. Genovese, C.R. and P.B. Stark, 1996. Data Reduction and Statistical Consistency in Linear Inverse Problems, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 98, 143–162.

  33. Stark, P.B., 1997. Earthquake prediction: the null hypothesis, Geophysical Journal International, 131, 495–499.

  34. Benjamini, Y., Y. Hochberg, and P.B. Stark, 1998. Confidence Intervals with more Power to determine the Sign: Two Ends constrain the Means, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 309–317.

  35. Tenorio, L., P.B. Stark, and C.H. Lineweaver, 1999. Bigger uncertainties and the Big Bang, Inverse Problems, 15, 329–341.

  36. Stark, P.B., 1999. Geophysics, Statistics in, in Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Update Volume 3, S. Kotz, C.B. Read, and D.L. Banks, eds., John Wiley and Sons, NY. Invited. Reprint:

  37. Komm, R., Y. Gu, P.B. Stark, and I. Fodor, 1999. Multitaper Spectral Analysis and Wavelet Denoising Applied to Helioseismic Data, Astrophysical Journal, 519, 407–421.

  38. Freedman, D.A., and P.B. Stark, 1999. The swine flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome: a case study in relative risk and specific causation, Evaluation Review, 23, 619–647. Preprint:

  39. Fodor, I. and P.B. Stark, 2000. Multitaper Spectrum Estimation for Time Series with Gaps, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 48, 3472–3483.

  40. Freedman, D.A., P.B. Stark, and K.W. Wachter, 2001. A probability model for census adjustment, Mathematical Population Studies, 9, 165–180.

  41. D.A. Freedman and P.B. Stark, 2001. The swine flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Law and Contemporary Problems, 64, 49–62. Reprint:\&+Contemp.+Probs.+49+(Autumn+2001)

  42. Evans, S.N. and P.B. Stark, 2002. Inverse Problems as Statistics, Inverse Problems, 18, R55–R97. Invited. Reprint:

  43. Stark, P.B. and D.A. Freedman, 2003. What is the Chance of an Earthquake? in Earthquake Science and Seismic Risk Reduction, F. Mulargia and R.J. Geller, eds., NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, v. 32, Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 201–213. Invited. Preprint:

  44. Stark, P.B., 2003. Capture-recapture. Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. Invited. Preprint:

  45. Stark, P.B., 2003. Census Adjustment. Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. Invited. Preprint:

  46. Schafer, C.M. and P.B. Stark, 2004. Using what we know: inference with physical constraints. Proceedings of the Conference on Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology PHYSTAT2003, L. Lyons, R. Mount and R. Reitmeyer, eds., Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, 25–34.

  47. Evans, S.N., B. Hansen, and P.B. Stark, 2005. Minimax Expected Measure Confidence Sets for Restricted Location Parameters, Bernoulli, 11, 571–590. Also Tech. Rept. 617, Dept. Statistics Univ. Calif Berkeley (May 2002, revised May 2003). Preprint:

  48. Divenyi, P., P.B. Stark, and K. Haupt, 2005. Decline of Speech Understanding and Auditory Thresholds in the Elderly, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118, 1089–1100.

  49. Freedman, D.A. and P.B. Stark, 2007. Ecological Inference, in 1 Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, 447–448, David S. Clark, ed., Sage Publications. Invited. Preprint:

  50. Luen, B. and P.B. Stark, 2008. Testing Earthquake Predictions. IMS Lecture Notes—Monograph Series. Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of David A. Freedman, 302–315. Institute for Mathematical Statistics Press, Beachwood, OH. Invited. Reprint:

  51. Stark, P.B., 2008. The effectiveness of Internet content filters, I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 4, 411–429.

  52. Stark, P.B., 2008. Conservative statistical post-election audits, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2, 550–581. Reprint:

  53. Stark, P.B., 2008. A Sharper Discrepancy Measure for Post-Election Audits, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2, 2008, 982–985. Reprint:

  54. Stark, P.B., 2008. Generalizing resolution, Inverse Problems, 24, 034014. Invited; selected for 2008 Highlights for Inverse Problems Reprint:

  55. Schafer, C.M., and P.B. Stark, 2009. Constructing Confidence Sets of Optimal Expected Size. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104, 1080–1089. Reprint:

  56. Berlow, E.L., J.A. Dunne, N.D. Martinez, P.B. Stark, R.J. Williams and U. Brose, 2009. Simplicity on the other side of ecological complexity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 187–219. Reprint:

  57. Hall, J.L., L.W. Miratrix, P.B. Stark, M. Briones, E. Ginnold, F. Oakley, M. Peaden, G. Pellerin, T. Stanionis and T. Webber, 2009. Implementing Risk-Limiting Audits in California, 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE ’09). Reprint:
    SSRN’s Top Ten download list for ERN: Models of Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, Elections, Legislatures, & Voting Behavior

  58. Stark, P.B., 2009. CAST: Canvass Audits by Sampling and Testing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security: Special Issue on Electronic Voting, 4, 708–717. Reprint:

  59. Miratrix, L.W. and P.B. Stark, 2009. Election Audits using a Trinomial Bound. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security: Special Issue on Electronic Voting, 4, 974–981. Reprint:

  60. Stark, P.B., 2009. Risk-limiting post-election audits: P-values from common probability inequalities. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security: Special Issue on Electronic Voting, 4, 1005–1014. Reprint:

  61. Stark, P.B., 2009. Efficient post-election audits of multiple contests: 2009 California tests. Refereed paper presented at the 2009 Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. Preprint:

  62. Stark, P.B., 2010. Risk-Limiting Vote-Tabulation Audits: The Importance of Cluster Size. Chance, 23(3), 9–12. Preprint:

  63. Stark, P.B., 2010. Super-simple simultaneous single-ballot risk-limiting audits. 2010 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE ’10), D. Jones, J.J. Quisquater and E.K. Rescorla, eds. Reprint:

  64. Stark, P.B. and L. Tenorio, 2010. A Primer of Frequentist and Bayesian Inference in Inverse Problems. In Large Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty, Biegler, L., G. Biros, O. Ghattas, M. Heinkenschloss, D. Keyes, B. Mallick, L. Tenorio, B. van Bloemen Waanders and K. Willcox, eds. John Wiley and Sons, NY. Preprint:

  65. Stark, P.B., 2010. Null and Vetoed: “Chance Coincidence”? Chance, 23(4), 43–46. Preprint:

  66. Benaloh, J., D. Jones, E. Lazarus, M. Lindeman, and P.B. Stark, 2011. SOBA: Secrecy-preserving Observable Ballot-level Audit. 2011 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE ’11), USENIX. Reprint:

  67. Higgins, M.J., R.L. Rivest and P.B. Stark, 2011. Sharper p-values for Stratified Post-Election Audits. Statistics, Politics, and Policy, 2(1), Article 7. Reprint:

  68. Shearer, P.M. and P.B. Stark, 2012. The global risk of big earthquakes has not recently increased. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(3), 717–721. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1118525109. (Commentary by G. Beroza, PNAS 2012, 109(3) 651–652. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1120744109.) Reprint:

  69. Luen, B. and P.B. Stark, 2012. Poisson tests of declustered catalogs. Geophysical Journal International, 189, 691–700. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05400.x

  70. Lindeman, M., P.B. Stark, and V.S. Yates, 2012. BRAVO: Ballot-polling Risk-Limiting Audits to Verify Outcomes. 2012 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE ’12). Reprint:

  71. Huttunen, J.M.J., and P.B. Stark, 2012. Cheap contouring of costly functions: The Pilot Approximation Trajectory Algorithm. Computational Science & Discovery. 5, 015006. Reprint:

  72. Lindeman, M. and P.B. Stark, 2012. A Gentle Introduction to Risk-Limiting Audits. IEEE Security and Privacy, 10, 42–49. Preprint:

  73. Stark, P.B., and D.A. Wagner, 2012. Evidence-Based Elections. IEEE Security and Privacy, 10, 33–41. Preprint:

  74. Benjamini, Y., V. Madar, and P.B. Stark, 2013. Simultaneous confidence intervals uniformly more likely to determine signs, Biometrika, doi: 10.1093/biomet/ass074

  75. Bell, S., J. Benaloh, M.D. Byrne, D. DeBeauvoir, B. Eakin, G. Fisher, P. Kortum, M. McBurnett, J. Montoya, M. Parker, O. Pereira, P.B. Stark, D.W. Wallach, and M. Winn, 2013. STAR-Vote: A Secure, Transparent, Auditable, and Reliable Voting System. JETS: USENIX Journal of Election Technology and Systems, 1,18–37. Reprint:

  76. Stark, P.B., and V. Teague, 2014. Verifiable European Elections: Risk-limiting Audits for D’Hondt and Its Relatives, JETS: USENIX Journal of Election Technology and Systems, 3.1,

  77. Stark, P.B., and R. Freishtat, 2014. An evaluation of course evaluations. Science Open, DOI 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.-.AOFRQA.v1, (post refereed)

  78. Luo, T., and P.B. Stark, 2015. Nine out of 10 restaurants fail? Check, please. Significance, 12, 25–29. Preprint: Reprint:

  79. Saltelli, A., P.B. Stark, W. Becker, and P. Stano, 2015. Climate Models as Economic Guides: Scientific Challenge or Quixotic Quest?, Issues in Science and Technology, Spring 2015. Preprint: Reprint:

  80. Matchett, J.R., P.B. Stark, R.A. Knapp, S.M. Ostoja, H.C. McKenny, M. Brooks, W. Langford, L.N. Joppa, and E. Berlow, 2015. Detecting the influence of rare stressors on rare species in Yosemite National Park using a novel stratified permutation test, Nature Scientific Reports, 5. doi:10.1038/srep10702, Reprint:

  81. Arratia, R., S. Garibaldi, L. Mower, and P.B. Stark, 2015. Some people have all the luck. Mathematics Magazine, 88, 196–211. doi:10.4169/math.mag.88.3.196.c, Reprint:

  82. Stark, P.B., 2015. Constraints versus priors. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 3(1), 586–598. doi:10.1137/130920721, Reprint:, Preprint:

  83. Mulargia, F., P. Gasperini, B. Lolli, and P.B. Stark, 2015. Purported precursors: poor predictors. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 56, 351–356. doi:10.4430/bgta0142, Reprint:

  84. Regier, J.C. and P.B. Stark, 2015. Mini-minimax uncertainty quantification for emulators. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 3, 686–708. doi:10.1137/130917909, Reprint:, Preprint:

  85. Boring, A., K. Ottoboni, and P.B. Stark, 2016. Teaching evaluations (mostly) do not measure teaching effectiveness, Science Open, doi:10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-EDU.AETBZC.v1, (post refereed)

  86. Mulargia, F., P.B. Stark, and R.J. Geller, 2017. Why is Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Still Used? Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 264, 63–75. Reprint:

  87. Kuusela, M., and P.B. Stark, 2017. Shape-constrained uncertainty quantification in unfolding steeply falling elementary particle spectra, Annals of Applied Statistics, 11, 1671–1710. Preprint:

  88. Bernhard, M., J.A. Halderman, R.L. Rivest, P. Vora, P.Y.A. Ryan, V. Teague, J. Benaloh, P.B. Stark and D. Wallach, 2017. Public Evidence from Secret Ballots, Krimmer R., Volkamer M., Braun Binder N., Kersting N., Pereira O., Schürmann C. (eds), Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10615. Springer. Preprint:

  89. Fernandez, A., K. Kashinath, J. McAuliffe, Prabhat, P. Stark, and M. Wehner, 2017. Towards a statistical model of tropical cyclone genesis. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2017.

  90. Mulargia, F., R.J. Geller, and P.B. Stark, 2018. Reply to comments by Console et al. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 274, 216–217. Preprint:

  91. Kafkafi, N., J. Agassi, E.J. Chesler, J.C. Crabbe, W.E. Crusio, D. Eilam, R. Gerlai, I. Golani, A. Gomez-Marin, R. Heller, F. Iraqi, I. Jaljuli, N.A. Karp, H. Morgan, G. Nicholson, D.W. Pfaff, H.S. Richter, P.B. Stark, O. Stiedl, V. Stodden, L.M. Tarantino, V. Tucci, W. Valdar, R.W. Williams, H. Wurbel, and Y. Benjamini, 2018. Reproducibility and replicability of rodent phenotyping in preclinical studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Preprint: BioArXiV,

  92. S. Behnezhad, A. Blum, M. Derakhshan, M. Hajiaghayi, M. Mahdian, C.H. Papadimitriou, R.L. Rivest, S. Seddighin and P.B. Stark, 2018. From Battlefields to Presidential Elections: Winning Strategies of Blotto and Auditing Games, ACM-SIAM Conference on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2018). Preprint:

  93. Stark, P.B., and A. Saltelli, 2018. Cargo-cult Statistics and Scientific Crisis, Significance, 15(4), 40–43. Preprint:

  94. Stark, P.B., and K. Ottoboni, 2018. Random sampling: practice makes imperfect, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Society for Non-Parametric Statistics, Salerno, Italy. Preprint: This was accepted for publication by Springer Nature, but Springer-Nature rescinded the acceptance of the manuscript when I refused to grant them rights to derivative works.

  95. Ottoboni, K., P.B. Stark, M. Lindeman, and N. McBurnett, 2018. Risk-Limiting Audits by Stratified Union-Intersection Tests of Elections (SUITE), Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. Preprint:

  96. Evans, S.N., R.L. Rivest, and P.B. Stark, 2019. Leading the field: Fortune favors the bold in Thurstonian choice models, Bernoulli, 25(1), 26–46. doi: Preprint:

  97. Ottoboni, K., M. Bernhard, A. Halderman, R.L. Rivest, and P.B. Stark, 2019. Bernoulli Ballot Polling: A Manifest Improvement for Risk-Limiting Audits, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting (Voting’19). Preprint:

  98. Stark, P.B., D. Miller, T.J. Carlson, and K.R. de Vasquez, 2019. Open-Source Food: Nutrition, Toxicology, and Availability of Wild Edible Greens in the East Bay, PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202450.

  99. Mohanty, V., N. Akinyokun, A. Conway, C. Culnane, P.B. Stark, and V. Teague, 2019. Auditing Indian Elections, Proceedings of E-Vote ID 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11759, R. Krimmer, M. Volkamer, V. Cortier, B. Beckert, R. Küsters, U. Serdült and D. Duenas-Cid (Eds.) Springer Nature, Switzerland. Preprint:

  100. Wojciech, J., P. Roenne, P. Y. A. Ryan, and P.B Stark, 2019. Risk-Limiting Tallies, Proceedings of E-Vote ID 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11759, R. Krimmer, M. Volkamer, V. Cortier, B. Beckert, R. Küsters, U. Serdült and D. Duenas-Cid (Eds.) Springer Nature, Switzerland. Preprint:

  101. Ottoboni, K. and P.B. Stark, 2019. Election Integrity and Electronic Voting Machines in 2018 Georgia, Proceedings of E-Vote ID 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11759, R. Krimmer, M. Volkamer, V. Cortier, B. Beckert, R. Küsters, U. Serdült and D. Duenas-Cid (Eds.) Springer Nature, Switzerland. Preprint:

  102. Benaloh, J., P.B. Stark, and V.J. Teague, 2019. VAULT: Verifiable Audits Using Limited Transparency, Proceedings of E-Vote ID 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11759, R. Krimmer, M. Volkamer, V. Cortier, B. Beckert, R. Küsters, U. Serdült and D. Duenas-Cid (Eds.) Springer Nature, Switzerland. Preprint:

  103. Stark, P.B., 2020. Sets of Half-Average Nulls Generate Risk-Limiting Audits: SHANGRLA, in Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12063, M. Bernhard, A. Bracciali, L.J. Camp, S. Matsuo, A. Maurushat, P.B. Rřnne, M. Sala (Eds.) Springer-Nature. Preprint:

  104. Appel, A.W., R. DeMillo, and P.B. Stark, 2020. Ballot-marking devices cannot assure the will of the voters. Election Law Journal, 19:3, 432–450. Preprint:

  105. Appel, A.W. and P.B. Stark, 2020. Evidence-Based Elections: Create a Meaningful Paper Trail, Then Audit, Georgetown Law Technology Review, 4, 523–541.

  106. Glazer, A., J. Spertus, and P.B. Stark, 2020. Bayesian audits are average but risk-limiting audits are above average, Proceedings of E-Vote ID 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, R. Krimmer, M. Volkamer, B. Beckert, R. Küsters, O. Kulyk, D. Duenas-Cid, and M. Solvak, eds., Springer Nature, Switzerland. Preprint:

  107. Huang, A., R.L. Rivest, P.B. Stark, V. Teague, and D. Vukcevic, 2020. A Unified Evaluation of Two-Candidate Ballot-Polling Election Auditing Methods, Proceedings of E-Vote ID 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, R. Krimmer, M. Volkamer, B. Beckert, R. Küsters, O. Kulyk, D. Duenas-Cid, and M. Solvak, eds., Springer Nature, Switzerland.

  108. Blom, M., A. Conway, D. King, L. Sandrolini, P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey, and V. Teague, 2020. You can do RLAs for IRV, Proceedings of E-VOTE ID 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, R. Krimmer, M. Volkamer, B. Beckert, A.D. Maurer, D. Duenas-Cid, S. Glondu, I. Krivonosova, O. Kulyk, R. Küsters, B. Martin-Rozumilowicz, P. Rřnne, M. Solvak, O. Spycher (Eds.), TalTech Press, ISBN 978-9949-83-601-7. Best paper award, Track on Elections and Practical Experiences. Preprint:

  109. Mohamadlou, H., S. Panchavati, J. Calvert, A. Lynn-Palevsky, S. Le, A. Allen, E. Pellegrini, A. Green-Saxena, C. Barton, Grant Fletcher, L. Shieh, P.B. Stark, U. Chettipally, D. Shimabukuro, M. Feldman, R. Das, 2020. Multicenter validation of a machine-learning algorithm for 48-h all-cause mortality prediction. Health Informatics Journal. 1912–1925. doi: 10.1177/1460458219894494

  110. Glazer, A., J. Spertus, and P.B. Stark, 2021. More style, less work: card-style data decrease risk-limiting audit sample sizes, Digital Threats: Research and Practice, doi: 10.1145/3457907.

  111. Blom, M., P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey, V. Teague, and D. Vukcevic, 2021. Auditing Hamiltonian Elections, In Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2021 International Workshops. FC 2021, M. Bernhard, A. Bracciali, L. Gudgeon, T. Haines, A. Klages-Mundt, S. Matsuo, D. Perez, M. Sala, and S. Werner, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12676. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-63958-0_21 Preprint:

  112. Waudby-Smith, I., P.B. Stark, and A. Ramdas, 2021. RiLACS: Risk limiting audits via confidence sequences, Krimmer, R., M. Volkamer, D. Duenas-Cid, O. Kulyk, P. Rřnne, M. Solvak, and M. Germann (eds) Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12900. Springer, Cham. Best paper award: security, usability, and technical issues. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-86942-7_9 Preprint:

  113. Blom, M., J. Budurushi, R. Rivest, P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey, V. Teague, and D. Vukcevic, 2021. Assertion-based approaches to auditing complex elections, with application to party-list proportional elections, Krimmer, R., M. Volkamer, D. Duenas-Cid, O. Kulyk, P. Rřnne, M. Solvak, and M. Germann (eds) Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12900. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-86942-7_4, Preprint:

  114. Ryan, P.Y.A., P.B. Roenne, P.B. Stark, D. Ostrev, N. Soroush, and F-E El Orche, 2021. Who was that masked voter? The tally won’t tell! Krimmer, R., M. Volkamer, D. Duenas-Cid, O. Kulyk, P. Rřnne, M. Solvak, and M. Germann (eds) Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12900. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-86942-7_8

  115. Benaloh, J., K. Foote, P. B. Stark, V. Teague, and D. S. Wallach, 2021. VAULT-Style Risk-Limiting Audits and the Inyo County Pilot, IEEE Security & Privacy, 9, 8–18, doi: 10.1109/MSEC.2021.3075107

  116. Ivanova, A., S. Lederman, P.B. Stark, G. Sullivan, and B. Vaughn, 2022. Randomization tests in clinical trials with multiple imputation for handling missing data, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 32, 441–449, doi: 10.1080/10543406.2022.2080695

  117. Jamroga, W., P.Y.A. Ryan, S. Schneider, C. Schürmann, and P.B. Stark, 2022. A Declaration of Software Independence, in D. Dougherty, J. Meseguer, S.A. Mödersheim, and P. Rowe, eds., Protocols, Strands, and Logic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13066, Springer-Nature, Cham, 198–217, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-91631-2_11

  118. Stark, P.B., 2022. Reproducibility, P-Values, and Type III errors: response to Mayo 2022, Conservation Biology, 36(5), doi: 10.1111/cobi.13986. (peer-reviewed comment). Preprint:

  119. Spertus, J., and P.B. Stark, 2022. Sweeter than SUITE: Supermartingale Stratified Union-Intersection Tests of Elections, Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13553, 106–121, Springer-Nature, Cham,

  120. Stark, P.B., and R. Xie, 2022. They may look and look, yet not see: BMDs cannot be tested adequately, Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13553, 122–138, Springer-Nature, Cham.

  121. Stark, P.B., 2022. Pay No Attention to the Model Behind the Curtain, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 179, 4121–4145.

  122. Stark, P.B., 2023. Non(c)esuch ballot-level comparison audits. In: Katsikas et al. Computer Security. ESORICS 2022 International Workshops. ESORICS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,13785. Springer, Cham.

  123. Everest, F., M. Blom, P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey, V. Teague, and D. Vukcevic, 2023. Ballot-Polling Audits of Instant-Runoff Voting Elections with a Dirichlet-Tree Model, In: , Katsikas et al. Computer Security. ESORICS 2022 International Workshops. ESORICS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13785. Springer, Cham.

  124. Stanley, P., J. Spertus, J. Chiartas, P.B. Stark, P.B., and T. Bowles, 2023. Valid inferences about soil carbon in heterogeneous landscapes. Geoderma, 430, 116323.

  125. Stark, P.B., 2023. ALPHA: Audit that Learns from Previously Hand-Audited Ballots, Annals of Applied Statistics, 17, 641–679. 10.1214/22-AOAS1646

  126. Ek, A., P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey and D. Vukcevic, 2023. Adaptively Weighted Audits of Instant-Runoff Voting Elections: AWAIRE, Proceedings of E-VOTE-ID 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14230, Springer, Cham. Best paper award: security, usability, and technical issues. Preprint:

  127. Glazer, A., J. Spertus, and P.B. Stark, 2023. Stylish Risk-Limiting Audits in Practice, Proceedings of E-VOTE-ID 2023, Lecture Notes in Informatics, to appear.

  128. Glazer, A., H. Luo, S. Devgon, C, Wang, X. Yao, S.S. Yao, F. McQuarrie, Z. Li, A. Palma, Q. Wan, W. Gu, A. Sen, Z. Wang, G.D. O’Connell, and P.B. Stark, 2023. Look Who’s Talking: Gender Differences in Academic Job Talks. ScienceOpen. (post-reviewed)

  129. Ek, A., P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey, and D. Vukcevic, 2024. Efficient Weighting Schemes for Auditing Instant-Runoff Voting Elections, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14230. Springer, Cham., pp35–51.

  130. Stark, P.B., 2024. ONEAudit: Overstatement-Net-Equivalent Risk-Limiting Audit Proceedings of the 8th Annual Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting (Voting’23), A. Essex et al. (Eds.): FC 2023 Workshops, LNCS 13953, pp. 63–78. 10.1007/978-3-031-48806-1_5 Extended preprint:

  131. Glazer, A., P.B. Stark, Md.M. Miah, K. Nordback, J.B. Griswold, A. Skabardonis, 2024. Data checks for bicycle and pedestrian counts, Proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, to appear. Preprint:\_DATA\_CHECKS\_FOR\_BICYCLE\_AND\_PEDESTRIAN\_COUNTS

  132. Ek, A., M. Blom, P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey, and D. Vukcevic, 2024. Improving the Computational Efficiency of Adaptive Audits of IRV Elections, Proceedings of E-VOTE-ID 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, in press. Preprint:

    Papers submitted for publication
  133. Benjamini, Y., Y. Hechtlinger, and P.B. Stark, 2019. Confidence Intervals for Selected Parameters. Submitted to JASA Theory and Methods. Preprint:

  134. Glazer, A. and P.B. Stark, 2024. Fast Exact/Conservative Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals, Submitted to Computational and Graphical Statistics. Preprint:

  135. Stark, P.B., 2024. When Audits and Recounts Distract from Election Integrity: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election in Georgia.

    Books and Edited Volumes
  136. Stark, P.B., 1997. SticiGui: Statistics Tools for Internet and Classroom Instruction with a Graphical User Interface.

  137. Freedman, D.A., 2009. Statistical Models and Causal Inference: A Dialog with the Social Sciences, D. Collier, J.S. Sekhon and P.B. Stark, eds., Cambridge University Press, New York.

  138. Howard, L., R.L. Rivest, and P.B. Stark, eds., 2019. A Review of Robust Post-Election Audits: Various Methods of Risk-Limiting Audits and Bayesian Audits, Brennan Center for Justice,

    Book Chapters
  139. Stark, P.B., 1988. Strict bounds and applications. in Some Topics on Inverse Problems, P.C. Sabatier, ed., World Scientific, Singapore.

  140. Stark, P.B., 1990. Rigorous computer solutions to infinite-dimensional inverse problems. in Inverse Methods in Action, P.C. Sabatier, ed., Springer-Verlag. 462–467.

  141. Stark, P.B., 2000. Inverse Problems as Statistics, in Surveys on Solution Methods for Inverse Problems, Colton, D., H.W. Engl, A.K. Louis, J.R. Mclaughlin and W. Rundell, eds., Springer-Verlag, New York, 253–275. Invited.

  142. Schafer, C.M, and P.B. Stark, 2003. Inference in Microwave Cosmology: A Frequentist Perspective, in Statistical Challenges in Astronomy, E.D. Feigelson and G.J. Babu, eds., Springer, New York, 215–219.

  143. Stark, P.B., 2004. Estimating power spectra of galactic structure: can Statistics help?, in Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note, D.L. Block, I. Puerari, K.C. Freeman, R. Groess and E.K. Block, eds., Springer, The Netherlands, 613–617. Invited.

  144. Geller, R.J., F. Mulargia, and P.B. Stark, 2015. Why we need a new paradigm of earthquake occurrence, in Subduction Dynamics: From Mantle Flow to Mega Disasters, Geophysical Monograph 211, American Geophysical Union, G. Morra, D.A. Yuen, S. King, S.M. Lee, and S. Stein, eds., Wiley, New York, 183–191. Preprint:

  145. Stark, P.B., 2017. Nullius in verba, in The Practice of Reproducible Research: Case Studies and Lessons from the Data-Intensive Sciences, J. Kitzes, D. Turek, and F. İmamoğlu, eds., University of California Press, Oakland, CA.

  146. Millman, K.J., K. Ottoboni, N.A.P. Stark, and P.B. Stark, 2017. Reproducible Applied Statistics: Is Tagging of Therapist-Patient Interactions Reliable?, in The Practice of Reproducible Research: Case Studies and Lessons from the Data-Intensive Sciences, J. Kitzes, D. Turek, and F. İmamoğlu, eds. University of California Press, Oakland, CA.

  147. Bell, S., J. Benaloh, M.D. Byrne, D. DeBeauvoir, B. Eakin, G. Fisher, P. Kortum, N. McBurnett, J. Montoya, M. Parker, O. Pereira, P.B. Stark, D.S. Wallach, and M. Winn, 2017. STAR-Vote: A Secure, Transparent, Auditable, and Reliable Voting System, in Real-World Electronic Voting: Design, Analysis and Deployment, F. Hao and P.Y.A. Ryan, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

  148. Stark, P.B., 2023. Pay No Attention to the Model Behind the Curtain. In The Politics of Modelling. Numbers between Science and Policy, A. Saltelli and M. Di Fiore, eds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198872412.001.0001

    Technical Reports, White Papers, Unrefereed Publications
  149. Donoho, D.L. and P.B. Stark, 1988. Rearrangements and Smoothing, Tech. Rept. 148, Dept. Stat., Univ. Calif. Berkeley.

  150. Donoho, D.L. and P.B. Stark, 1989. Recovery of a Sparse Signal When the Low Frequency Information is Missing, Tech. Rept. 179, Dept. Statistics, Univ. Calif. Berkeley.

  151. Hengartner, N.W. and P.B. Stark, 1992. Conservative finite-sample confidence envelopes for monotone and unimodal densities, Tech. Rept. 341, Dept. Statistics, Univ. Calif. Berkeley.

  152. Hengartner, N.W. and P.B. Stark, 1992. Confidence bounds on the probability density of aftershocks, Tech. Rept. 352, Dept. Statistics, Univ. Calif. Berkeley.

  153. Stark, P.B., 1992. The Cosmic Microwave Background and Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary: A Tale of Two CMB’s, Tech. Rept. 371, Dept. Statistics, Univ. Calif. Berkeley.

  154. Genovese, C. and P.B. Stark, 1993. l1 spectral estimation: Algorithms and tests of super-resolution, in GONG 1992: Seismic Investigations of the Sun and Stars, Proc. Astr. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., 42, T. Brown, ed., 453–456.

  155. Gough, D.O. and P.B. Stark, 1993. The significance of changes in solar free-oscillation splitting from 1986–1990, in GONG 1992: Seismic Investigations of the Sun and Stars, Proc. Astr. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., 42, T. Brown, ed., 221–224.

  156. Stark, P.B., 1994. Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Linear Estimates of Linear Functionals, Tech. Rept. 417, Dept. Statistics, Univ. Calif. Berkeley.

  157. Sekii, T., C.R. Genovese, D.O. Gough, and P.B. Stark, 1995. Observational constraints on the internal solar angular velocity, in Fourth SOHO Workshop: Helioseismology, J.T. Hoeksema, V. Domingo, B. Fleck and B. Battrick, eds., ESA Publications Division SP-376, Noordwijk, Volume 2, 279–283.

  158. Stark, P.B., 1997. Data Sampling Rate Reduction for the OERSTED Geomagnetic Satellite.

  159. Fodor, I.K., J.G. Berryman, and P.B. Stark, 1997. Comparison of Autoregressive and Multitaper Spectral Analysis for Long Time Series, Stanford Exploration Project, 95, 331–355.

  160. Borrill, J., and P.B. Stark, 1998. A fast method for bounding the CMB power spectrum likelihood function.

  161. Stark, P.B., 1998. Testimony before U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Census, 5 May 1998.

  162. Stark, P.B., 1998. Response to 25 Questions from Representative C. Maloney, Ranking Minority Member, U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Census, 13 May 1998.

  163. Stark, P.B., 1999. Letter to the Editor of USA Today regarding Sampling to Adjust the 2000 Census, 19 January. (original version:

  164. Komm, R.W., Y. Gu, F. Hill, P.B. Stark, and I.K. Fodor, 1998. Multitaper Spectral Analysis and Wavelet Denoising Applied to Helioseismic Data, Proc. Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, ASP Conference Series, 154, CDR 783–790.

  165. Komm, R.W., E. Anderson, F. Hill, R. Howe, A.G. Kosovichev, P.H. Scherrer, J. Schou, I. Fodor, and P. Stark, 1998. Comparison of SOHO-SOI/MDI and GONG Spectra, Proceedings of the SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, ’Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars,’ Boston, USA, 1–4 June 1998, ESA SP-418, 253–256.

  166. Komm, R.W., E. Anderson, F. Hill, R. Howe, I. Fodor, and P. Stark, 1998. Multitaper analysis applied to a 3-month time series, Proceedings of the SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, ’Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars,’ Boston, USA, 1–4 June 1998, ESA SP–418, 257–260.

  167. Fodor, I.K. and P.B. Stark, 1999. Multitaper Spectrum Estimates for Time Series with Missing Values, Computing Science and Statistics, 31: Models, Predictions, and Computing. K. Berk and M. Pourahmadi, eds., 383–387.

  168. Stark, P.B., 1999. The 1990 and 2000 Census Adjustment Plans, Tech. Rept. 550, Dept. Statistics, Univ. Calif. Berkeley. (revised May 2000)

  169. Schafer, C.M. and P.B. Stark, 2006. Constructing Confidence Sets of Optimal Expected Size. Technical report 836, Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University.

  170. Jefferson, D., K. Alexander, E. Ginnold, A. Lehmkuhl, K. Midstokke and P.B. Stark, 2007. Post Election Audit Standards Report—Evaluation of Audit Sampling Models and Options for Strengthening California’s Manual Count.

  171. Stark, P.B., 2009. Auditing a collection of races simultaneously.

  172. Stark, P.B., 2009. The status and near future of post-election auditing.

  173. Stark, P.B., 2010. Why small audit batches are more efficient: two heuristic explanations.

  174. Higdon, D., R. Klein, M. Anderson, M. Berliner, C. Covey, O. Ghattas, C. Graziani, S. Habib, M. Seager, J. Sefcik, P. Stark, and J. Stewart, 2010. Panel Report on Uncertainty Quantification and Error Analysis, in Scientific Grand Challenges in National Security: The Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research and National Nuclear Security Administration.

  175. McLaughlin, K., and P.B. Stark, 2011. Workload Estimates for Risk-Limiting Audits of Large Contests.

  176. Scott, L.R., J. Brown, G.W. Bergantz, D. Cooley, C. Dawson, M. de Hoop, D. Estep, N. Flyer, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, M. Ghil, M. Knepley, R.J. LeVeque, L.-H. Lim, G. Papanicolaou, S. Prudhomme, A. Sandu, G. Schubert, F.J. Simons, P.B. Stark, M. Stein, S. Stein, T. Tanimoto, D. Tartakovsky, J. Weare, R. Weiss, G.B. Wright, and D. Yuen, 2012. Fostering Interactions Between the Geosciences and Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. Technical Report TR-2012-02, Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago.

  177. Bańuelos, J.H. and P.B. Stark, 2012. Limiting Risk by Turning Manifest Phantoms into Evil Zombies.

  178. Bretschneider, J., S. Flaherty, S. Goodman, M. Halvorson, R. Johnston, M. Lindeman, R.L. Rivest, P. Smith, and P.B. Stark, 2012. Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits: Why and How.
    Endorsement by the American Statistical Association:

  179. Stark, P.B., 2012. Ballot-Polling Audits in Two Pages (ą1).

  180. Benaloh, J., M. Byrne, P. Kortum, N. McBurnett, O. Pereira, P.B. Stark, and D.S. Wallach, 2012. STAR-Vote: A Secure, Transparent, Auditable, and Reliable Voting System.

  181. Lindeman, M., R.L. Rivest, and P.B. Stark, 2013. Machine Retabulation is not Auditing.

  182. Lindeman, M., R.L. Rivest, and P.B. Stark, 2013. Retabulations, Machine-Assisted Audits, and Election Verification.

  183. Verified Voting Foundation, 2015. Principles for New Voting Systems,

  184. Benaloh, J., R.L. Rivest, P.Y.A. Ryan, P.B. Stark, V. Teague, and P. Vora, 2015. End-to-end verifiability.

  185. Stark, P.B., 2016. Pay no attention to the model behind the curtain.

  186. Chilingirian, B., Z. Perumal, R.L. Rivest, G. Bowland, A. Conway, P.B. Stark, M. Blom, C. Culnane, and V. Teague, 2016. Auditing Australian Senate Ballots.

  187. Matthees, A., T. Kindlon, C. Maryhew, P. Stark, and B. Levin, 2016. A preliminary analysis of ‘recovery’ from chronic fatigue syndrome in the PACE trial using individual participant data. Virology Blog,

  188. Rivest, R.L., P.B. Stark, and Z. Perumal, 2017. BatchVote: Voting rules designed for auditability, Voting ’17,

  189. Benaloh, J., M. Bernhard, J.A. Halderman, R.L. Rivest, P.Y.A. Ryan, P.B. Stark, V. Teague, P.L. Vora, and D.S. Wallach, 2017. Public Evidence from Secret Ballots.

  190. Saltelli, A., and P.B. Stark, 2017. Statistiche al Tempo della Crisi, Epidemiologia & Prevenzione, 41, 165–169,

  191. Dabady, S., and P.B. Stark, 2017. Urban Foraging in Municipal Parks and Public Schools: Opportunities for Policymakers, Berkeley Food Institute and Berkeley Open Source Food, Policy Brief, July.

  192. Lindeman, M., McBurnett, N., Ottoboni, K., and P.B. Stark, 2018. Next Steps for the Colorado Risk-Limiting Audit (CORLA) Program,

  193. Bochsler, D., J. Medzihorsky, C. Schürmann, and P.B. Stark, 2018. Report on the Identification of Electoral Irregularities by Statistical Methods, Opinion 874/2017, Report CDL-AD(2018)009, Venice Commission of the Council of Europe,

  194. Stark, P.B., 2018. An Introduction to Risk-Limiting Audits and Evidence-Based Elections, written testimony prepared for the Little Hoover Commission,

  195. Ottoboni, K. and P.B. Stark, 2018. Random problems with R,

  196. Stark, P.B., 2019. Delayed Stratification for Timely Risk-Limiting Audits,

  197. Mohanty, V., N. Akinyokun, A. Conway, C. Culnane, P.B. Stark, and V. Teague, 2019. Auditing Indian Elections,

  198. Stark, P.B., 2019. Notes on Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET),

  199. Stark, P.B., 2019. Comments on Draft VVSG 2.0,

  200. Stark, P.B., 2019. Risk-limiting audits and evidence-based elections, in Election Auditing: Key Issues and Perspectives, Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project,

  201. Stark, P.B., and Ran Xie, 2019. There is no Way to Reliably Detect Hacked Ballot-Marking Devices,

  202. Lindeman, Mark, Harri Hursti, and Philip B. Stark, 2021. New Hampshire SB43 Forensic Audit Report,

  203. Benaloh J., P.B. Stark, V. Teague, M. Volkamer, and D. Wallach, 2022. Research Opportunities in Evidence-Based Elections, Computing Community Consortium, Washington, DC.

  204. Stark, P.B., 2022. Commentary on “The Statistics Wars and Intellectual Conflicts of Interest” (D. Mayo Editorial)

  205. Blom, M., P.B. Stark, P.J. Stuckey, V. Teague, and D. Vukcevic, 2022. Assessing the accuracy of the Australian Senate count: Key steps for a rigorous and transparent audit,

  206. Stark, P.B., 2022. A Review of the Seismic Hazard Model MPS19.S,

  207. Spertus, J.V., M. Sridhar and P.B. Stark, 2024. Sequential stratified inference for the mean,

  208. Spertus, J., P.B. Stark, W. Silver, and E. Slessarev, 2024. Soil organic carbon sequestration potential and policy optimization,

  209. Appel, A., and P.B. Stark, 2024. An Internet Voting System Fatally Flawed in Creative New Ways,

  210. Rivest, R.L. and P.B. Stark, 2024. The National Popular Vote (NPV) proposal for U.S. Presidential Elections undermines election integrity,

    Editorials, Reviews, Comments, Letters
  211. Stark, P.B., 2001. Review of Who Counts? by Margo J. Anderson and Stephen E. Fienberg, Journal of Economic Literature, XXXIX, 593–595. Invited.

  212. Tenorio, L., E. Haber, P.B. Stark, D. Cox, O. Ghattas and W.W. Symes, 2008. Guest editors’ introduction to the special section on statistical and computational issues in inverse problems, Inverse problems, 24, 034001. Reprint:

  213. Stark, P.B., 2008. Obituary: David A. Freedman, IMS Bulletin, 38, 10–11. Preprint:

  214. Collier, D., J.S. Sekhon and P.B. Stark, 2009. Preface to David A. Freedman, 2009. Statistical Models: Theory and Practice, Revised edition, Cambridge University Press, New York.

  215. Ash, A., S. Pierson and P.B. Stark, 2009. Thinking outside the urn: Statisticians make their marks on U.S. Ballots. Amstat News, 384. 37–40. Reprint:

  216. Audit working group, 2009. Data requirements for vote-tabulation audits: Statement to NIST,

  217. Hall, J.L., P.B. Stark, H.E. Brady, and J.S. Sekhon, 2009. Comments on the CA SoS Precinct Level Data Pilot Project.

  218. Stark, P.B., 2010. Testimony before California State Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting, 20 April 2010.

  219. Stark, P.B., 2010. Testimony before California State Senate Committee on Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments, 15 June 2010.

  220. Stark, P.B., 2010. Open letter to UC Berkeley Law School Dean Christopher Edley regarding UC Online Education.

  221. Stark, P.B., 2010. Testimony proffered to Judge Ira Warshawsky, New York Supreme Court, 4 December 2010.

  222. Letter to President Barack Obama re election technology, 6 December 2012 (with Barbara Simons and 48 others).

  223. Bates, D., P. Courant, C. Hesse, K. Hoekstra, M. Lovell, J. Midgley, G. Nunberg, P. Papadopoulos, H. Schiraldi, G. Sposito, P.B. Stark, and M. van Houweling, 2013. Final Report of the Commission on the Future of the UC Berkeley Library

  224. Stark, P.B., 2013. Leave Election Integrity to Chance, The Huffington Post, 12 July 2013.

  225. Stark, P.B., and R. Freishtat, 2013. Evaluating Evaluations, Part 1: Do student evaluations measure teaching effectiveness?, The Berkeley Teaching Blog, 9 October 2013. The Berkeley Blog, 14 October 2013.

  226. Stark, P.B., and R. Freishtat, 2013. What Evaluations Measure, Part 2: What exactly do student evaluations measure?, The Berkeley Teaching Blog, 17 October 2013. The Berkeley Blog, 21 October 2013.

  227. Stark, P.B., 2015. Out of the Weeds, Lucky Peach, 29 June 2015, Invited.

  228. Stark, P.B., 2015. Salad from the Sidewalk, The New York Times, 9 July 2015, Invited.

  229. Arratia, R., S. Garibaldi, L. Mower, and P.B. Stark, 2015. Some people have all the luck …or do they? MAA Focus, August/September, 37–38.

  230. Stark, P.B., 2015. Science is “show me,” not “trust me,” Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences, 31 December, Invited.

  231. Boring, A., K. Ottoboni, and P.B. Stark, 2016. Student evaluations of teaching are not only unreliable, they are significantly biased against female instructors, London School of Economics and Political Science Impact Blog, 4 February, Invited.

  232. Stark, P.B., 2016. The value of P-values, The American Statistician, 70, DOI:10.1080/00031305.2016.1154108, Invited.

  233. Stark, P.B., 2016. Review of Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement, by J. Lane, V. Stodden, S. Bender, and H. Nissenbaum, eds., The American Statistician, Invited.

  234. Saltelli, A., S. Funtowicz, M. Giampietro, D. Sarewitz, P.B. Stark, and J.P. van der Sluijs, 2016. Climate Costing is Politics not Science, Nature, 532, 177. (signatory list) Reprint:

  235. Stark, P.B., 2016. Eat your Weedies!, The Urbanist, Issue 549, February 2016, Invited.

  236. Stark, P.B., and P.L. Vora, 2016. Maryland voting audit falls short, The Baltimore Sun, 28 October 2016.

  237. Rivest, R.L., and P.B. Stark, 2016. Still time for an election audit: Column, USA Today, 18 November 2016.

  238. Harvie Branscomb, Joe Kiniry, Mark Lindeman, Neal McBurnett, Ronald L. Rivest, John Sebes, Pamela Smith, Philip B. Stark, Howard Stanislevic, Paul Stokes, Poorvi L. Vora, and Luther Weeks, 2016. Comments on 2016 General Election: Post-Election Tabulation Audit Procedures,

  239. Letter to Senators Ron Johnson and Claire McCaskill, U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, re appointment of Thomas P. Bossert as White House Homeland Security Advisor, 11 January 2017 (with Marc Rotenberg, EPIC President, and 39 others).

  240. Letter to Senator Lindsey Graham re election integrity and cybersecurity, 13 January 2017 (with Duncan Buell, JoAnne Day, J. Alex Halderman, Eleanor Hare, Frank Heindel, Candice Hoke, Joseph Kiniry, Marilyn Marks, Neal McBurnett, Stephanie Singer, Jason Grant Smith, and Daniel M. Zimmerman).

  241. An open letter to Psychological Medicine about “recovery” and the PACE trial, 13 March 2017 (with 73 others).

  242. Letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, 15 April 2017 (with Andrew W. Appel, Duncan Buell, Larry Diamond, David L. Dill, Richard DeMillo, Michael Fischer, J. Alex Halderman, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Martin E. Hellman, Candice Hoke, Harri Hursti, David Jefferson, Douglas W. Jones, Joseph Kiniry, Justin Moore, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, John E. Savage, Bruce Schneier, Dr. Barbara Simons, Dr. Vanessa Teague)

  243. Rivest, R.L., and P.B. Stark, 2017. When is an Election Verifiable? IEEE Security & Privacy, 15, 48–50.

  244. Open-Source Software Won’t Ensure Election Security, 24 August 2017 (with Matt Bishop, Josh Benaloh, Joseph Kiniry, Ron Rivest, Sean Peisert, Joseph Hall, Vanessa Teague)

  245. Saltelli, A., and P.B. Stark, 2018. Fixing stats: social and cultural issue, Nature Correspondence, 16 January, doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-00647-9,

  246. Expert statement, Support for Security Research, Center for Democracy and Technology, 10 April 2018 (with 57 others)

  247. Stark, P.B., 2018. Before reproducibility must come preproducibility, Nature, 557, 613. doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-05256-0,

  248. Letter to Georgia SAFE Commission, 7 January 2019. (with Mustaque Ahamad, Andrew W. Appel, David Bader, Matthew Bernhard, Matt Blaze, Duncan Buell, Richard DeMillo, Larry Diamond, David L. Dill, Michael Fischer, Adam Ghetti, Susan Greenhalgh, Candice Hoke, Harri Hursti, David Jefferson, Douglas W. Jones, Justin Moore, Peter G. Neumann, Ronald L. Rivest, Aviel Rubin, John E. Savage, Barbara Simons, Eugene Spafford)

  249. Letter to Georgia Subcommittee on Voting Technology of Government Affairs Committee, 19 February 2019.

  250. Letter to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla regarding certification of the Los Angeles Voting System for all People (VSAP), 20 January 2020.

  251. An Inquiry into India’s Election System (Deposition). Poorvi L Vora, Alok Choudhary, J Alex Halderman, Douglas W Jones, Nasir Memon, Bhagirath Narahari, R Ramanujam, Ronald L Rivest, Philip B Stark, K V Subrahmanyam, and Vanessa Teague, April 2020.

  252. Letter to Director Chris Krebs, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, regarding Internet voting and online return of voted ballots (joint with 20 others), 7 May 2020.

  253. Letter to California Assemblymember Bill Quirk in support of AB2400, 7 May 2020.

  254. Letter to California Assemblymember Bill Quirk regarding questions about AB2400, 9 May 2020.

  255. A. Saltelli, G. Bammer, I. Bruno, E. Charters, M. Di Fiore, E. Didier, W.N. Espeland, J. Kay, S. Lo Piano, D. Mayo, R. Pielke Jr, T. Portaluri, T.M. Porter, A. Puy, I. Rafols, J.R. Ravetz, E. Reinert, D. Sarewitz, P.B. Stark, A. Stirling, J. van der Sluijs, and P. Vineis, 24 June 2020. Five ways to ensure that models serve society: a manifesto, Nature,

  256. Peter Neumann, Eugene Spafford, Richard DeMillo, Andrew Appel, Philip Stark, Duncan Buell, Alex Halderman, David Jefferson, Bruce Schneier, and Harri Hursti, 2020. Supreme Court Brief Of Amici Curiae Individual Election Security Experts In Support Of Certiorari\%20Brief\%20of\%20Amici\%20Curiae\%20Individual\%20Election\%20Security\%20Experts\%20in\%20Support\%20of\%20Certiorari.pdf

  257. Leanne Watt, Richard Painter, and Philip B. Stark, 2020. There is a way to make America’s 2020 election results trustworthy—but we have to start now. NBC News: Think,

  258. Stark, P.B., A.K. Glazer, and A. Boring, 2020. Review of Uttl and Violo (2020) Small samples, unreasonable generalizations, and outliers: Gender bias in student evaluation of teaching or three unhappy students?, ScienceOpen, doi: 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-EDU.APUTIGR.v1.RHKDLN

  259. Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence, Public statement with 59 signatories, 16 November 2020.

  260. Elections Are Partisan Affairs. Election Security Isn’t, Public statement with 50 signatories, 17 November 2020.

  261. Stark, P.B., E. Perez, and J.A. Halderman, 2021. Elections should be grounded in Evidence, not Blind Trust, Barrons, 4 January 2021

  262. Stark, P.B., and D. Mema, 2021. Letter to Committee on Government Administration and Elections, Connecticut General Assembly, re HB 6575 AN ACT CONCERNING RISK-LIMITING AUDITS FOR ELECTION RESULTS.,\%20Philip-Open\%20Source\%20Election\%20Technology\%20Institute,\%20Inc.-TMY.PDF

  263. Ahamad, M., D. Buell, R.A. DeMillo, C. Hoke, H. Hursti, D. Jefferson, W. Lee, and P.B. Stark, 2021. Letter to Dr. Shirley N. Weber, Secretary of State of the State of California re Critical New Risks to the Recall Election.

  264. Greenhalgh, S. and P.B. Stark, 2022. Setting the record straight on the security review in the Georgia voting machine lawsuit, Election Law Blog,

  265. Greenhalgh, S., R. Fein, E. Bradley, D. Buell, R.A. DeMillo, L. Finley, H. Hursti, D. Jefferson, D.W. Jones, D.P. Lopresti, P.G. Neumann, M. Ritchey, J.E. Savage, P.B. Stark, and P.M. Venetis, 2022. Letter to US Atrtorney General Merrick Garland, Special Counsel Jack Smith, FBI Director Christopher Wray, FBI Assistant Director Robert Wells, CISA Director Jen Easterly, News coverage:,

  266. Aas, J., A.W. Appel, D.A. Buell, R. DeMillo, A. Essex, M.J. Fischer, R. Graham, M.D. Green, H. Hursti, D. Jefferson, D.W. Jones, P. McDaniel, P. Mittal, R.L. Rivest, P.B. Rřnne, B. Schneier, B. Simons, K. Skogland, E.H. Spafford, M.A. Specter, P.B. Stark, V. Teague, and P. Vora, 15 June 2023. Letter to Jason Providakes, President & CEO, MITRE.\%20to\%20MITRE.pdf

  267. Stark, P.B., 2024. Philip B. Stark’s contribution to the Discussion of “Estimating means of bounded random variables by betting” by Ian Waudby-Smith and Aaditya Ramdas, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 86, Issue 1, 49–51,


  1. Stark, P.B., and R.L. Parker, 1994. BVLS (Bounded-Variable Least Squares), STATLIB (Carnegie-Mellon University ftp server)

  2. Java Applets for Statistics

  3. Millman, K., K. Ottoboni, P.B. Stark, and S. van der Walt, 2015. permute — a Python package for permutation tests

  4. Ottoboni, K., and P.B. Stark, 2018. cryptorandom—a Python package for pseudorandom number generation and pseudorandom sampling using cryptographic hash functions

  5. Tools for election audits

  6. Tools to assess suspected lottery fraud

  7. Miscellaneous software and teaching materials:


  1. McDonald, T., S. Smuin, B. Smuin, and P.B. Stark, 6 December 2012. United States Patent 9,510,638. Securement strap for a sandal.

  2. Stark, 2023. U.S. Application No. 18/505,109 “Systems And Methods for Performing a Ballot-Level Comparison Risk-Limiting Audit While Ensuring Voter Privacy” Pending.

Selected Presentations

355. Risk-limiting audits: the last 12 years. Election Verification Network, 19 December 2024. 354. How to tell sh*t from Shinola: read the methods section first. Lifelong Medical Care Family Medicine Residency, William Jenkins Health Center, Richmond, CA, 12 December 2024. 353. Evidence-based elections and risk-limiting audits, EECS 498.8: Election Security, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 11 November 2024. Slides: 352. When Audits and Recounts Distract from Election Integrity: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election in Georgia, E-Vote-ID, Tarragona, Spain, 1–4 October 2024. Slides: 351. Panel on the Curling v. Raffensperger litigation, DEF CON Voting Village, Las Vegas, NV, 9–10 August 2024 350. How to conduct a risk-limiting election audit: hands-on, DEF CON Voting Village, Las Vegas, NV, 9–10 August 2024. Materials: 349. Risk-limiting audits: theory and practice, DEF CON Voting Village, Las Vegas, NV, 9–10 August 2024. Slides: 348. Under Oath: Observations from the Curling v. Raffensperger Election Trial, Scrutineers, 21 February 2024. 347. Risk-limiting audits in theory, law, and practice, acceptance talk for the IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Practice, IEEE Secure Development Conference, Atlanta, GA, 18–20 October 2023. Slides: 346. Botanical Bonds—the interplay of plants & people, Ruth Bancroft Garden and Nursery, Walnut Creek, CA, 14 October 2023. 345. Verification and verifiability, Invited Panelist, E-Vote-ID 2023, Luxembourg, 4–6 October 2023. 344. A novel failure mode in elections, E-Vote-ID 2023, Luxembourg, 4–6 October 2023. 343. Exact and Conservative Inference in Blocked Experiments with Binary Outcomes, Permutation and Causal Inference: Connections and Applications, IMSI, Chicago, IL, 22–25 August 2023. Slides: 342. Election Integrity and Electronic Voting Machines in 2018 Georgia, USA, Berkeley–Tuskegee Data Science Initiative, Data Science Scholars Program, 31 July 2023. Slides: 341. Conversation with Philip B. Stark, “Risk reconsidered: Histories, theories, applications: A workshop and public forum,” Calleva Research Centre for Evolution and Human Science (Magdalen College, Oxford) and the Oxford Martin School, Oxford, UK, 6–7 June 2023. 340. Commencement Speech, “Shamelessness and Modesty,” Lincoln University, Oakland, CA, 27 May 2023. Slides: Video: 339. Urban Foraging: Nutrition, Safety, and Food Security, Garden to Table Nutrition Dietetic Internship, 12 May 2023. Slides: 338. Overstatement-Net-Equivalent Risk-Limiting Audit: ONEAudit, Voting ’23, Brač, Croatia, 5 May 2023. (presented by Jacob Spertus). Slides: 337. A taxonomy of audits, and a root-cause audit in New Hampshire. U.S. Election Assistance Commission Board of Advisors, Washington, DC, 25 April 2023. Slides: 336. Preproducibility: What we may not, with advantage, omit. UCLA Center for Population Research, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 19 April 2023. Slides: 335. Invited panelist, Emerging Election Technologies Enhancing Integrity, Transparency, and Confidence, AAAS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 3 March 2023. Slides: 334. Student evaluations of teaching: time to stop pretending. Faculty Association, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, 28 February 2022. 333. Pay No Attention To the Model Behind the Curtain, International Seminars in Stochastics, Amirkabir University of Technology, 8 February 2023. Slides: 332. Evidence-Based Elections, Panel on Securing the Election Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities, IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, 15 December 2022. Slides: 331. Evidence-Based Elections, Statistics 20 Plenary Guest Lecture, University of California, Berkeley, 9 November 2022. Slides: 330. Riffing On (and Ripping Off) Ron, RivestFest, MIT, Boston, MA, 7 October 2022. Slides: 329. Non(c)esuch Ballot-Level Risk-Limiting Audits, 1st International Workshop on Election Infrastructure Security, ESORICS, Copenhagen, DK, 30 September 2022. Slides: 328. Through the looking-glass, or sabbatical adventures in post-2020 election integrity, Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, 31 August 2022 Slides: 327. Evidence-based elections, Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) invited session on Modern Machine Learning Tools for Social Science, 8 August 2022. Slides: 326. Traffic is a moving target, Caltrans Active Transportation Census Workshop, University of California, Davis, 25 July 2022. Slides: 325. Urban Foraging: Nutrition, Safety, and Food Security, Garden to Table Nutrition Dietetic Internship, 22 July 2022. Slides: 324. Student Evaluations of Teaching, Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 11 May 2022. Slides: 323. Type III error: a bigger problem than P-values, BFF7: Bayesian, Fiducial & Frequentist, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2–4 May 2022. Slides: 322. Nonparametric and adaptive methods for causal inference, auditing, and litigation, University of Melbourne, 11–12 April 2022. 321. Invited Panelist, “Best Practices for Responding to Glitches During an Election,” Election Verification Network Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 17–18 March 2022. Slides: 320. Evidence-Based Elections, Georgia Tech School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, Atlanta, Georgia, 3 February 2022. Video: Slides: 319. Do pre-analysis plans protect against false discoveries?, Workshop on Pre-Analysis Plans for the Statistical Analysis of Large-Scale and Complex Datasets, British National Centre for Research Methods, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 28 October 2021. 318. Eat the Weeds with Professor Philip Stark, Foodie Pharmacology with Dr. Cassandra Quave, July 2021. 317. Today’s Electronic Voting Machines, An Examination of the Use and Security of Ballot Marking Devices, Free Speech For People, 21 June 2021. Slides: Video: 316. Evidence-Based Elections and the status of the Windham, NH, forensic audit, CCR-L, La Jolla, CA, 9 June 2021. Slides:, 315. Preproducibility: What may we, with advantage, omit? Dow Chemical, 10 May 2021. Slides: 314. Faculty Evaluation Forum, Austin Community College, 23 April 2021. 313. Evidence-Based Elections, New Hampshire Election Integrity Project, 14 April 2021. Slides: 312. Student Evaluations of Teaching, Denison University, 14 April 2021. Slides: 311. Invited panelist, NSF Workshop, Lessons Learned: Navigating a Presidential Election Through a Pandemic, 25–26 March 2021. Slides: 310. Invited panelist, Free and Fair Elections: Securing the Vote and Preparing for What’s Next, Center for Security in Politics, University of California, Berkeley, 10 March 2021. Video: 309. Evaluating the Evaluation of Teaching in Higher Education: What the Data from Student Surveys Do and Don’t Tell Us, Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research (BEAR) Center, University of California, Berkeley, 9 March 2021. Slides: Video: 308. Urban Foraging, Sustainability, Biodiversity, and Food Security, Wild and Fermented Foods DeCal, University of California, Berkeley, 1 March 2021. 307. Evidence-based elections, Special Physics/Applied Mathematics Colloquium, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 24 February 2021. Slides: 306. Evidence-based elections, Department of Statistics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 22 February 2021. Slides: 305. Evidence-based elections, Santa Fe Institute, 27 January 2021. Slides: 304. Election Integrity, Bruin Republicans at UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, 18 November 2020. 303. Urban Foraging, Sustainability, Biodiversity, and Food Security, Wild and Fermented Foods DeCal, University of California, Berkeley, 16 November 2020. Slides: 302. Berkeley Conversations: Election Integrity and Security, Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society, University of California, Berkeley, 26 October 2020. 301. Evidence-Based Elections, The Influencers Salon, 10 October 2020. Slides: 300. Guest lecturer, EECS 34525, Election Cybersecurity, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 5 October 2020. 299. Testing Cannot Tell Whether Ballot-Marking Devices Alter Election Outcomes, Institute for Social Research, Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 30 September 2020. Slides: 298. Evidence-Based Elections, Stanford Biostatistics Workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 24 September 2020. Slides: 297. Evidence-Based Elections, Center for Data Analysis and Risk (CDAR), University of California, Berkeley, 15 September 2020. Slides: 296. Your Prior Can Bite You on the Posterior: Contrasting Bayesian and Frequentist Measures of Uncertainty, JPL Science Visitor and Colloquium Program – Earth Science Seminar, 1 September 2020. Slides: 295. Testing cannot tell whether Ballot-Marking Devices alter election outcomes, Def Con Voting Village, 6–8 August 2020. Slides: 294. Representing Certainties in Uncertainty Quantification: Constraints Versus Priors, Mathematical and Statistical Synergies in Uncertainty Quantification—Invited Papers Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences, Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Systems Interest Group, Quality and Productivity Section, Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), 2–6 August 2020. Slides: 293. The Future of Food: Our Salvation in Urban Foraging, San Francisco Design Week, 20 June 2020. 292. Risk-Limiting Audits, Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks, 11 June 2020. 291. Panelist, The Bounty of Biodiversity: Empowering Cultural Connections to Nature through Foraging, 30 May 2020. 290. Panelist, How COVID-19 will shape the 2020 election, University of California, Berkeley, 8 May 2020. 289. Panelist, The Fight For Election Security, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Free Speech for People, 6 May 2020. 288. Student Evaluations of Teaching: Incomplete, or Fail? EECS 375, University of California, Berkeley, 24 April 2020. 287. Risk-Limiting Audits and Evidence-Based Elections, Joint UC Berkeley – UC Davis Statistics Colloquium, 21 April 2020. 286. Why is securing elections the hardest problem in IT security? RSA Conference, San Francisco, CA, 26 February 2020. 285. Evidence-Based Elections: The Role of Risk-Limiting Audits, Election Integrity in the Networked Information Era, Georgetown Law, Washington, DC, 7 February 2020. 284. Copyright, Academic Freedom, and Moral Hazard, Publish or Perish Reframed: Navigating the New Landscape of Scholarly Publishing, UC Berkeley Library, Berkeley, CA, 31 January 2020. 283. Risk-Limiting Audits, MAA Invited Paper Session on “Can Mathematics Help Us Trust Our Elections Again?,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO, 15–18 January 2020. 282. Election Hacking and Security, Kensington Public Library, Kensington, CA, 13 January 2020. 281. Eat your Weedies: How Wild and Feral Foods can be a Delicious & Nutritious Addition to your Diet, Seabourn Ovation, 25 November 2019. (with D. Miller) 280. The Shape of Truth: Perspectives from Science and the Humanities, panelist (with John Campbell, Randy Schekman, Namwali Serpell), Flatiron Institute, New York, NY, 5 November 2019. 279. Practical Countermeasures for Election Hacking, Influencers Miror, San Francisco, CA, 18 October 2019. 278. Seismic Salad: Fresh Food after The Big One, Berkeley Emergency Prep Fair, Berkeley, CA, 12 October 2019. 277. RLAs and my Beefs with BMDs, The Coming 2020 Election Crisis: In Paper We Trust—3rd National Election Integrity Conference, Berkeley, CA, 5–6 October 2019. Video: 276. Trustworthy Elections: Evidence and Dispute Resolution, Voting Village, Def Con, Las Vegas, NV, 8–11 August 2019. 275. P-values are really quite nifty, Invited panel: “The P-Value Controversy: Where Do We Go from Here?,” 2019 Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, Colorado, 29 July 2019. 274. Growing Food on a Changing Planet: Roles for Biomimicry San Francisco Design Week, San Francisco, CA, 27 June 2019. 273. Evidence-Based Elections and Risk-Limiting Audits, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 17 April 2019. 272. Student Evaluations of Teaching Do Not Measure Teaching Effectiveness. What Do They Measure? School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 16 April 2019. 271. Wild/Feral Food Identification Walk, Society for Conservation Biology, Berkeley Chapter, University of California, Berkeley, 13 March 2019. 270. Preproducibility: What may we, with advantage, omit?, Aquaculture 2019 Workshop on Zebrafish Husbandry, Keynote lecture, New Orleans, LA, 7–11 March 2019, 269. Protecting the Front Line: County Election Security in the 21st Century, Panel on election and voting technology, Google, Mountain View, CA, 6 March 2019. 268. Predictive Policing and the ETAS Model, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, San Francisco, CA, 11 February 2019. 267. Student Evaluations, Quantifauxcation, and Gender Bias, Information Theory Forum, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 8 February 2019., Video: 266. TweetChat on Risk-Limiting Audits, MIT Election Data and Science Lab, 7 February 2019. 265. Student Evaluations, Quantifauxcation, and Gender Bias, The Science of Teaching: Evidence-Based Approaches in Biology Education Division of Biological Sciences Seminar Program, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, 4 February 2019. 264. Risk-Limiting Audits, Making Every Vote Count: A Practical Guide to Risk-Limiting Audits, Washington, DC, 31 January 2019. Video: 263. Classical Statistics in Modern Elections, Conference in Honor of Prof. Yoav Benjamini’s 70th Birthday, Jerusalem, Israel, 17–20 December 2018. 262. Simulating a Ballot-Polling Risk-Limiting Audit with Cards and Dice, Multidisciplinary Conference on Election Auditing, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 7–8 December 2018. 261. Risk-Limiting Audits and Evidence-Based Elections, Multidisciplinary Conference on Election Auditing, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 7–8 December 2018. 260. The Shape of Truth: Perspectives from Science and the Humanities, panelist (with Randy Schekman and John Campbell), Los Angeles, CA, 28 November 2018. 259. How to Tell if an Election Has Been Hacked, Nerd Nite, Oakland, CA, 26 November 2018. 258. Student Evaluations of Teaching: Managing Bias and Increasing Utility, Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 2 November 2018. 257. Student evaluations of teaching do not measure teaching effectiveness. What do they measure?, Stanford-Berkeley Joint Colloquium, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 30 October 2018. 256. Will my vote count? Political Science 191, University of California, Berkeley, 23 October 2018. 255. Availability, Safety, Palatability, and Nutrient Density of Wild and Feral Foods in Urban Ecosystems, ESPM 117, University of California, Berkeley, 16 October 2018. 254. Preproducibility, STEM Carib Conference, University College of the Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman Island, 9–12 October 2018 253. Measuring Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching, STEM Carib Conference, University College of the Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman Island, 9–12 October 2018 252. PSHA is naked—and it doesn’t work, Workshop: Which Way SPRA?, 14th Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 16 September 2018. 251. Resilient Greens: Nutrition, Toxicology, & Availability of Edible Weeds in the East Bay, with D. Miller, T. Carlson, and K.R. de Vasquez, Global Climate Summit, University of California, Davis, 10 September 2018. 250. Statistical Modeling, Machine Learning, and Inference, Machine Learning for Science Workshop, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 4–6 September 2018. 249. Securing our Elections, Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Mark DeSaulnier and Secretary of State Alex Padilla, Walnut Creek, CA, 13 August 2018. 248. Soil to Belly, Health from the Soil Up: A Soil Health to Human Health Learning Lab, Paicines Ranch, Paicines, CA, 9–12 August, 2018. 247. You want flies with that? Farm Biodiversity and Food Safety, Health from the Soil Up: Bridging the Silos of Health and Agriculture, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, University of California, Berkeley, 9 August 2018. 246. Lectures on Foundations of Statistics and Inference, Tokyo-Berkeley Data Science Boot-Up Camp, 9–19 July 2018, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, 9–19 July 2018. (3 lectures) Syllabus: 245. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Multivariate Permutation Tests and Their Numerical Implementation, International Society for Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS2018), Salerno, Italy, 11–15 June 2018. 244. Preproducibility, Reproducibility, Replicability: First Things First, Conference on Geodynamics and Big Data, Palau, Sardinia, 9–11 June 2018. 243. Preproducibility, Reproducibility, Replicability: First Things First, All Souls College, University of Oxford, 29 May 2018. lides: 242. Separating Signal from Noise: Measuring Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching, International Conference on Software Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, 27 May–3 June 2018. Slides: 241. Where the Wild Foods Are: Everywhere!, Nordic Food Lab, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 May 2018. Slides: 240. Wild and Feral Foods in the Mission District—and how to use them, Wildhawk, San Francisco, CA, 17 May 2018. 239. Don’t bet on your random number generator, Department of Statistics and Data Science, University of Texas, Austin, TX 4 May 2018. 238. Student evaluations of teaching (mostly) do not measure teaching effectiveness, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, 26 April 2018. Slides: Video: 237. Public Engagement with Science, Molecular and Cell Biology 15, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 27 February 2018. 236. FoodInno: Wild Food, Statistics 98, University of California, Berkeley, 12 February 2018. 235. Quantifying Uncertainty in Inferences in Physics and Astronomy, Kavli IPMU–Berkeley Symposium “Statistics, Physics and Astronomy,” Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Tokyo, Japan, 11–12 January 2018. Slides: 234. Teaching Evaluations (Mostly) Do Not Measure Teaching Effectiveness, American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA, 6–9 January 2018. Slides: 233. Big Data, Society, and Data Science Education, University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Campus, Shenzhen, China, 29 December 2017. Slides: 232. Big Data and Social Good, Institute for Geodesy and Geophysics, Wuhan, China, 27 December 2017. 231. Big Data, Quantifauxcation, and Cargo-Cult Statistics, Big Data Conference, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, 26 December 2017. 230. P-values, Probability, Priors, Rabbits, Quantifauxcation, and Cargo-Cult Statistics, Statistics 159, Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 14 November 2017. Slides: 229. Opportunities in applied statistics: an n = 1 observational study, Statistics Undergraduate Student Association (SUSA), University of California, Berkeley, CA, 30 October 2017. 228. Don’t Bet on Your Random Number Generator, Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk (CDAR) Annual Colloquium, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 27 October 2017. Slides: 227. Leave Election Integrity to Chance, Science @ Cal, University of California. Berkeley, CA, 21 October 2017. 226. Audits and Evidence-Based Elections, 2nd Take Back the Vote Conference, Berkeley, CA, 7–8 October 2017. Video: 225. Wild And Feral Foods: Increasing Nutrition, Food Security, Farm Biodiversity, and Farm Revenue; Decreasing Herbicides, Water Use, and the Carbon Footprint of the Food System, 2nd AgroecoWeb—International Online Congress on Agro-ecology and Permaculture, Brazil, 4–10 October 2017. Video: 224. How Statistics can improve election integrity, PoliSci 191, The Right to Vote in America, University of California, Berkeley, 4 October 2017. 223. Wild and Feral Food Identification Walk, ESPM 98, Berkeley Urban Garden Internship (BUGI), University of California, Berkeley, 27 September 2017. 222. Urban Foraging and Gleaning, FoodInno, University of California, Berkeley, 16 September 2017. 221. ETAS-trophic failures: fit, classification, and forecasting, Big Data in Geosciences: From Earthquake Swarms to Consequences of Slab Dynamics, a conference in honor of Robert Geller, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 25–27 May 2017. Slides: 220. Risk-Limiting Audits, Global Election Technology Summit, San Francisco, CA, 17 May 2017. 219. Where the Wild Things Grow, Berkeley Path Wanderers Association, Berkeley, CA, 22 April 2017. 218. Sometimes a Paper Trail Isn’t Worth the Paper It’s Written On, Keynote lecture, Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting, Financial Crypto 2017, Malta, 3–7 April 2017. Slides: 217. Don’t Bet on Your Random Number Generator, Distinguished Lecture (, Center for Security, Reliability, and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 31 March 2017. Slides: 216. Faculty-Student Feedback: End-of-Semester Teaching Evaluations, Dialogues, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of California, Berkeley, 20 March 2017. Slides: 215. Edible Weeds Tour of South Hayward, Seed Lending Library, Hayward Public Library, Weekes Branch, Hayward, CA, 11 March 2017.\%C7cn\%2D\%AA\%AE&v=3 214. Risk-limiting Audits and Evidence-based Elections, Santa Clara County Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections, San Jose, CA, 7 March 2017. Slides: 213. Causal Inference from Data, Emerging Science for Environmental Health Decisions, Workshop on Advances in Causal Understanding of Human Health Risk-Based Decision Making, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC, 6–7 March 2017. Slides: 212. BRII and Brie, Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII), University of California, Berkeley, CA 22 February 2017. 211. Uncertainty Quantification, Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 5–8 February 2017. Slides:,, 210. Whose Votes (were) Counted in the Election of 2016?, ISF 198, The 2016 U.S. Elections in Global Context: A Semester-Long Teach-In, University of California, Berkeley, 24 January 2017. Slides: 209. Invited panelist, “How Blockchain Technology Will and Won’t Change the World,” University of California, Berkeley, College of Letters and Sciences, hosted by Glynn Capital and Boost VC, San Mateo, CA, 30 November 2016. 208. Teaching Evaluations (Mostly) Do Not Measure Teaching Effectiveness, Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, 14 November 2016. Slides: 207. Simple Random Sampling is not that Simple, Random Processes And Time Series: Theory And Applications, A Conference In Honor Of Murray Rosenblatt, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, 21–23 October 2016. 206. Invited panelist, “Productive Ecologies in the Anthropocene: Foraging Systems,” Sixth International Conference on Food Studies, Berkeley, CA, 12–13 October 2016. 205. Teaching Evaluations (Mostly) Do Not Measure Teaching Effectiveness, Ethics Colloquium Series, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 3 October 2016. Slides: Video: 204. Simple Random Sampling is not that Simple, Neyman Seminar, Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 21 September 2016. 203. The Aliens Have Landed …and They Are Delicious, Visions of the Wild, Vallejo, CA, 15 September 2016. 202. Simple Random Sampling: Not So Simple, Section of Theoretical Computer Science, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 June 2016. 201. Simple Random Sampling: Not So Simple, Section of Mathematics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 24 June 2016. 200. Invited panelist, “Carrot vs. Stick: approaches to encouraging reproducibility,” Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment Reproducibility Conference, New York University, New York, 3 May 2016. 199. Guest lecturer, MCB 15 (Public Understanding of Science), University of California, Berkeley, 12 April 2016. 198. Teaching Evaluations: Biased Beyond Measure, Center for Studies in Higher Education, and The Social Science Matrix, University of California, Berkeley, CA 11 April 2016. Video:, 197. Teaching Evaluations (Mostly) Do Not Measure Teaching Effectiveness, Wharton Statistics Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 17 March 2016. 196. Invited Panelist, “The potentials and pitfalls of electronic auditing,” Election Verification Network Conference: Securing Elections in the 21st Century, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 10–11 March 2016. 195. Invited Panelist, “Interoperability standards, proprietary codes, and verification/testing,” III Arnold Workshop: Reproducibility in Modeling and Code, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, 16–17 January 2016. 194. Teaching Evaluations (Mostly) Do Not Measure Teaching Effectiveness, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1 February 2016. 193. A Noob’s Guide to Reproducibility and Open Science, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Berkeley Institute for Data Science, and Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in Social Science, University of California, Berkeley, 25 January 2016. Video: 192. Chair, Wild Edibles Taste Workshop, 2015 Indigenous Terra Madre Conference, Shillong, Meghalaya, India, 3–7 November, 2015. 191. Invited Panelist, “From Field to Fork, the Stories of Chefs, Communities, and Writers,” 2015 Indigenous Terra Madre Conference, Shillong, Meghalaya, India, 3–7 November, 2015. 190. Guest lecturer, ESPM 117 (Urban Garden Ecosystems), University of California, Berkeley, 20 October 2015. 189. Invited Panelist, “Statistical Implications of Big Data Applied to Risk Modeling,” Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk (CDAR) Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, 16 October 2015. 188. Guest lecturer, Statistics 210A (Theoretical Statistics), University of California, Berkeley, 13–15 October 2015. 187. Risk-Limiting Audits and the Colorado Uniform Voting System Pilot, Colorado Pilot Election Review Committee Meeting, Office of the Colorado Secretary of State, Denver, CO, 9 October 2015. 186. Wild and Feral Food in EBRPD, East Bay Regional Park District Volunteer Meeting, Oakland, CA, 15 September 2015. 185. Probability and Statistics for Physical Science and Engineering PhD Students (a 15-hour course), University of Tokyo, 23–26 August 2015. Materials: 184. Statistics for Engineering PhD students (a 30-hour course), University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 29 June–7 July 2015. Materials: 183. Pay no attention to the model behind the curtain, Significant Digits: Responsible Use of Quantitative Information, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Brussels, Belgium, 9–10 June 2015. 182. Reaping without Sowing: Wild Food and Urban Foraging, Berkeley Food Institute Seed Grant Forum, Berkeley, CA, 6 May 2015. Video: 181. Invited panelist, Data Science: Supporting new Modes of Research, Annual Meeting of the Association of Research Libraries, Berkeley, CA, 28–30 April, 2015. 180. Teaching evaluations: class act or class action?, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, Annual Conference, Hunter College, New York, NY, 19–21 April 2015. 179. Where the Wild Things Grow, Berkeley Path Wanderers Association, Berkeley, CA, 4 April 2015. 178. Invited panelist, Brave New Audits: How We Can Implement Risk-Limiting Audits with Today’s Machines, Off-the-Shelf Hardware, and Open Source Software, 2015 Election Verification Network Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, 4–6 March 2015. Video: 177. Co-chair, Election Auditing, NIST / U.S. Election Administration Commission Future of Voting Systems Symposium II, Washington, DC, 9–10 February 2015. 176. Teaching evaluations: truthful or truthy?, European Commission Joint Research Centre Third Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics and Econometrics of Education, Lisbon, Portugal, 23–24 January 2015. 175. Bad Numbers, Bad Policy, 5th Impact Assessment Course by the Joint Research Centre and the Secretariat General of the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, 20–21 January 2015. 174. Quantifauxcation, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, 19 January 2015. 173. Preproducibility for Research, Teaching, Collaboration, and Publishing, Replicability and Reproducibility of Discoveries in Animal Phenotyping, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5–7 January 2015. Video: 172. Urban Foraging—Real Street Food, Discover Cal: A Menu for Change, Los Angeles, CA, 18 November 2014. 171. Guest lecturer, 6.S897/17.S952: Elections and Voting Technology, MIT, 13 November 2014. 170. Open Geospatial Data Down in the Weeds: Urban Foraging, Food Deserts, Citizen Science, Sustainability, and Reproducibility, Assessing the Socioeconomic Impacts and Value of ‘Open’ Geospatial Information, The George Washington University, Washington DC, 28–29 October 2014. 169. Student Evaluations of Teaching, University of San Francisco, 23 October 2014. 168. Guest lecturer, CS 76N: Elections and Technology, Stanford University, 14 October 2014. 167. Statistical Evidence and Election Integrity, XXIX International Forum on Statistics, UPAEP, Puebla, Mexico, 29 September–3 October 2014. 166. Nonparametric Inference, Auditing, and Litigation, Short course at XXIX International Forum on Statistics, UPAEP, Puebla, Mexico, 29 September–3 October 2014. 165. Invited participant, Pew Charitable Trusts roundtable: Challenges Related to the Voting Systems Marketplace, Chicago, IL, 8 September 2014. 164. Invited panelist, U.S. Election Assistance Commission roundtable: Expanding the Body of Knowledge of Election Administration–Reflections and Future Direction, 3 September 2014.\%E2\%80\%93_reflections_and_future_dire/ Video: 163. Reproducibility, Evidence, and the Scientific Method, Late-breaking session on Reproducibility, Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, MA, 2–7 August 2014. 162. Invited panelist, Big Data & Academic Libraries, International Alliance of Research Universities, 3rd Librarians’ Meeting, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 23–24 June 2014. 161. Mini-Minimax Uncertainty Quantification for Emulators, 2nd Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Cadiz, Spain, 11–16 June 2014. 160. Reproducible and Collaborative Statistical Data Science, Transparency Practices for Empirical Social Science Research, 2014 Summer Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 2–6 June 2014. 159. Risk-Limiting Audits for Denmark and Mongolia, Third DemTech Workshop on Danish Elections, Trust, and Technology for the Mongolian General Election Commission, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 May 2014. 158. How to Lie With Big Data (and/or Big Computations), Panel on Data Deluge or Drought (Quality and Quantity), MPE13+ Workshop on Global Change, DIMACS Special Program: Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 19–21 May 2014. 157. Invited panelist, Relying on Data Science: Reproducible Research and the Role of Policy, DataEDGE conference, UC Berkeley School of Information, Berkeley, CA, 8–9 May 2014. 156. Invited panelist, Some Tools and Solutions, University of Washington / Moore–Sloan First Reproducibility Workshop, eScience Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 8 May 2014 155. Some people have all the luck, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 28 April 2014. (with Skip Garibaldi and Lawrence Mower) Video: 154. Invited panelist, Ask a Statistician, SIAM/ASA/GAMM/AGU Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Savannah, GA, 29 March – 3 April 2014. 153. Invited panelist, The Reliability of Computational Research Findings: Reproducible Research, Uncertainty Quantification, and Verification & Validation, SIAM/ASA/GAMM/AGU Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Savannah, GA, 29 March – 3 April 2014. Video: 152. Invited panelist, New Paradigms for Voting Systems, 2014 Election Verification Network Annual meeting, San Diego, CA, 5–7 March 2014. Video: 151. Invited panelist, End-to-End Verifiable Voting Roundtable, 2014 Election Verification Network Annual meeting, San Diego, CA, 5–7 March 2014. Video: 150. Invited panelist, Improving Teaching through uncharted Waters: Peer Observation and other Approaches, Dialogues, a Colloquium Series on Teaching, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of California, Berkeley, 26 February 2014. 149. Invited panelist, Unpacking the Voting Technology Debate, 2014 Voting and Elections Annual Summit, Overseas Vote Foundation and U.S. Vote Foundation, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 30 January 2014. Video:\&list=PLtRB8fQ0zBR8Nza-G-RGln-HTrkp4UM6F\&feature=share\&index=1\#t=23m30s 148. Risk-Limiting Audits for Party-List Elections. IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21 November 2013. 147. Selective Inference and Conditional Tests. Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 28 October 2013. 146. Ontology of Earthquake Probability: Metaphor. Dynamics of Seismicity, Earthquake Clustering and Patterns in Fault Networks, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), Research Triangle Park, NC, 9–11 October 2013. 145. Invited panelist, Innovations in On-line Learning, Designing a World University, World Academy Forum on Global Higher Education, Berkeley, California, 2–3 October 2013. 144. E2E to Hand-to-Eye: Verifiability, Trust, Audits, Vote ID 2013: The 4th International Conference on e-Voting and Identity, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK 17–19 July 2013. 143. Mini-Minimax Uncertainty of Emulators, Center for Security, Reliability, and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 9 July 2013. 142. Invited panelist, Extracting Actionable Insight From Dirty Time-Series Data, Berkeley Research Data Science Lectures, University of California, Berkeley, 21 June 2013. Video: 141. Uncertainty quantification for emulators, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universitŕ di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 5 June 2013. 140. Leveraging Paper Ballots, Running Elections Efficiently, A Best Practices Convening, Common Cause – Common Cause / NY – Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, NY, 20 May 2013. 139. Uncertainty quantification for emulators, University of California, Los Angeles, 11 April 2013. 138. Brittle and Resilient Verifiable Voting Systems, Verifiable Voting Schemes Workshop: from Theory to Practice, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 21–22 March 2013. 137. Now What?, Election Verification Network Annual Conference, The Right to a Secure, Transparent and Accurate Election, Atlanta, Georgia 14–15 March 2013. 136. Machine-Assisted Transitive Audits, Election Verification Network Annual Conference, The Right to a Secure, Transparent and Accurate Election, Atlanta, Georgia 14–15 March 2013. 135. Risk-limiting Audits and Evidence-Based Elections in a Nutshell, Election Verification Network Annual Conference, The Right to a Secure, Transparent and Accurate Election, Atlanta, Georgia 14–15 March 2013. 134. Reproducibility in Computational and Experimental Mathematics, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, RI, 10–14 December 2012. 133. Whaddya know? Bayesian and Frequentist approaches to inverse problems, Inverse Problems: Practical Applications and Advanced Analysis, Schlumberger WesternGeco, Houston, TX, 12–15 November 2012. 132. Evidence-Based Elections, E-Voting: Risk and Opportunity Conference, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1 November 2012. Video: 131. Evidence-Based Elections, Berkeley/Stanford Data, Society and Inference Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 8 October 2012. 130. Voting Technology Exploratory Meeting, The Pew Charitable Trusts Center on the States, Santa Monica, CA 23–24 August 2012. 129. Lightning Debates, Workshop on Electronic Voting Technology / Workshop on Transparent Elections, (EVT/WOTE ’12), USENIX, Bellevue, WA, 6–7 August 2012. Video: 128. BRAVO: Ballot-polling Risk-limiting Audits to Verify Outcomes, Workshop on Electronic Voting Technology / Workshop on Transparent Elections, (EVT/WOTE ’12), USENIX, Bellevue, WA, 6–7 August 2012. Video: 127. The Will of the People and the Luck of the Draw: Using Statistics to Limit the Risk of Wrong Electoral Outcomes, Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, CA, 29 July 2012. 126. Evidence-Based Elections, Risk-Limiting Audits, and Resilient Canvass Frameworks, SecVote 2012 Summer School on Secure Voting, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 16 July 2012. 125. The Effectiveness of Internet Content Filters, Distinguished Lecture (, Center for Security, Reliability, and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 13 July 2012. 124. Evidence-Based Elections, International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials & Treasurers (IACREOT) annual conference, Albuquerque, NM, 30 June 2012. 123. Confidence Limits, Progress on Statistical Issues in Searches, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, 4–6 June 2012. 122. UQQ, UQ: Transition Workshop, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), Research Triangle Park, NC, 21–23 May 2012. 121. Testing for Poisson Behavior, Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 17–19 April 2012. 120. Get Out The Audit (GOTA), Election Verification Network Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM, 29–30 March 2012. 119. The Long View: Evidence-Based Elections, Election Verification Network Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM, 29–30 March 2012. 118. The Will of the People and the Luck of the Draw: Risk-Limiting Audits and Resilient Canvass Frameworks, San Francisco Chapter of the American Statistical Association, Berkeley, CA, 16 February 2012. 117. Evidence-Based Elections: Colorado’s Future?, Colorado Elections Best Practices & Vision Commission, Denver, CO, 14 December 2011. Audio: mms:// 116. From the Virtual Trenches, Letters and Sciences Colloquium on Undergraduate Education: The Virtual University—Challenges and Opportunities, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 16 November 2011. Video: 115. Earthquake Clustering and Declustering, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France, 4 October 2011. 114. Fears, Predictions, Hopes & Plans, Panel on the Future, Election Integrity: Past, Present, and Future, Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project, Cambridge, MA, 1 October 2011. Video: 113. Risk-limiting Audits: Soup to Nuts, and Beyond, Workshop on Electronic Voting Technology / Workshop on Transparent Elections, (EVT/WOTE ’11), USENIX, San Francisco, CA, 9 August 2011. 112. SOBA: Secrecy-preserving Observable Ballot-level Audit, Workshop on Electronic Voting Technology / Workshop on Transparent Elections, (EVT/WOTE ’11), USENIX, San Francisco, CA, 9 August 2011. 111. The Effectiveness of Internet Content Filtering, Workshop on Free and Open Communication on the Internet (FOCI ’11), USENIX, San Francisco, CA, 8 August 2011. 110. SticiGui, Onsophic, and Statistics W21, Panel on online instruction, Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami Beach, FL, 31 August 2011. 109. Risk Limiting Audits, Colorado Secretary of State, Colorado Risk Limiting Audit (CORLA) Kick-off Meeting, Denver, CO, 16 June 2011. 108. Simultaneous Confidence Intervals with more Power to Determine Signs, Conference in honor of Erich Lehmann, Rice University, Houston, TX, 12 May 2011. 107. Close enough for government [to] work, Verified Voting Foundation, Palo Alto, CA, 27 April 2011. 106. Close enough for government [to] work: Risk-limiting post-election audits, Berkeley-Stanford Joint Statistics Colloquium, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 12 April 2011. 105. Audits: The After-Math of Elections, Verify early, verify often: creating secure, transparent and accurate elections, Election Verification Network, Chicago, IL, 25–26 March 2011. 104. Simultaneous Confidence Intervals with more Power to Determine Signs, Department of Mathematics, Reed College, Portland, OR, 10 March 2011. 103. Close enough for government work: Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits, Wharton Statistics Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 26 January 2011. 102. Audits: The After-Math of Election Reform, Conference on Innovative Electoral Reforms and Strategies, Washington, DC, 10–11 December 2010. 101. Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits: Statistics, Policy, and Politics, Department of Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX, 1 November 2010. 100. Are Declustered Earthquake Catalogs Poisson?, Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, 14 October 2010. 99. Super-simple simultaneous single-ballot risk-limiting audits, 2010 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop / Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE ’10), Washington, DC, 9–10 August 2010. 98. AB 2023 and Risk-Limiting Audits, California Association of Clerks and Election Officials Legislative Committee Meeting, 14 May 2010. 97. Justice and inequalities, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 13 April 2010. 96. Size Matters: Smaller Batches Yield More Efficient Risk-Limiting Audits, Small-Batch Audit Meeting, Washington, DC, 27–28 March 2010. 95. Sexy Audits and the Single Ballot, Election Verification Network (EVN) annual conference, Washington, DC, 25–27 March 2010. 94. Simple, Affordable, Post-Election Audits, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA, 7 January 2010. 93. Efficient Post-Election Audits of Multiple Contests: 2009 California Tests, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, University of Southern California Gould School of Law, Los Angeles, CA, 20–21 November 2009. 92. Risk-Limiting Audits, Audit Working Meeting, American Statistical Association, Arlington, VA, 23–24 October 2009. 91. Invited panelist, Uncertainty Quantification and Error Analysis, Scientific Grand Challenges in National Security: the Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale, Washington, DC, 6–8 October 2009. 90. Some Ado about (mostly) Nothing: zero-dominated data, Alameda County Workshop on Avian Mortality at Altamont, Emeryville, CA, 22 September 2009. 89. Freedman’s Dialogue with the Social Sciences, 2009 Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington, DC, 5 August 2009. 88. Invited panelist, David A. Freedman’s Dialogue with the Social Sciences, The Society for Political Methodology 26th Annual Summer Meeting, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 23 July 2009. 87. Election Auditing: How Much is Enough?, The Society for Political Methodology 26th Annual Summer Meeting, Keynote lecture, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University, 23 July 2009. 86. Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits, Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 31 March 2009. 85. Uncertainty Quantification Qualification, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 26 March 2009. 84. 2008 Risk-limiting Audits in California, The Pew Charitable Trusts Audit Workshop, Salt Lake City, UT, 23–24 February 2009. 83. Election Auditing and Nonparametric Confidence Bounds, Department of Mathematics, Reed College, Portland, OR, 20 November 2008. 82. Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits, Department of Statistics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2 October 2008. 81. CAST: Canvass Audits by Sampling and Testing, 2008 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Panel 2008MP04292: Catch Me If You Can: Techniques to Detect Electoral Fraud, Boston, MA, 28–31 August 2008. 80. Invited panelist, Joint Statistical Meetings session, Statistical Measures Can Help Restore Confidence in U.S. Elections, Denver, CO, 3–7 August 2008. 79. Invited Panel on Post-Election Auditing: The Academic & Advocacy Perspective, California Association of Clerks and Election Officials (CACEO) 100th Anniversary Celebration Conference, Long Beach, CA, 8–11 July 2008. 78. Statistical Audits: Why and How Much?, Invited Panel on Post-Election Auditing: Practical Experience and Best Practices, California Association of Clerks and Election Officials (CACEO) 100th Anniversary Celebration Conference, Long Beach, CA, 8–11 July 2008. 77. Invited Panel on Online Learning, UC21st Century, Teaching, Learning and Technology: Past, present and future, University of California, Davis, 20–21 June 2008. 76. SticiGui—What is it?, Department of Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 29 May 2008. 75. Election Auditing: How Much Is Enough?, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Annual Meeting of Academic Sponsors and Steering Committee, Berkeley, CA, 7 March 2008. 74. Invited panelist, 2007 Post Election Audit Summit, Minneapolis, MN, 25–27 October 2007. 73. Urning Voter Confidence, Department of Mathematics, Reed College, Portland, OR, 11 October 2007. 72. Frequentist Methods in Inverse Problems, Sandia CSRI Workshop on Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty, Santa Fe, NM, 10–12 September 2007. 71. How Statistics Helps, 9th US Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA, 22–26 July 2007. 70. Nonparametrics: nonpareil?, Veterans Administration Hospital, Neuropsychology Brown Bag Lunch, Martinez, CA, 15 May 2007. 69. The Null Hypothesis: Are Earthquakes Predictable?, Assessment schemes for earthquake prediction, Royal Astronomical Society/Joint Association for Geophysics Discussion Meeting 7–8 November 1996, the Geological Society, London 68. Shaking Down Earthquake Predictions, Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis, 25 May 2006 67. Measuring Resolution in Nonlinear and Constrained Inverse Problems, Workshop on Statistical Inverse Problems, Institute for Mathematical Stochastics, Göttingen, Germany, 23–25 March 2006. 66. Resolution in Nonlinear and Constrained Inverse Problems, Workshop on Computational and Mathematical Geoscience, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO, 15–17 June 2005. 65. Quantifying uncertainty in inverse problems, Summer school: Mathematical Geophysics and Uncertainty in Earth Models, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO, 14–25 June 2004. 64. Estimating power spectra of galaxy structure: can Statistics help?, Penetrating bars through masks of cosmic dust: the Hubble tuning fork strikes a new note, Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa, 7–12 June 2004. 63. Quantifying uncertainty in inverse problems, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) Conference on Statistical Methods for Inverse Problems, IPAM, Los Angeles, CA, 5–6 November 2003. 62. Using what we know: inference with physical constraints, PhyStat 2003: Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA, 8–10 September 2003. 61. Statistical Approaches to Inverse Problems. Danish Interdisciplinary Inversion Group Seminars on Inverse Problems: Insight and Algorithms. Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27–29 May 2002. 60. Statistical Measures of Uncertainty in Inverse Problems. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications Tutorial on Inverse Problems and the Quantification of Uncertainty, Annual Program Mathematics in the Geosciences, Minneapolis, MN, 19 March 2002. 59. Data Errors, Model Errors, and Estimation Errors, Frontiers of Geophysical Inversion Workshop, Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, 17–19 February 2002. 58. Strategic Planning and Implementation I: The Challenge of Adapting Organizations and Creating Partnerships to Target New Markets, University Teaching as E-business?, Center for Studies in Higher Education, Berkeley, CA, 26–27 October 2001. 57. Inverse Problems and Data Errors, New Developments in Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Chateau de Mons, Caussens, France, 25–29 June 2001. 56. Data Reduction and Inverse Problems in Helioseismology, Workshop Statistics of inverse problems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 28–29 May 2001. 55. Why Statistics is worth the Stigma, Letters and Sciences Faculty Forum, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 23 April 2001. 54. Inverse Problems in Helioseismology, Second MaPhySto Workshop on Inverse Problems: Inverse problems from a Statistical Perspective, Aalborg, Denmark, 28–31 March 2001. 53. What are the Chances?, NATO Advanced Research Workshop: State of scientific knowledge regarding earthquake occurrence and implications for public policy, Le Dune, Piscinas — Arbus, Sardinia, Italy, 15–19 October 2000. 52. Why Unadjusted Census Results should be Used for Reapportionment and Funding within the State of California, 13th Annual Demographic Workshop, U.S. Bureau of the Census, California State Census Data Center, and the Population Research Laboratory of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 15 May 2000. 51. Invited discussant, Workshop of the National Academy of Sciences Panel to Review the 2000 Census, Washington, D.C., 2–3 February 2000. 50. Invited discussant, Panel discussion on the role of sampling in the US Census, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the American Statistical Association, 20 December 1999. 49. Lecturer, Mathematical Geophysics Summer School, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2–20 August 1999. 48. Less Asymptotic Tomography. 9th SOHO Workshop: Helioseismic Diagnostics of Solar Convection and Activity, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 12–15 July 1999. 47. Invited panelist, Reinventing Undergraduate Education: Technology Enhanced Learning in the Sciences, Math, and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 23 April 1999. 46. Error in Numerical Models Fitted to Data. DSRC/DARPA Study on Numerical Simulation of Physical Systems: The State of the Art, and Opportunities for Further Advances, Kick-Off Meeting, Arlington, VA, 19–20 January 1999. 45. Sampling to Adjust the U.S. Census. Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 12 January 1999. 44. A Statistician’s Perspective on Census Adjustment, Berkeley Breakfast Club, Berkeley, CA, 5 December 1998. 43. SticiGui: Melts in your Browser, not in your Brain, Joint Berkeley-Stanford Statistics Colloquium, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 27 October 1998. 42. SticiGui: Statistics Tools for Internet and Classroom Instruction with a Graphical User Interface, 1998 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, International Biometric Society, and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Orlando, FL, 12 August 1998. 41. Presidential Panel on Statistics in Public Policy, 1998 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, International Biometric Society, and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Orlando, FL, 10 August 1998. 40. Misfit Measures and Statistical Inconsistency in Linear Inverse Problems. AMS/IMS/SIAM Joint Summer Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Methods in Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations, Mt. Holyoke, MA, 4–9 July 1998. 39. Uncertainties for functions from incomplete, erroneous data. NSF/DOE Workshop on Uncertainty in Modeling, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 11–12 June 1998. 38. Sampling to adjust the 1990 Census for Undercount. U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Census, May 1998. 37. Sounding the Sun: Helioseismology. 1998 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition, Philadelphia, PA., February 1998. 36. Data Sampling Rate Reduction for the OERSTED geomagnetic Satellite, Department of Geological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 28 July 1997. 35. Does God play dice with the Earth, and if so, are they loaded? Fourth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in the Geosciences, Albuquerque, NM, 16 June 1997. 34. Solving Problems for a Large Statistics Lecture Course using a Website UC Berkeley Academic Senate Workshop on Classroom Technology, Berkeley, CA, 11 April 1997. 33. Deficiencies of the simple theories, Local Helioseismology Workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1997. 32. CMB’s, Royal Astronomical Society Ordinary Meeting, London, England, 1996. 31. The Null Hypothesis, Royal Astronomical Society and Joint Associations for Geophysics discussion meeting on Assessment of Schemes for Earthquake Prediction, London, England, 1996. 30. On the consistency of multiple inference in inverse problems using lp confidence sets, International Conference on Multiple Comparisons, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1996. 29. Confidence Intervals in Inverse Problems, Conference in Honor of George Backus, Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, La Jolla, CA, 1995. 28. The Need for Wave-Equation Travel-Time Tomography, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, Conference on Tomography, Minneapolis, MN, 1995. 27. Inference, Prior Information, and Misfit Measures, Interdisciplinary Inversion Conference on Methodology, Computation and Integrated Applications, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, 1995. 26. Optimization and Inference in Travel-Time Seismology, National Research Council Board on Mathematical Sciences Symposium on Mathematical Sciences in Seismology, Washington, DC, 1995. 25. Prior Information and Confidence Intervals in Inverse Problems, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Meeting, Boulder, CO, 1995. 24. Something AGAINST Nothing: A Confidence Game, Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, International Biometric Society, and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Orlando, FL, 1995. 23. Uncertainties in Travel-Time Seismology, SIAM/GAMM Symposium on Inverse Problems: Geophysical Applications, Fish Camp, CA, 1995. 22. Toward Tubular Tomography, 27th General Assembly of the Int. Assoc. of Seismology and Phys. of the Earth’s Inter. (IASPEI), Wellington, New Zealand, 1994. 21. Alternative Data Analysis Techniques, Global Oscillation Network Group annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA, (presented by C. Genovese due to illness), 1994. 20. Mathematical Aspects of Integral Equation Inversion, Global Oscillation Network Group workshop, Sydney, Australia, 1994. 19. Conservative Finite-Sample Confidence Envelopes for Monotone and Unimodal Densities, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach meeting on Curves, Images and Massive Computation, Oberwolfach, Germany, 1993. 18. Invited discussant, Joint IMS/ASA/ENAR Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 1993. 17. Uncertainty of the Quadrupole Component of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Israel Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Tel Aviv, 1993. 16. Brute-Force Minimax Estimation in Geochemistry, Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, International Biometric Society, and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, San Francisco, CA, 1993. 15. Conservative Numerical Uncertainty Estimates in Inverse Problems, SIAM 40th Anniversary Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 1992. 14. Minimax Estimation in Geomagnetism, European Geophysical Society Annual Meeting, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1991. 13. Minimax Estimation in Geophysical Inverse Problems: Applications to Seismic Tomography and Geomagnetism, Schmitt Institute for Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 1991. 12. Imagining Earth’s Interior: Controversies in Seismology and Geomagnetism, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Workshop on Statistical Methods in Imaging, Berkeley, CA, 1991. 11. Discretization and its Discontents: New Methods in Inverse Theory, Institute for Theoretical Physics program Helioseismology—Probing the Interior of a Star, National Science Foundation Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1990. 10. Inference in Infinite-Dimensional Inverse Problems, Schmitt Institute for Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 1990. 9. Inference in Infinite-Dimensions: Discretization and Duality, Israel Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Jerusalem, 1990. 8. Superresolution: What, When and How?, Institute for Theoretical Physics program Helioseismology—Probing the Interior of a Star, National Science Foundation Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1990. 7. Sparsity-Constrained Deconvolution, International Union of Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, 1989. 6. Invited discussant, Statistics, Earth and Space Sciences Meeting of the Bernoulli Society, Leuven, Belgium, 1989. 5. Rigorous Computer Solutions to Infinite-Dimensional Inverse Problems, rcp 264 problemes inverses, Montpellier, France, 1989. 4. Duality and Discretization Error, Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Blanes, Spain, 1988. 3. Spectral extrapolation with positivity, International Union of Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, 1987. 2. Travel-Time Constraints on Core Structure, Special Session on Geophysics of the Core and Core-Mantle Boundary, American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1986. 1. Smooth Models from tau(p) and X(p) Data, Scripps Industrial Associates Short Course on Inverse Theory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, 1986.

Other Invited Seminars

Press and Media Appearances

317. DARPA-backed voting system for soldiers abroad savaged; VotingWorks, developer of the system, disputes critics’ claims. Thomas Claburn, The Register, 21 November 2024. web 316. Public trust in US elections is decreasing. But should it be? Rachel Leven,, 16 October 2024. web 315. Background Briefing with Ian Masters, KPFA Public Radio, 24 September 2024. Audio: 314. Elections expert says analysis endorsed by Minnehaha County auditor ‘doesn’t make sense’, Argus Leader, 19 June 2024. 313. Johnson County primary voting machines were accurate, audit says, Elissa Maudlin, Daily Journal, 3 June 2024. 312. District 16 recount reveals that one county was plagued with thumb flubs and other voting errors—and it’s not the first time, Grace Hase and Harriet Blair Rowan, The Mercury News, 6 May 2024. 311. Terremoti, il modello italiano MPS19.S e il problema della stima affidabile della pericolositŕ sismica (Earthquakes, the Italian model MPS19.S and the problem of reliable estimation of seismic hazard), Beatrice Raso, Meteoweb, 17 November 2023. 310. Interview with “Colonel of Truth” Conrad Reynolds on secure voting, 3 August 2023. Part 1, Part 2 309. Georgia election security showdown over Dominion arrives ahead of 2024, Mark Niesse, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 26 July 2023. 308. Forager, runner, election auditor: This expert seeks answers on the trail. Jason Pohl, Berkeley News, 5 July 2023. 307. The Brad Blog, 28 June 2023. Audio: 306. Brad Raffensperger’s refusal to fix voting machine bugs sets up 2024 election fight, John Sakellariadis, Politico, 22 June 2023. 305. Post-election audit confirms accuracy of Howard County 2022 general election, Tyler Juranovich, Kokomo Tribune, 12 June 2023. 304. The Abundance of Forageable Urban Greens, Sarah Siegel, Berkeley Food Institute, 22 March 2023. 303. Powerball Jackpot Just Shy of $2 Billion, Attracts Many Bay Area Players, Velena Jones, NBC Bay Area, 7 November 2022. 302. The $30 Million Lottery Scam: How a Michigan real-estate broker became convinced he had cracked the lottery—and how he tricked his investors into financing his scheme, Jeff Maysh, The Atlantic, 17 October 2022. 301. Barcode Voting Machines: The Most Unnecessary Gap in US Election Security, Elise Kline, WhoWhatWhy, 9 August 2022. 300. The Rich Are Not Who We Think They Are. And Happiness Is Not What We Think It Is, Either, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, The New York Times, 14 May 2022. 299. 4 easy-to-forage plants you can harvest to make your own tea: The best brews are all around you,’ Alisha McDarris, Popular Science, 22 March 2022, 298. ‘Weaponizing Uncertainty’: Another GOP State ‘Audit’ of 2020 Results Finds...Nothing Unusual, Brad Friedman, BradCast, 4 January 2022, 297. AHA News: Foraging for Food Connects You to Nature—But Do Your Homework Before You Eat, Will Pry, American Heart Association News, USA Today, 2 December 2021. 296. New Hampshire showed how to audit an election properly, Sarah Salem, The Cybersecurity 202, The Washington Post, 5 October 2021. 295. DHS Cyber Office Wants to See Secret Voting Machine Vulnerability Report, Shannon Vavra and Jose Pagliery, The Daily Beast, 28 September 2021. 294. Fact check: No evidence ‘lost votes’ or ‘ghost votes’ affected Arizona’s election outcome, Daniel Funke, USA TODAY, 15 September 2021. 293. Experts call for rigorous audit to protect California recall, Christina A. Cassidy and Kate Brumback, Associated Press, 2 September 2021. 292. The Cybersecurity 202: In this Colorado county, election conspiracies led to a real-world leak, Joseph Marks, The Washington Post, 26 August 2021. 291. Judge Seals Report on Voting Machine Vulnerability, Jose Pagliery and Shannon Vavra, Daily Beast,13 August 2021. 290. Officials say new voting audits offer trust and transparency in elections, Jordan Wilkie, Carolina Public Press, 9 August 2021. 289. Texas GOP lawmakers want 2020 election audit—but only in big counties that mostly went for Biden, Eva Ruth Moravec Washington Post, 22 July 2021, 288. Activists sue federal agency over voting system guidelines, Associated Press, 19 July 2021. 287. Windham, NH, Election Status Report, Right American Media, 13 June 2021. 286. Mystery Solved!: Professional Public Audit in NH Uncovers Why Hundreds of Votes Were Mistallied. Brad Friedman, BradCast, 8 June 2021, 285. Trump hails ‘patriots’ behind 2020 election audit in New Hampshire town, Jeremy Beaman, Washington Examiner, 6 May 2021, 284. What’s Happening With Windham’s Election Audit? Casey McDermott, New Hampshire Public Radio, 5 May 2021, 283. Ashis Ray Speaks to Prof Philip B. Stark on “Evidence-based Elections,” National Herald (India), 25 April 2021, 282. Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Interview on Evidence-Based Elections, 10 April 2021, 281. OAN Report Features Baseless Assertion of Election Fraud by Algorithm, Angelo Fichera and Saranac Hale Spencer,, 11 February 2021. 280. Election experts push back on ballot-marking device security concerns, Brooke Conrad, Fox 11 News, 4 January 2021. 279. Georgia runoffs are impossible to properly audit, experts say, Brooke Conrad, WWMT, 17 December 2020. 278. Two reasons the Texas election case is faulty: flawed legal theory and statistical fallacy, Jeremy W. Peters, David Montgomery, Linda Qiu, and Adam Liptak, New York Times, 10 December 2020. 277. University Students on Lottery Hot Streak, CTV News Channel, 26 November 2020. 276. Ivy League graduates win over $6M in 66 games, Good Morning America, 26 November 2020. 275. Trump’s Pants on Fire claim about votes exceeding voters in swing states, Jon Greenberg, Politifact, 23 November 2020. 274. Georgia’s Hand Count of 2020 ballots was No Risk-Limiting Audit, Steve Rosenfeld, Moyers on Democracy, 22 November 2020. 273. Why Georgia’s Unscientific Recount ‘Horrified’ Experts, Timothy Pratt, The Nation, 20 November 2020. 272. Is Trump right about Georgia vote? Robert Sanders, Berkeley News, 13 November 2020. 271. Could weeds be the future of food? This urban forager thinks so, Erica Chayes Wida, Today, 12 November 2020. 270. Debunking the ‘Hammer and Scorecard’ election fraud conspiracy theory, PolitiFact, 10 November 2020. 269. Georgia to Use New Audit Tool to Assess Vote Count Accuracy—Is It Ready? Steven Rosenfeld, Voting Booth, 7 November 2020. 268. Do Hundreds of Counties Have 1.8 Million ‘Ghost Voters’ in the US? A study published by the activist legal group Judicial Watch used two different types of data to make a comparison. Bethania Palma, Snopes, 6 November 2020. 267. Georgia to conduct its first ‘risk limiting audit’ before certifying election results, Ben Popkin, NBC News, 5 November 2020.\#blogHeader 266. KCBS San Francisco Radio News, 1 November 2020. 265. How Safe Is the US Election from Hacking? Jennifer Cohn, New York Review of Books, 31 October 2020. 264. PBS News Hour, 29 October 2020. 263. Election security concerns remain as FBI probes Iran, Russia meddling, Douglas Kennedy, Fox News, 26 October 2020.\#sp=show-clips 262. Rep. Calvert: Attorney General and Secretary of State are using their power to intimidate GOP voters, Juliette Fairley, Southern California Record, 19 October 2020. 261. Are the machines that count our mail-in ballots safe? Matthew Rozsa, Salon, 16 October 2020. 260. Technology central to vote count in a tight election, Shaun Sutner, TechTarget, 30 September 2020. 259. Election security researchers agree—online voting isn’t ready for ‘prime time,’ Betsy Foresman, Ed Scoop, 21 September 2020. 258. Craigslist founder funds new vote-by-mail study, university dean fears political weaponization, Juliette Fairley, Southern California Record, 16 September 2020. 257. A Texas County Clerk’s Bold Crusade to Transform How We Vote, Benjamin Wofford, Wired, 15 September 2020. 256. Can I eat weeds in toxic soil? Yogahealer Podcast with Cate Stillman, September 2020. 255. Civil Grand Jury Releases Scathing Report on LA County Voting Machines, David Goldstein, CBS Los Angeles, 22 June 2020. 254. Lafayette Lens: Vote your Voice, Hannah Spitzer, WLTV, 21 May 2020. 253. Experts say COVID-19 presents threats to democratic process in general election, Rachel Barber, The Daily Cal, 10 May 2020. 252. Eating our campus: Foraging in the face of the coronavirus, Hannah Frances Johansson, The Daily Cal, 27 March 2020. 251. Los Angeles County’s risky voting experiment, Kim Zetter, Politico, 3 March 2020. 250. Will L.A.’s Voting Overhaul be an Industry Disrupter or the Next Election Debacle?, Tierney Sneed, Talking Points Memo, 21 February 2020. 249. ‘Perfect storm’: Los Angeles County’s new voting system is approved for primary despite flaws Rosalina Nieves, CNN, 15 February 2020. 248. Goldstein Investigation: Officials Warn Of ‘Vulnerabilities’ With E-Voting Machines Ahead Of March 3 Primary CBS Los Angeles, 4 February 2020. 247. Foraged SuperFoods: Professor Philip B. Stark on the Nutritional Power of Weeds, OnBlend, 2 February 2020. 246. LA’s New Voting System Is Still Uncertified. Why Election Security Experts Are Worried, Libby Denkmann, LAist, 16 January 2020. 245. Reevaluating teacher evaluations in higher education: Relying on students to rate professors is convenient, cheap, and problematic. Toni Feder, Physics Today, 73, 1, 24, 1 January 2020 244. As Georgia rolls out new voting machines for 2020, worries about election security persist, Neena Satija, Amy Gardner, and Joseph Marks, The Washington Post, 23 December 2019. 243. Two experts quit accountability group over claims it has been endorsing untrustworthy machines, Mark Sullivan, Fast Company, 13 December 2019. 242. The Brad Blog, 13 December 2019. 241. Why this expert warns that a voting watchdog has ‘lost its way’ — and our elections are at risk. Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet, 4 December 2019. 240. Inventor of risk-limiting audits resigns from Verified Voting board, Eric Geller, Politico, 22 November 2019. 239. Expensive, Glitchy Voting Machines Expose 2020 Hacking Risks, Kartikay Mehrotra and Margaret Newkirk, Bloomberg, 8 November 2019. 238. Why over 130,000 new voting machines could lead to more distrust in U.S. elections, Steven Rosenfeld, Salon, 8 October 2019. 237. Speaking Out Against Student Evals, Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, 10 September 2019. 236. Probe of missing Georgia votes finds “extreme” irregularities in black districts, Igor Derysh,, 30 August 2019. 235. Wild: A State of Mind, The Botanist, August 2019. 234. Vote security on the line in NC Board of Elections meeting, Jordan Wilkie, Carolina Public Press, 20 August 2019. 233. Computer Scientists Make the Case Against an Expensive New Voting System Georgia is preparing to spend $150 million on election technology. Experts worry it will be a security nightmare. Timothy Pratt, The Atlantic, 20 July 2019. 232. Open Your Eyes: A Responsible Guide to Foraging, Giulia Pines, FoodPrint, 3 July 2019. 231. The Story of Weeds, WorldWild Podcast, July 2019. 230. Trump floats delaying the 2020 census for citizenship question, David K. Li, NBC News, 27 June 2019. 229. Will Microsoft Save America’s Elections?, Jack Lownstein, Who.What.Why., 4 June 2019. 228. Where the wild things are: This group in Berkeley makes a case for eating weeds, Cirrus Wood, Nosh: Dishing on the East Bay, Berkeleyside, 20 May 2019. 227. Greens Gone Wild: Food From The Sidewalk, The Jefferson Exchange, Jefferson Public Radio, Ashland, OR, 16 May 2019., audio: 226. Feds look at risks of next Georgia voting machines, Mark Niesse, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 1 May 2019. 225. A BFD about BMDs, Tim Starks, Politico Morning Cybersecurity, 23 April 2019. 224. Minor Tweak, Major Impact, 23 April 2019. 223. Georgia Republicans embrace ‘discredited claims’ in rush to approve insecure voting machines, Eric Geller, Politico, 22 March 2019. 222. Ripe for the Picking: Wild weeds may provide a new food source, Glenn Jackson, PLoS EveryONE, 12 April 2019. 221. Thousands of Black Votes in Georgia Disappeared and No One Can Explain It, Michael Harriot, The Root, 9 February 2019. 220. Colleges Are Getting Smarter About Student Evaluations. Here’s How, Kristen Doerer, Chronicle of Higher Education, 13 January 2019. 219. UC-Berkeley Elections Expert Says Georgia’s Lt. Governor Contest Is ‘In Substantial Doubt,’ R. Robin McDonald,, 9 January 2019. 218. A.I. Is Helping Scientists Predict When and Where the Next Big Earthquake Will Be, Thomas Fuller and Cade Metz, The New York Times, 26 October 2018. 217. Mega Millions Frenzy At A Fever Pitch Ahead Of Tuesday Night Drawing, Don Ford, KPIX CBS Television, 23 October 2018. 216. Innovators Look To “Accidental Crops” as a Nutritious, Environmentally Friendly and Free Source of Food, Natalie Parletta, Ensia, 28 September 2018. 215. Can Urban Soil Offer Edible Weeds Fit for Foraging?, Eden Stiffman, Civil Eats, 21 September 2018. 214. Georgia Voters—out of Country, out of Luck?, Sean Steinberg, WhoWhatWhy, 11 September 2018. 213. Even Scientists Jump to Conclusions—and That’s a Problem, Cosmos: The Science of Everything, Paul Biegler, 6 September 2018, 212. Elections Scholar: Kansas Voting System Would Allow Undetectable Tampering, Jennifer Cohn, TYT, 6 September 2018. 211. West Virginia is testing a mobile voting app for the midterms. What could go wrong?, Jen Kirby, Vox, 17 August 2018. 210. Election Security Hot Topic at Walnut Creek Town Hall, Debora Villalon, KTVU, 14 August 2018. 209. Weeds growing in poor city areas more nutritious than store-bought produce, Natalie Parletta, Cosmos: The Science of Everything, 13 August 2018. 208. Voting Machine Company Admits Installing Vulnerable Remote-Access Software, Jimmy Falls, Who.What.Why, 19 July 2018. 207. Can the Emmys Be Hacked? One contender tried to find out, Geoff Edgers, Washington Post, 2 June 2018. 206. Student Evaluations of Teaching are Not Valid. It is time to stop using SET scores in personnel decisions, John W. Lawrence, American Association of University Professors, May–June, 2018. 205. County Server On Election Night: Report Investigators traced IP addresses linked to the attack to foreign countries, Sam Levine, Huffington Post, 11 May 2018. 204. Texas Works To Create A More Secure Electronic Voting System, Ashley Lopez, NPR Morning Edition, 10 May 2018. 203. Amid Delay In New Lottery Policy, Repeat Winners Keep On Winning, Lisa Creamer and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, WBUR, 27 April 2018. 202. Some people repeatedly win the Wisconsin Lottery. Do they play fair? Peter Coutu, Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, 18 March 2018. 201. Experts Say Electronic Voting Machines Aren’t Secure. So Travis County Is Designing Its Own, Ashley Lopez, KUT Public Radio, 5 March 2018. 200. Foraging is Alive and Well in Baltimore. Can it Help Fight Hunger Too?, Jodi Helmer, Civil Eats, 22 February 2018. 199. Auditor general finds no fault with PA Lottery, but unusual wins remain unexplained, Daniel Simmons-Ritchie, Penn Live, 2 February 2018. 198. Vote auditing can ensure integrity of elections, Audrey Malagon, The Virginian-Pilot, 20 January 2018. 197. Berkeley Professor Leads Nation’s First Statewide Risk-Limiting Election Audit, American Statistical Association News, 20 December 2017. 196. Engineering verifiable elections, IEEE Spotlight, 5 December 2017. 195. Just how lucky are regular lottery winners? More or Less, BBC, 3 December 2017. 194. Colorado’s First-In-The-Nation Audit Takes The Next Step Toward More Secure Elections, Ann Marie Awad, All Things Considered, National Public Radio, 22 November 2017. (Originally broadcast on Colorado Public Radio, 193. Auditor General examining unusually frequent lottery wins identified by PennLive, Daniel Simmons-Ritchie, Penn Live, 25 September 2017. 192. Nationwide lottery project, like Post’s, finds improbable winnings, Lawrence Mower, Palm Beach Post, 22 September 2017. 191. When retailers win lottery prizes with luck that defies belief, could officials be turning a blind eye?, Daniel Simmons-Ritchie, Penn Live, 15 September 2017. 190. These Pennsylvania Lottery players have won more than a 100 times - but how?, Daniel Simmons-Ritchie, Penn Live, 14 September 2017. 189. How did PennLive investigate America’s ‘luckiest’ lottery players?, Daniel Simmons-Ritchie and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, Penn Live, 13 September 2017. 188. The math behind PennLive’s analysis of frequent lottery winners, Daniel Simmons-Ritchie, Penn Live, 13 September 2017. 187. The nation’s ‘luckiest’ lottery winners may not be as lucky as they seem, Daniel Simmons-Ritchie and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, Penn Live, 13 September 2017. 186. Risky business: How do restaurants succeed long term?, Megan Favignano, Columbia Daily Tribune, 19 August 2017. 185. In System With Little Oversight, Connecticut’s Biggest Lottery Winners Often Pay Huge Price, Matthew Kauffman, Dave Altimari, and Jon William Allsop, Hartford Courant, 17 August 2017. 184. Gaming the Lottery: Behind the Story, Jeff Kelly Lowenstein and Raymond Joseph, eNews Channel Africa, 14 August 2017. 183. Why are doctors and patients still at war over M.E.? How the best treatment for the debilitating condition is one of the most bitterly contested areas in medicine, Jerome Burne, The Daily Mail, 14 August 2017. 182. DefCon hackers made short work of voting machines. Now what?, Matt Leonard, GCN, 8 August 2017. 181. Colorado to require advanced post-election audits, Eric Geller, Politico, 17 July 2017. 180. Are edible weeds the next food trend? Devika Bansal, San Jose Mercury News, 16 July 2017. 179. Here’s how to keep Russian hackers from attacking the 2018 elections, J. Alex Halderman and Justin Talbot-Zorn, Washington Post, 21 June 2017. 178. Do French Fries Kill You? A Lesson in Correlation vs. Causation, Leah Rosenbaum, Seeker, 16 June 2017. 177. White Men Of Academia Have An ‘Objectivity’ Problem, P.L. Thomas, Huffington Post, 9 June 2017. 176. The Voting Technology We Really Need? Paper, Lawrence Norden, The Atlantic, 10 May 2017. 175. There’s Probably a Salad’s Worth of Greens On Your City Block, Glenn Jackson, Bon Appetit / Healthy-ish, 9 May 2017. (urban foraging, food security, food safety, nutrition) 174. Foraging, an educational skill set that could one day be taught in public schools, Jessica Wyant, The Pioneer, 1 May 2017. (urban foraging, food security, food safety, nutrition) 173. Berkeley Open Source Food Week promotes foraging, Gasia Mikaelian, KTVU, 20 April 2017. (urban foraging, food security, food safety) 172. UC Berkeley professor shares love of edible, nutritious weeds, Rebecca Parr, East Bay Times, 24 March 2017. (urban foraging, food security, food safety) 171. Women Professors’ Salaries Have Gone Up More Than Men’s—but the Wage Gap Is Still Widening, Suzannah Weiss, Glamour, 23 March 2017. (teaching evaluations, gender bias) 170. Inside the Recount, Steve Friess, New Republic, March 2017. (election integrity) 169. Ratings Show Students Unfairly Favor Male Professors, Peter Musto, Voice of America, 13 February 2017. (teaching evaluations, gender bias) 168. Voter Fraud Experts: Trump’s “Bizarre” Claim Of Illegal Votes Could Lead To Severe Voter Restrictions. Journalists Urged To Call Out “Bogus” Assertion, Joe Strupp, Media Matters, 25 January 2017. (election integrity) 167. Stein Camp Believes Recount Price Tag Was ‘Jacked Up’ to Discourage Audit, Oliver Ortega, Who.What.Why, 18 January 2017. (election integrity). 166. Team at Rice builds machine to transform the way we vote, Dylan Baddour, The Houston Chronicle, 27 December 2016. (election integrity) 165. Fact-checking the integrity of the vote in 2016, Jon Greenberg, PolitiFact, 17 December 2016. (election integrity) 164. RT America News, Interview by Ed Schultz, 9 December 2016. (election integrity) 163. Secure American Democracy, Robert Schlesinger, US News and World Reports, 9 December 2016. (election integrity) 162. 7 Election Integrity and Cyber-Security Experts Say Stopping Michigan Recount Is a Corrupt Exercise of Power, Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet, 8 December 2016. (election Integrity) 161. The Wisconsin recount may have a surprise in store after all, Stephen Ansolabehere, Barry C. Burden, Kenneth R. Mayer, and Charles Stewart III, The Washington Post, 5 December 2016. (election integrity) 160. Could a Recount Overturn the Election? The Economist, 3 December 2016. (election integrity) 159. KTVU 2 Fox News, Interview, 2 December 2016. (election integrity) 158. The Kathleen Dunn Show, Wisconsin Public Radio, Interview, 1 December 2016. (election integrity) 157. KCBS Radio, Interview with Doug Sovern, 1 December 2016. (election integrity) 156. What Would It Take to Fix The Voting System and Why Isn’t Anybody Doing It?, Jeff Clyburn and Klaus Marre, Who.What.Why?, 1 December 2016. (election integrity) 155. What 6 Top Election Experts Are Saying about the Next Big Step for the 2016 Recount, Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet, 29 November 2016. (election integrity) 154. Judge rejects Stein’s request for hand recount, Jason Stein, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 29 November 2016. (election integrity) 153. UC Berkeley professor calls for audit of presidential election votes, Ashley Wong, The Daily Californian, 29 November 2016. (election integrity) 152. Security experts join Jill Stein’s ‘election changing’ recount campaign, Jon Swaine, The Guardian, 28 November 2016. (election integrity) 151. KTVU 2 Fox News, Interview, 28 November 2016. (election integrity) 150. US election recount: how it began—and what effect it could have, Jon Swaine and Mona Chalabi, The Guardian, 28 November 2016. (election integrity) 149. BBC World Service, 25 November 2016. Interview by Dotun Adebayo. (election integrity) 148. KCBS Radio, 25 November 2016. Interview. (election integrity) 147. BBC World Service, 24 November 2016. Interview. (election integrity) 146. US election: Leading statisticians call for vote audit over hacking fears, Harry Cockburn, The Independent, 23 November 2016. (election integrity) 145. Hacked or Not, Audit This Election (And All Future Ones), Andrew Greenberg, Wired, 23 November 2016. (election integrity) 144. Republicans Cannot Claim a Mandate When Hillary Clinton Has a 2 Million-Vote Lead, John Nichols, The Nation, 23 November 2016. (election integrity) 143. Stop Saying the Election Was Rigged, Andrew Gelman, Slate, 22 November 2016. (election integrity) 142. Electoral Organizations Call For Nationwide Audit, Ethan Harfenist, Vocativ, 18 November 2016. (election integrity) 141. Against all Odds, Gavin Off and Adam Bell, The Charlotte Observer, 29 September 2016. (lottery fraud) 140. Exercise and therapy cure for ME seriously flawed, Tom Whipple, The Times of London, 28 September 2016. (myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, clinical trials) 139. Livestream interview: Audits in California—How to Improve, Ballots for Bernie, 25 September 2016. (election integrity) 138. Foraging: Where the wild foods are, Shannon Eblen, Courier-Post / USA Today, 21 September 2016. (urban foraging, food security, food safety) 137. Bad science misled millions with chronic fatigue syndrome. Here’s how we fought back, Julie Rehmeyer, STAT, 21 September 2016. (chronic fatigue syndrome, analysis of clinical trials) 136. How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes, Ben Wofford, Politico Magazine, 5 August 2016. (election integrity, election auditing) 135. Instead of Pokémon, Try Using Your Smartphone To Catch Tasty Wild Edibles, Jill Neimark, Good, 2 August 2016. (urban foraging, wild/feral food) 134. The Bias in Student Course Evaluations, Joey Sprague, Inside Higher Ed, 17 June 2016. (teaching evaluations, gender bias) 133. How One Professor Is Trying to Paint a Richer Portrait of Effective Teaching, Emma Pettit, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 16 June 2016. (teaching evaluations, gender bias) 132. Survival of the Smartest: Berkeley Prof Stocks Up On Skill to Outlast Apocalypse, Krissy Eliot, California Magazine, 31 May 2016. (urban foraging, cooking, food, trail running) 131. MSU Professors Read Mean Reviews, Detroit Free Press, 2 May 2016. (teaching evaluations, gender bias) 130. Embracing ‘Messy’ Science, Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, 15 March 2016. (P-values) 129. Are College Students Sexist? New Research Says They Grade Female Profs More Harshly, Krissy Eliot, California Magazine, 3 February 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 128. Are student evaluations fair on female teachers?, Alecia Simmonds, Daily Life, 3 February 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 127. Scientists: Subtle Seismic Activity Hints at Predicting Large Quakes, Steve Herman, Voice of America, 28 January 2016. (earthquake prediction) 126. New Study Shows College Students Are Overwhelmingly Biased Against Female Professors: Student evaluations aren’t just based on the effectiveness of teachers. Noelle Devoe, Seventeen, 27 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 125. Les évaluations des enseignements par les étudiants et les stéréotypes de genre, Anne Boring, The Conversation, 26 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 124. Students Are Kind of Harsh When Evaluating Their Female Professors, Tanya Basu, New York Magazine, 26 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 123. Student Evaluations Of College Professors Are Biased Against Women, Study Finds, Showing How Sexism Warps Our Views Of Competency, Erin Mckelle Fischer, Bustle, 26 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 122. New Study Shows That Students Overwhelmingly Prefer Male Professors to Female Ones, but does having a male teacher mean a higher GPA? Kate Dwye, Teen Vogue, 26 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 121. Students Favor Male Professors Regardless of Their Skills and Teaching Style, Madeleine Davies, Jezebel, 25 January 2016 (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 120. Why Female Professors Get Lower Ratings, Anya Kamenetz, NPR Education, 25 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 119. The Glaring Flaw In Student Evaluations, Casey Quinlan, Think Progress, 14 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 118. Bias Against Female Instructors, Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, 11 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) Reprinted as It’s Time to Kill the Student Evaluation: More and more evidence shows bias against female instructors, Slate, 14 January 2016. 117. There’s No Easy Fix for Gender Bias in Students’ Evaluation of Teachers, Nathan Collins, Pacific Standard, 8 January 2016. (gender bias, teaching evaluations) 116. Is food foraged in cities safe to eat?, Christina Boyes, Civil Eats, 11 November 11 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food safety) 115. Terra Verde interview, by Jason Mark, KPFA, 21 August 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 114. Un repas au coin du bitume, Julie Zaugg, Le Temps, 8 August 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 113. A Walk on the Wild (Edibles) Side, Mark Bittman, The New York Times, 9 July 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 112. Why Mark Bittman Is Eating Weeds on Oakland’s Sidewalks, Yahoo Food Editors, Yahoo! Food, 9 July 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 111. The Logistics of Urban Food Foraging, Katherine Spiers, KCET, 8 July 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 110. With apps in hand, foragers find food underfoot, Rustik Magazine, 28 June 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 109. Flawed Evaluations. Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, 10 June 2015. (teaching evaluations) 108. Take a walk on the wild (edible) side. Mark Bittman, California Matters, 8 June 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 107. California Matters: Mark Bittman’s Online Video Series Premieres with ‘Take a Walk on the Wild (Edibles) Side’. Lisa Landers, KQED, 8 June 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 106. Edible urban weeds—Oakland’s sidewalk salads. Paul Belz, Wild Oakland, 30 May 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 105. Eat Your Weeds: Get outside and forage for your food in the forests and sidewalk cracks of the East Bay. Sascha Bos, East Bay Express, 20 May 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 104. Student Evaluations: Feared, Loathed, and Not Going Anywhere. Stacey Patton, Chronicle of Higher Education, 19 May 2015. (teaching evaluations) 103. Why Not Get Rid of Student Evaluations? Stephen Burt, Slate, 15 May 2015. (teaching evaluations) 102. Q&A: Philip Stark. Rose Hayden-Smith, UC Food Observer, 11 May 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability, ecology) 101. Course evaluations get a failing grade in terms of effectiveness. Riley Vetterkind, The Badger Herald, 30 April 2015. (teaching evaluations, misuse of statistics, gender bias) 100. Dandelions Should Be the New Kale. Emiko Jozuka, Motherboard/Vice, 27 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 99. Salad at Your Feet. Nicholas Boer, Diablo Magazine, 27 April 2015. 98. Weeds are the future of healthy eating. Jason Mark,, 18 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 97. Weed Eaters: Accompanying Berkeley’s Urban Foragers from Weed Patch to Dining Table. Kristine A. Wong, California Magazine, 15 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 96. Up Front with Vylma V, KPFA Radio, 9 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) (at 30:02) 95. Bay Area Restaurants Cooking Weeds for Wild Food Week. Don Ford, KPIX CBS News, 8 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 94. Weeds — They’re What’s for Dinner, Jason Mark, Earth Island Journal, 8 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 93. The app that helps you discover edible weeds. Richard Taylor, BBC, 8 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 92. Wild Food Week Highlights Edible Weeds Going to Waste, Tamara Palmer, NBC Bay Area News, 6 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 91. KCBS News, 4 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 90. How do you convince people to eat weeds? Aarian Marshall, The Atlantic / CityLab, 3 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 89. Wild Weeds, Edible East Bay, 1 April 2015. (Urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 88. San Francisco Bay Restaurants Serving Weeds For Wild Food Week, Growing Magazine, 1 April 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 87. Top San Francisco Bay Restaurants Serving ’Weeds’ All Next Week, Broadway World, 31 March 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 86. Slinging Weeds: Wild Food Week, Luke Tsai, East Bay Express, 31 March 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 85. Wild Food Week: Bay Area dinner series showcases foraged plants, Paolo Lucchesi , SF Gate, 26 March 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 84. Professors tell America’s poor to harvest weeds, Rhys Blakely, The Times of London, 7 March 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 83. Let Them Eat Weeds: App Helps People Forage Their Way out of Hunger, Sarah McColl, TakePart, 19 February 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 82. The Food that Grows from Concrete, Olivia Cueva, KALW, 12 February 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 81. Snacking In-Between Sidewalks: Mapping Abundance of Wild Edibles in the Bay Area’s Food Deserts, Angela Johnston, KQED Bay Area Bites, 5 February 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 80. Can urban foraging actually feed poor people? Nathanael Johnson, Grist, 30 January 2015. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 79. Foragers’ Delight: Can Wild Foods Make City Dwellers Healthier? Madeleine Key, Civil Eats, 5 December 2014. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 78. What’s for Dinner? For These Urban Foragers in Berkeley, The Answer is Weeds, Eric Neumann, California Magazine, Winter 2014. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 77. 12 things you didn’t know about holiday foods, UC Newsroom, 24 November 2014. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 76. Weed Eaters: These guys want you to eat weeds—and they’ll show you where to find ’em, Alisa Opar, NRDC onEarth, 24 November 2014. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 75. Foragers find bounty of edibles in urban food deserts, Gretchen Kell, UC Berkeley Media Relations, 17 November 2014. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability) 74. How Many Ballots Do You Have To Count To Know Whether An Election Was Rigged? Short answer: Surprisingly few. Rafi Letzter, Popular Science, 4 November 2014. (Election integrity, auditing) 73. A New Voting Machine Could Make Sure Every Vote Really Counts. That is, if it ever gets used. Rafi Letzter, Popular Science, 4 November 2014. (Election integrity, auditing) 72. Can we trust the Internet with our most basic civic duty? DecodeDC ponders the future of voting, Miranda Green and Andrea Seabrook, NewsNet5 ABC, 31 October 2014. (Election integrity) 71. Cal professors on the hunt for edible, nutritious East Bay weeds, Carolyn Jones, The San Francisco Chronicle and SFGate, 25 October 2014. (urban foraging, nutrition, food equity, food security, sustainability), 70. Course evaluations ineffective, misused, report finds, Mina Corpuz, The Daily Free Press, 3 October 2014. (Evaluating teaching, misuse of Statistics) 69. Course evaluations slammed as ineffective: A Berkeley professor said the evaluations aren’t a good gauge of a class, Noelle Wells, The Daily Tar Heel, 2 October 2014. (Evaluating teaching, misuse of Statistics)\%20as\%20ineffective 68. Professor gives low rating to effectiveness of current teaching evaluations, Siera Stalcup, The Daily Cal, 30 September 2014. (Evaluating teaching, misuse of Statistics) 67. Student Course Evaluations Get An ‘F,’ Anya Kamenetz, NPR Education Blog, 26 September 2014. (Evaluating teaching, misuse of Statistics) 66. 2 scholars flunk course evaluations as measures of teaching quality, Dan Berrett, Chronicle of Higher Education, p. A16, 26 September 2014\#pg16
Scholars Take Aim at Student Evaluations’ ‘Air of Objectivity’, Dan Berrett, Chronicle of Higher Education, 18 September 2014. (Evaluating teaching, misuse of Statistics) 65. Making sure the votes count: Arapahoe County is pilot site, Ernest Luning, The Colorado Statesman, 15 August 2014. Also Colorado Springs Independent, 15 August 2014. (Statistical audits, election integrity) 64. Arapahoe County pioneering use of new vote verification system, John Aguilar, The Denver Post, 15 August 2014. (Statistical audits, election integrity) 63. Arapahoe Co. begins testing new ballot-counting system, Megan Verlee, Colorado Public Radio, 13 August 2014 (air date). (Statistical audits, election integrity) 62. Don’t blame John Pérez for the state’s abhorrent recount rules, Daniel Borenstein, Contra Costa Times, 25 July 2014. (Statistical audits, recounts, election integrity) 61. California law sought to prevent recount fights, Jim Miller, The Sacramento Bee, 1 July 2014. (Risk-limiting audits, recounts, election integrity) 60. Lock the Vote, Julie Rehmeyer, Discover Magazine, July/August 2014. (STAR-Vote election system, election integrity) 59. Reproducible and Collaborative Statistical Data Science, Sarah Hillenbrand, Berkeley Science Review, 11 June 2014. (Reproducibility, education) 58. Lottery odds: To win, you’d have to be a loser. Lawrence Mower, Palm Beach Post, 28 March 2014. (Lottery fraud) 57. How Might Economics Education Be Improved? Michael O’Hare, Ten Miles Square, Washington Monthly, 21 October 2013. (Evaluating teaching) 56. From geeky to cool: Statistics is Berkeley’s fastest-growing major. Carol Ness, Berkeley NewsCenter, 16 April 2013. (growth in Statistics) 55. The Upbeat Stats on Statistics. Carl Bialik, The Wall Street Journal, 1 March 2013. (growth in Statistics) 54. As Ohio Faces Vote-Rigging Lawsuit, Are Dems, Liberals, Election Officials Ready to Safeguard Votes? Art Levine, The Huffington Post, 2 November 2012. (election integrity) 53. Will the Next Election be Hacked? Michael Agresta, The Wall Street Journal, 17 August 2012. (election integrity) 52. Saving throw: securing democracy with stats, spreadsheets, and 10-sided dice: “Risk-limiting audits” use sound math to make sure the right candidate won. Cyrus Farivar, Ars Technica, 24 July 2012. (Election auditing) 51. New audit method could improve detection of flaws—and fix them. Adam Playford and Pat Beall, Palm Beach Post, 8 May 2012. (Election auditing) 50. Florida law hinders vote audits. Adam Playford and Pat Beall, Palm Beach Post, 8 May 2012. (election integrity) 49. Imagining a Census Survey Without a Mandate. Carl Bialik, The Wall Street Journal, 30 March 2012. (census) 48. Are large earthquakes increasing in frequency? Deanna Conners, EarthSky, 4 March 2012. (Earthquake clustering) 47. New Equation for Voting Technology: Auditing > Testing? Doug Chapin, University of Minnesota Program for excellence in Election Administration, 12 January 2012. 46. Cuyahoga County elections board leads pack in testing, auditing. Laura Johnston, The Plain Dealer, 1 January 2012. (risk-limiting audits, election integrity) 45. Radio Australia “Connect Asia” program, 21 December 2011. (live appearance re earthquake clustering) 44. Geologists wonder if the Northwest is up next for a giant earthquake. Joe Rojas-Burke, The Oregonian, 21 December 2011. Syndicated in Middle East North Africa Financial Network. (Earthquake clustering)\%7B1ee57506-581b-4e99-a8be-41b9f35197e5\%7D 43. Mega-quake clusters unlikely: study. Anna Salleh, ABC, 20 December 2011. (Earthquake clustering) 42. Rest Your Fears: Big Earthquakes Not on the Rise. Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience, 9 December 2011. Syndicated in MSNBC and Fox News 10 December 2011. (Earthquake clustering)\#.TueIXGB8-oc 41. San Luis Obispo takes part in pilot program for ballot audits. Bethany Tucker, KSBY News, 12 September 2011. (Election auditing) 40. In This Dating Game, the Best Match Could Be Years Away. Carl Bialik, The Wall Street Journal, 16 July 2011. (numerical coincidences) 39. Dozens of personal care products mislabeled as ‘organic,’ lawsuit says. Joanna Lin, California Watch, 20 June 2011. 38. San Jose siblings two years apart, born on the same day at the same time. Jane J. Lee, Silicon Valley Mercury News, 14 June 2011. (numerical coincidences) 37. O.C. could see fewer election recounts. Martin Wisckol, Orange County Register, 6 May 2011. (Election auditing) 36. Consumer Reports Cops to Chrysler Data Gaps. Eric Mayne,, 2 March 2011. 35. Experts shouldn’t be needed to call outcome of election. Albany Times Sun Union, 1 January 2011. (Election auditing) 34. Equation: Calculating Ballot Bungles is all about the P-Value. Julie Rehmeyer, Wired, November 2010, p.56. (Election auditing) 33. Fifty million to one: Mother defies odds to give birth on 10.10.10 after two others were born on 09.09.09 and 08.08.08. Daily Mail, 15 October 2010. (numerical coincidences) 32. Mom’s babies born on 8-8-08, 9-9-09, 10-10-10. Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, 14 October 2010. (numerical coincidences) 31. UC Berkeley Professor’s Auditing System Aims to Count Votes More Accurately. Claire Perlman, Daily Californian, 28 April 2010. (Election auditing) 30. California Assembly committee endorses UC Berkeley statistician’s election auditing method. Robert Sanders, Media Relations, UCBerkeleyNews, 26 April 2010. (Election auditing) 29. Ready or Not. Cosma Shalizi, American Scientist, March 2010. (Earthquake prediction) 28. Judge upholds November election of Novato Sanitary District board. Brent Ainsworth, The Marin Independent Journal, 8 March 2010. (Contested election) 27. Novato Sanitary election fight rolls on. Jim Welte, The Marin Independent Journal, 23 February 2010. (Contested election) 26. Novato Sanitary board race tightens. Jim Welte, The Marin Independent Journal, 12 November 2009. (Contested election) 25. AIDS Vaccine Trial Shows Only Slight Protection. Donald G. McNeil Jr., New York Times, 21 October 2009. (epidemiology) 24. China To Require Filtering Software On PCs. Thomas Claburn, Information Week, 8 June 2009. (Internet content filtering)\&section=All+Stories 23. KQED-FM Forum program on the Census, 6 March 2009. (live appearance re census) 22. Census, partisan wrangling go hand-in-hand. Tyche Hendricks, Scripps News, 23 February 2009. (census) 21. Why the census is always political. Tyche Hendricks, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 February 2009. (census) 20. He’s Out for the Count. Mark Hosenball, NEWSWEEK, 14 February 2009, Magazine issue dated 23 February 2009. (census) 19. Measure B court challenge heads to San Francisco. Karen de Sá, Mercury News, 1 December 2008. (election integrity) 18. New Election Audit Targets Close Races. Laura Snider, Daily Camera, 26 November 2008. (risk-limiting audits, election integrity) 17. Counting Continues for Elections Department. Redwood Times, 19 November 2008. (risk-limiting audits, election integrity) 16. Checking It Twice. Julie J. Rehmeyer, Science News, 19 January 2008. (Election auditing) 15. Reelz Channel Dailies “Is it Real?” Reelz Channel, 15 June 2007. (gambling odds, probability) 14. Internet is 99 per cent porn free. Iain Thomson,, 15 November 2006. (Internet content filtering) 13. Internet Content Filters Fail to Block Sexually Explicit Material. Thomas Claburn, Information Week, 14 November 2006. (Internet content filtering)\&section=All+Stories 12. 1 percent of Web sites deemed pornographic. Maryclaire Dale, Associated Press, 14 November 2006. (Internet content filtering) 11. Only 1 percent of Web pages have porn? Declan McCullagh,, 14 November 2006. (Internet content filtering) 10. U.S., Google Set to Face Off in Court. Michael Liedtke, Associated Press, 14 March 2006. (Internet content filtering)\&type=printable 9. Google privacy issue enters court. Al Jazeera, 14 March 2006. (Internet content filtering) 8. In Case About Google’s Secrets, Yours Are Safe. Adam Liptak, New York Times, 26 January 2006. (Internet content filtering) 7. Google Resists U.S. Subpoena of Search Data. Katie Hafner and Matt Richtel, New York Times, 20 January 2006. (Internet content filtering) 6. Feds take porn fight to Google. Declan McCullagh and Elinor Mills, CNET News, 19 January 2006. (Internet content filtering) 5. AFC NewSource story on airline security [Airings: The Osgood File (CBS Radio Network), 29 July 2003, 18 February 2003; KRON-TV (San Francisco), 3 February 2003]. (statistical auditing, security) 4. The Fred Ebert Show program on probability and statistics. KIRO 710, Seattle, WA, 27 October 2003. (live appearance re the Monty Hall problem, Statistics, Probability) 3. ABC 7 News story on census adjustment, 30 November 1998. (recorded appearance re census) 2. KQED-FM Forum program on the 2000 Census, San Francisco, CA, 17 July 1998. (live appearance re census) 1. How deep is an earthquake? Science News, 2 March 1985. (Deep earthquakes)

Teaching and Advising


* Course I created or co-created.

Former Graduate Students and Postdocs

Graduate Committees

  1. Alameida, Jose, Mathematics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2008

  2. Asemoto, Alexander, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2023

  3. Atz, Milos, Nuclear Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2018

  4. Bach, Andre, Physics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2011

  5. Bar-Yossef, Ziv, Computer Science. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2001; dissertation committee, “The Complexity of Massive Data Set Computations,” 2002

  6. Bein, Ed, Biostatistics. MA examination, 2002

  7. Berny, Axel Dominique, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2004; dissertation committee, “Analysis and Design of Wideband LC VCOs,” 2006

  8. Bertelli, E., IEOR. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2018

  9. Bloniarz, Adam, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2014

  10. Bodik, Peter, Computer Science. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2007; dissertation committee, “Automating Datacenter Operations Using Machine Learning,” 2010

  11. Bowman, John Penfield, IEOR. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2003

  12. Bunn, Emory Freeman, Physics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1994; dissertation committee, “Statistical Analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy,” 1995

  13. Burleigh, Kaylan, Astronomy. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2016, 2017; dissertation committee, “A Monte Carlo Method for Identifying Imaging Systematics in Galaxy Surveys,” 2018

  14. Burstein, Richard David II, Mathematics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2004; dissertation committee, “Hadamard Subfactors of Bisch-Haagerup Type,” 2008

  15. Buttrey, Samuel Edward, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1994; dissertation committee, “Nearest-Neighbor Classification with Categorical Variables,” 1996

  16. Calef, Brandoch Hugh, Applied Mathematics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1997; dissertation committee, “Optimal Sampling of the Discrete Fourier Transform,” 2002

  17. Charman, Andrew Emile, Physics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2003; dissertation committee, “Random Aspects of Beam Physics and Laser-Plasma Interactions,” 2006

  18. Chen, Raymond Lei, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1993; dissertation committee, “A Qualitative Modeling Framework of Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes: Self-Learning Fuzzy Inference System and the Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data,” 1994

  19. Chien, George, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1998

  20. Davis, William, Earth and Planetary Sciences. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2019; dissertation committee, “Stochastic Models of Geodynamo Simulations,” 2022

  21. Fernandez, Arturo, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2017

  22. Feldman, Arnold R., EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1995; dissertation committee, “High-Speed, Low-Power Sigma-Delta Modulators for RF Baseband Channel Applications,” 1997

  23. Fodor, Imola K., Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1997; chair, dissertation committee, “Spectrum Estimation in Helioseismology,” 1999

  24. Fong, Keng Leong, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1996; dissertation committee, “Design and Optimization Techniques for Monolithic RF Downconversion Mixers,” 1997

  25. Gagnon-Bartsch, Johann, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2009; co-chair, dissertation committee “Removing Unwanted Variation from Microarray Data with Negative Controls,” 2012

  26. Gawiser, Eric Joseph, Physics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1998

  27. Genovese, Christopher Ralph, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1992; chair, dissertation committee, “Statistical Problems in Helioseismology,” 1994

  28. Glazer, Amanda, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2021; chair, dissertation committee, “From Bikers to Batters: Steering Statistics Through Real-World Problems,” 2024.

  29. Goldman, Megan, Biostatistics. Chair, Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2009

  30. Gung, Yuan-Cheng, Geophysics. Dissertation committee, “Q Tomography of the Earth Mantle,” 2003

  31. Hansen, Bendek, Statistics. Chair, MA thesis committee, “Minimax Expected Length Confidence Intervals,” 2000

  32. Hansen, Mark Henry, Statistics. Chair, Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1992

  33. Hengartner, Niklaus Walther, Statistics. Co-chair, dissertation committee, “Topics in Density Estimation,” 1993

  34. Higgins, Mike, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2009, 2010

  35. Huang, Hsiang-Ping, Mathematics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1996

  36. Huang, Jianhua, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1994; dissertation committee, “Topics in Extended Linear Modeling,” 1997

  37. Huang, Yuanlin, Civil Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1993, 1994

  38. Jiang, Xuesong, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2001

  39. Jones, David Morgan, Mathematics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1994; dissertation committee, “On Modular Galois Representations in Characteristic 3,” 1998

  40. Katsis, Dimitrios, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2005

  41. Kiesling, Max Karl, Civil Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1994

  42. Kuusela, Mikael Johan, Statistics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, dissertation committee, “Uncertainty quantification in unfolding elementary particle spectra at the Large Hadron Collider,” 2016

  43. Lara, Jose Daniel, Energy and Resources Group. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2018; dissertation committee, “Modeling and Simulation of Electric Power Systems with Large Shares of Renewable Energy,” 2022

  44. Li, Bo, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2004

  45. Li, Wenyu, Mechanical Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2017

  46. Lim, Shiyin, Mechanical Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2022; dissertation committee, “Mechanics of the Intervertebral Disc: Considerations for Experimental Design,” 2023

  47. Loscutoff, Peter, Physics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2011; dissertation committee, “Search for resonant WZ ℓνℓℓ production using 13fb?1 in √s-- = 8TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector,” 2013

  48. Luen, Bradley, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2006; Chair, dissertation committee, “Earthquake Prediction: Simple Methods for Complex Phenomena,” 2010

  49. Luo, Tian, Statistics. MA thesis chair, “Nonparametric estimation of business survival with an application to restaurant startups,” 2014

  50. Madar, Vered, Statistics and Operations Research, Tel Aviv University. MA thesis committee, “Non-equivariant confidence intervals,” 2002; Ph.D. committee, “Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multiple Parameters with More Power to Determine the Sign,” 2007

  51. Maurer, Tessa, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2018

  52. Megnin, Charles Henri, Geophysics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1996; dissertation committee, “The Shear Velocity Structure of the Mantle from the Inversion of Time-Domain Waveform Data,” 1999

  53. Mieler, Michael William, Civil Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2011

  54. Millman, Kenneth Jarrod, Biostatistics. MA thesis committee, “permute—a Python package for permutation tests and confidence sets,” 2015

  55. Miratrix, Luke W., Statistics. Chair, Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2010

  56. Mohanty, Sudatta, Civil Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2017

  57. Murmann, Boris, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2002; dissertation committee, “Digital Calibration for Low-Power High-Performance A/D Conversion,” 2003

  58. Oreluk, James, Mechanical Engineering. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2017; dissertation committee, “Role of Experimental Data in Validating and Quantifying Uncertainties in Complex Physical Systems,” 2019

  59. Ottoboni, Kellie, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2017; chair, dissertation committee, “Classical Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests with Applications in Social Good,” 2019

  60. Ou, Jeffrey Jiajiunn, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1995

  61. Petkov, Vladimir Plamenov, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2003

  62. Poobuapheun, Nuntachai, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2005; dissertation committee, “LNA and Mixer Designs for Multi-Band Receiver Front-Ends,” 2009

  63. Puente, Suzette, Statistics. M.A. committee, 2013

  64. Pulliam, R. Jay, Geophysics. Ph.D. dissertation committee, “Imaging Earth’s Interior: Tomographic Inversion of Mantle P-Wave Velocity Structure,” 1991

  65. Qian, Kun, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2009; dissertation committee, “Variability Modeling and Statistical Parameter Extraction for CMOS Devices,” 2015

  66. Regier, Jeffery, Statistics. Chair, M.A. committee, 2013; dissertation committee, “Topics in large-scale statistical inference,” 2016

  67. Rein, Steven Richard, Statistics. Chair, Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1990

  68. Rossi, Jim, Journalism. M.A. thesis committee, “Reverse-engineering the Echo Chamber,” 2017

  69. Schafer, Chad Michael, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2001; chair, dissertation committee, “Constructing Confidence Regions of Optimal Expected Size: Theory and Application to Cosmic Microwave Inference,” 2004

  70. Son, Sang Won, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2000; dissertation committee, “High Dynamic Range CMOS Mixer Design,” 2002

  71. Spertus, Jacob, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2021; chair, dissertation committee, “Stratified sequential nonparametrics: inferential validity by design, any way you slice it,” 2024.

  72. Stern, Aaron James, Computational Biology. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2017.

  73. Su, Heng-Yi, Earth and Planetary Science. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2021.

  74. Suzuki, Toru, Demography. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1995; dissertation committee, “Projection of Households in Japan with a Dynamic Macro-Simulation Model,” 1999

  75. Tee, Luns, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2001

  76. Tenorio, Luis-Francisco, Mathematics. Ph.D. dissertation committee, “Asymptotic Dynamics of Locally Oblique Solitary Wave Solutions of the KP Equation,” 1992

  77. Thompson, Neil, Statistics. M.A. committee, 2012

  78. To, Albert Chi Fu, Statistics. M.A. committee, 2005

  79. Wagner, Tim Allen, CS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1995; dissertation committee, “Practical Algorithms for Incremental Software Development Environments,” 1997

  80. Waudby-Smith, Ian, Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2021.

  81. Wang, Jason, Astronomy. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2017; dissertation committee, “Footage of Other Worlds: Unveiling the Dynamical Architecture of Young Exoplanetary Systems,” 2018

  82. Wicks, Charles Wesley Jr., Geophysics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1990; dissertation committee, “An Investigation of Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the Southwest Pacific,” 1994

  83. Wilhelm, Matthieu, Université de Neuchâtel, Statistics. Ph.D. dissertation committee, “Random sampling with repulsion,” 2017

  84. Yao, Shijing, EECS. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2015

  85. Yates, Vincent, Statistics. Chair, M.A. committee, 2012

  86. Ying, Jun, Naval Architecture. D. Eng. qualifying examination, 1995; dissertation committee, “Development and Verification of Computer Simulation Models for Evaluation of Siting Strategies and Evacuation Procedures for Mobile Drilling Units in Hurricanes,” 1996

  87. Zhang, Xiaoyan, Statistics. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 1997

  88. Zagheni, Emilio, Demography. Ph.D. qualifying examination, 2008

  89. Zamora, Joel Barajas, UC Santa Cruz, EE. Ph.D. dissertation defense, 2015; dissertation committee, “Online Display Advertising Causal Attribution and Evaluation,” 2015

First-year PhD advising

PhD Special Program Advising

Current PhD advisees

Undergraduate Research and Honors Thesis Advisees


Professional Societies, Government Agencies, Journals

Foundations, Non-Profit Corporations, and Industry

Editorial and Referee Service

Editorial Service

Referee Service

  1. American Association for the Advancement of Science

  2. American Mathematical Monthly

  3. Annales Geophysicae

  4. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics

  5. Annals of Statistics

  6. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

  7. Astrophysical Journal

  8. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

  9. Cambridge University Press

  10. Chapman-Hall

  11. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

  12. Conservation Biology

  13. Electronic Journal of Statistics

  14. Foods

  15. Geophysical Journal International

  16. Geophysical Research Letters

  17. Geophysics

  18. Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

  19. HarperCollins

  20. Harvard Data Science Review

  21. IEEE Journal on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

  22. IEEE Journal on Information Theory

  23. Inverse Problems

  24. Inverse Problems and Imaging

  25. Journal of the Academy of Business Education

  26. Journal of the American Statistical Association

  27. Journal of Computational Physics

  28. Journal of Economic Literature

  29. Journal of Geophysical Research

  30. Jurimetrics

  31. Nature

  32. Nature Climate Change

  33. Nature Communications

  34. PeerJ

  35. Political Analysis

  36. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors

  37. PLoS One

  38. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  39. Sankya A

  40. Science

  41. SIAM Review

  42. Simon and Schuster

  43. Springer-Verlag

  44. Statistics, Politics, and Policy

  45. Statistical Science

  46. Tectonophysics

University Service

Contracts and Grants

  1. PI, NASA Grant NAG 5-883, “Constructing Core Fields Consistent with Geomagnetic Data and Geophysical Constraints,” 1987–1990.

  2. Project Director and PI, NSF Grant DMS-8810192, “Inference in Curved-Ray Tomography: Solid Earth Structure,” 1989–1992.

  3. PI, NSF Grant INT-9205103, “Long and Medium-Term Research: Inference in Seismological Investigations of Subducting Lithosphere,” 1992–1994.

  4. PI, NSF Grant DMS-930006P, “Estimating the Sun’s Internal Angular Velocity from Free-Oscillation Frequency Splittings,” 1993–1994.

  5. PI, NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award DMS-8957573, 1989–1995.

  6. Co-I, NASA Grant NAG5-2438, “The Analysis of Cobe DMR Sky Maps,” 1993–1994. PI: J. Silk

  7. PI, NASA Grant NAGW-2515, “New Methods for Inversion and Analysis of Solar Free-Oscillation Data,” 1991–1995.

  8. PI, NSF Grant DMS-9404276, “New Methods for Inference From COBE Data,” 1994–1997.

  9. PI, NSF Grant AST-9504410, “Function Estimation and Inference in Helioseismology,” 1995–1998.

  10. PI, LLNL/IGPP Grant 97-AP028, “Helioseismology with Solar Luminosity Constraints,” 1996–1997.

  11. Co-I, NASA Grant NAG5-3941, “Development of data analysis, compression and visualization tools for large data sets in astrophysics and cosmology,” 1997–1998. PI: J. Silk

  12. PI, NASA Grant NRA-96-09-OSS-034SOHO, “Modern Statistical Methods for Helioseismic Spectrum Estimation,” 1997–1998.

  13. PI, NASA Grant NAG 5-3919, “Data Sampling Rate Reduction for the Oersted Satellite,” 1997–1998.

  14. PI, UC Berkeley Classroom Technologies Grant, “Statistics Statim,” 1997–1998.

  15. Co-I, NSF Grant DMS-9872979,”KDI: Computational Challenges in Cosmology,” 1998–2000. PI: A. Jaffe.

  16. Co-I, NSF Grant IIS-98-17353, “Re-Inventing Scholarly Information Dissemination and Use,” 4/1/1999–3/31/2004. PI: R. Wilensky and D. Forsythe.

  17. PI, Hewlett Packard Company Grant 89293, “Applied Mobile Technology Solutions in Learning Environments,” 3/19/2003–8/31/2004. Status report:

  18. PI, Hewlett Packard Company Grant 14928, “Applied Mobile Technology Solutions in Learning Environments—2004 Extension Grant,” 4/1/2004–6/30/2005.

  19. PI, LLNL Grant B565605, “Uncertainty in Complex Simulations,” 4/3/2007–9/30/2007.

  20. PI, LLNL Grant B585264, “Uncertainty Quantification with Applications to Climate Modeling,” 11/3/2009–9/30/2010.

  21. PI, Genentech Inc. Grant 008485, “Measuring Glucose with NIR,” 2/24/2010–10/31/2010.

  22. Co-I, NSF Grant DUE-1060487, “S-STEM Berkeley Science Network Scholarship Program,” 3/1/2011–2/28/2015. PI: M. Richards.

  23. PI, State of Colorado U.S. Election Assistance Commission subaward UC01, 2010 Pre-Election Logic and Accuracy Testing and Post-Election Audit Initiative, 5/23/2011–4/23/2013.

  24. PI, State of California Election Assistance Commission subaward 10I10066, Post Election Risk-Limiting Audit Pilot Program, 9/13/2011–4/23/2013.

  25. PI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grant OPP1077697, “An Introductory Statistics MOOC With Field-Tested Online Assessments,” 12/20/2012–7/31/2013.

  26. Co-I, UC Berkeley MOOCLab Grant, “Forum Usage in Statistics MOOCs: Disentangling Correlation from Causation,” 10/2013–8/2014. PI: M. Hearst.

  27. Co-I, Berkeley Institute for Data Science, grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Sloan Foundation. 12/2013–12/2018. PI: S. Perlmutter.

  28. PI, UC Berkeley Food Institute Grant, “Reaping without Sowing: Urban Foraging, Sustainability, Nutrition, and Social Welfare,” 2/2014–8/2015.

  29. Co-I, NSF DGE–1450053, “NRT-DESE Data Science for the 21st Century (DS421),” 2015–2020. PI: D. Ackerley.

  30. PI, UC Berkeley Food Institute Grant, “Wild Food: Investigating and Reducing Barriers to the Consumption of Foraged Foods,” 5/2015–12/2015.

  31. PI, State Street Bank and Trust Company Grant, “Industry Partners Program: Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk (CDAR); and Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) at UC Berkeley,” 2/2015–6/2018.

  32. PI, Dascena subaward from NIH, “SBIR: A Computational Approach to Early Sepsis Detection,” 4/2017–6/2017.

  33. PI, Peder Sather Grant, “Mainstreaming Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Auditing,” 7/2017–6/2018.

  34. Co-I, NSF Grant DMS–1745640, “(RTG): Advancing Machine Learning–Causality and Interpretability,” 2018–2023.

  35. Co-I, NSF Grant SES–1757307, “Multidisciplinary Conference on Election Auditing: Cambridge, Massachusetts,” 2018–2020.

  36. Co-I, California Department of Transportation contract 74A1269, “Statistical Support for the Development of the District 1 Active Transportation Census Program,” 2021–2024. PI: Alex Skabardonis.

  37. PI, NSF Grant SaTC–2228884, “LESS DOUBT: Learning Efficiently from Statistical Samples–Demonstrating Outcomes Using Better Tests,” 2022–2025.

  38. Co-I, NSF Grant NRT-HDR–2243822 “Computational Research for Equity in the Legal System (CRELS),” 2023–2028.

  39. Co-I, California Department of Transportation contract, “Statistical Support for the Development of the District 12 Active Transportation Census Program,” 2023–2025. PI: Alex Skabardonis.

Consulting and Expert Witness Experience

Testimony (incomplete prior to 2003)

57. March 2024. United States Of America ex rel. Benjamin Poehling, v. UnitedHealth Group, Inc., et al. (U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Western Division 16-cv-08697 FMO (SSx)) Deposition.
56. January 2024. Donna Curling, et al., v. Brad Raffensperger, et al., (U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division, Case 1:17-cv-2989-AT) Trial.
55. December 2022. Donna Curling, et al., v. Brad Raffensperger, et al., (U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division, Case 1:17-cv-2989-AT) Deposition.
54. December 2020. Vicky Maldonado and Justin Carter, Individually and on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v. Apple Inc, Applecare Services Company, Inc., and Apple CSC, Inc. (US District Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case 3:16-cv-04067-WHO) Deposition.
53. November 2020. University Faculty of Florida and University of Florida, (American Arbitration Association before Arbitrator Mark Lurie, Grievance No. 0625-000121) Arbitration.
52. September 2020. Donna Curling, et al., v. Brad Raffensperger, et al., (U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division, Case 1:17-cv-2989-AT) Trial.
51. August 2020. Pacific Life & Annuity Company and Pacific Life Insurance Company v. The Bank of New York Mellon (U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Case 17-CV-1388-KPF) Deposition.
50. January 2020. Coordination proceeding Special Title [Rule 1550(b)] Essure Product Cases, (Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, Case JCCP 4887) Deposition.
49. May 2019. A. Bolde v. Navistar, Inc., Vaso Express, Inc., A. Karapetyan, and Does 1–100, (Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Department 2, Case BC6743) Deposition.
48. April 2019. Testimony before the U.S. Election Assistance Commission regarding the Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines (VVSG), version 2.0. Salt Lake City, UT. Public testimony.
47. December 2018. Phoenix Light SF Ltd., in its own right and the right of Blue Heron Funding V Ltd., Blue Heron Funding VI Ltd., Blue Heron Funding VII Ltd., Kleros Preferred Funding V PLC, Silver Elms CDO PLC, Silver Elms CDO II Ltd., C-BASS CBO XVII Ltd., C-BASS CBO XIV Ltd. and each of Blue Heron Funding V Ltd., Blue Heron Funding VI Ltd., Blue Heron Funding VII Ltd., Kleros Preferred Funding V PLC, Silver Elms CDO PLC, Silver Elms CDO II Ltd., C-BASS CBO XVII Ltd. and C-BASS CBO XIV Ltd., in their own right, vs. The Bank of New York Mellon. (U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Case 14-CV-10104 (VEC)) Deposition.
46. November 2018. United States of America and State of New York, ex rel. Edward Lacey, vs. Visiting Nurse Service of New York. (U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Case 14-CV-5739 (AJN)) Deposition.
45. August 2018. Delores James vs. University of Florida (Grievances # 0817-00108 and 1117-00109) Arbitration.
44. July 2018. Testimony to the State of California Little Hoover Commission. Video: Written testimony :
43. July 2018. United States of America, ex rel. Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, vs. Merck & Co., Inc. (U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Case 10-4374 (CDJ)) and In Re: Merck Mumps Vaccine Antitrust Litigation (Master File No. 12-3555 (CDJ)) Deposition.
42. April 2018. Ryerson University vs. The Ryerson Faculty Association re FCS & Related Issues (2018 CanLII 58446) Arbitration.
41. August 2017. Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to Modify Conservation and Rationing Rules, Rate Design, and Other Related Issues for the Monterey District (Public Utility Commission of the State of California, Application 15-07-019) Hearing.
40. July 2017. United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, and Tennessee, the Commonwealths Of Massachusetts and Virginia, and The District Of Columbia, ex rel. John Hendrix, vs. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc., d/b/a JM Eagle, a Delaware corporation, and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., a Delaware corporation (U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Case ED CV 06-00055-GW) Deposition.
39. March 2017. The People of the State of California vs. Keegan Lee Czirban, Richard Allen, Filoberto Pablo Alvidrez, Jaqwayne Bryant, Dale Gabriel Burnell, Juan Pablo Cardona aka Juan Luna-Cardona, Miguel Colina, Emmanuel Cordova, Ramon Duenas, Connie Renee Fields, Anisa Sakari Fortenberry, Louie Frank Gamboa, Cynthia Marie Harrell, Briana Hawkins, Jeremiah James Johnson, Kieth Carl Knutson, Mark Alex Mallory, Brian McMahon, David Moore, Marquise Lamar Owens, Mitkayem Dean Robinson, Patrice Sanders, and Seth Rui Sears. (Superior Court of the State of California, County of Contra Costa, 05-151662-4 and associated cases) Trial.
38. March 2017. Kelly Brunarski and Yvette Harmon vs. Miami University. (U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio, Western Division, 1:16-cv-0311) Deposition.
37. January 2017. The Western and Southern Life Insurance Company, et al. vs. The Bank of New York Mellon. (Court Of Common Pleas, Hamilton County, Ohio, A1302490) Trial.
36. December 2016. Fixed Income Shares: Series M, Lvs II LLC, PCM Fund, Inc., PIMCO Absolute Return Strategy II Master Fund LDC, PIMCO Absolutereturnstrategy III Master Fund LDC, PIMCO Absolute Return Strategy III Overlay Master Fund Ltd., PIMCO Absolute Return Strategy IV Master Fund LDC, PIMCO Absolute Return Strategy V Master Fund LDC, PIMCO Bermuda Trust: PIMCO Bermuda Foreign Low Duration Fund, PIMCO Bermuda Trust: PIMCO Bermuda U.S. Low Duration Fund, PIMCO Cayman Spc Limited, PIMCO Cayman Japan Coreplus Segregated Portfolio, PIMCO Cayman Trust: PIMCO Cayman Global Advantage Bond Fund, PIMCO Cayman Trust: PIMCO Cayman Global Aggregate Ex-Japan (Yen-Hedged) Bond Fund II, PIMCO Cayman Trust: PIMCO Cayman Global Aggregate Exjapan (Yen-Hedged) Income Fund, PIMCO Cayman Trust: PIMCO Cayman Global Aggregate Ex-Japan Bond Fund, PIMCO Cayman Trust: PIMCO Cayman Global Bond (Nzdhedged) Fund, PIMCO Dynamic Credit Income Fund, PIMCO ETF Trust, PIMCO Total Return Active Exchange-Traded Fund, PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series PLC, Diversified Income Fund, PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series PLC, Global Bond Fund, PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series PLC, Global Investment Grade Credit Fund, PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series PLC, Income Fund, PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series PLC, PIMCO Credit Absolute Return Fund, PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series PLC, Unconstrained Bond Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Commodities Plus Strategy Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Commodity Real Return Strategy Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Credit Absolute Return Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Diversified Income Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Floating Income Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Foreign Bond Fund (Unhedged), PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Global Advantage Strategy Bond Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Global Bond Fund (Unhedged), PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Income Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO International Stocksplus AR Strategy Fund (U.S. Dollarhedged), PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Low Duration Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Low Duration Fund II, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Low Duration Fund III, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Real Return Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Short-Term Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Total Return Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Unconstrained Bond Fund, PIMCO Funds: PIMCO Worldwide Fundamental Advantage AR Strategy Fund, PIMCO Funds, Private Account Portfolio Series Emerging Markets Portfolio, PIMCO Funds: Private Account Portfolio Series International Portfolio, PIMCO Funds: Private Account Portfolio Series Mortgage Portfolio, PIMCO Funds: Private Account Portfolio Series Short-Term Portfolio, PIMCO Funds: Private Account Portfolio Series U.S. Government Sector Portfolio, PIMCO Multi-Sector Strategy Fund Ltd., PIMCO Offshore Funds - PIMCO Absolute Return Strategy IV Efund, PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust: PIMCO Global Advantage Strategy Bond Portfolio, PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust: PIMCO Global Bond Portfolio (Unhedged), PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust: PIMCO Low Duration Portfolio, CREF Bond Market Account, CREF Social Choice Account, TIAA Global Public Investments, MBS LLC, TIAA-CREF Bond Fund, TIAA-CREF Bond Plus Fund, TIAA-CREF Life Insurance Company, Prudential Bank & Trust, FSB, Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company, The Gibraltar Life Insurance Company, Ltd., The Prudential Series Fund, LIICA RE II, Inc., Monumental Life Insurance Company Modified Separate Account, Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company, Kore Advisors LP, and Sealink Funding Limited vs. Citibank N.A. (U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 14-cv-09373-JMF) Deposition.
35. November 2016. Jill Stein, Petitioner, vs. Wisconsin Elections Commission and Members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, each and only in his or her official capacity: Mark L. Thomsen, Ann S. Jacobs, Beverly Gill, Julie M. Glancey, Steve King, and Don M. Millis, Respondents. (State of Wisconsin Circuit Court, Dane County, Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn) Trial.
34. October 2016. Citizens Oversight, Inc., a Delaware non-profit corporation; and Raymond Lutz, an individual, vs. Michael Vu, San Diego Registrar of Voters; Helen N. Robbins-Meyer, San Diego County Chief Administrative Officer; County of San Diego, a public entity; and Does 10–10, Defendants. (Superior Court of California, County of San Diego–Central Division, 37-2016-00020273-CL-MC-CTL) Trial.
33. July 2016. Loc Vu-Quoc vs. University of Florida. (American Arbitration Association Case no. 01-15-0006-1052). Arbitration.
32. July 2016. Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association vs. Memorial University of Newfoundland (Arbitration I15-07) Arbitration.
31. June 2016. Gasia Thomas, et al., vs. First Energy Corporation, et al. (Court Of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 13-CV-798520) Deposition.
30. May 2016. The Western and Southern Life Insurance Company, et al., vs. The Bank of New York Mellon. (Court Of Common Pleas, Hamilton County, Ohio, A1302490) Deposition.
29. February 2016. Palms Place, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, vs. Kittrell Garlock & Associates, Architects, AIA, LTD. d/b/a KGA Architecture, a Nevada professional corporation; M.J. Dean Construction, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company; Does I through X; Roe Corporations I through X; and Roe LLC I through X, Defendants.

M.J. Dean Construction, Inc., a Nevada corporation, Counterclaimant, vs. Palms Place, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, Does I-X, Roe Corporations I-X, Boe Bonding Companies I-X, Loe Lenders I–X and Toe Tenants I-X, Counterdefendants.

Kittrell Garlock & Associates, Architects, AIA, Ltd. d/b/a KGA Architecture, a Nevada professional corporation, Counterclaimant, vs. Palms Place, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, and Toes I–XV, Counterdefendants.

M.J. Dean Construction, Inc., a Nevada corporation, Third-Party Plaintiff, vs. Embassy Glass, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Zetian Systems, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Bombard Mechanical, LLC, a Limited Liability Company; Century Steel, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Pacific Custom Pools, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Superior Tile & Mechanical, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Mesa Mechanical, LLC, a Limited Liability Company; Dean Roofing Co., a Nevada Corporation; Does 1 through 50; Roe Corporations 1 through 50, Third-Party Defendants.

Palms Place, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, Cross-Claimant, vs. Embassy Glass, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Zetian Systems, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Does 1 through 50; Roe Corporations 1 through 50, Cross-Defendants. (Nevada District Court, Clark County, Nevada, A-11-645150-C) Deposition.
28. September 2015. Lavastone Capitol LLC vs. Coventry First LLC, LST I LLC, LST II LLC, LST Holdings LTD., Montgomery Capital, Inc., Alan Buerger, Reid Buerger, Constance Buerger, and Krista Lake. (U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 14-CV-07139 JSR) Trial.
27. May 2015. Lavastone Capitol LLC vs. Coventry First LLC, LST I LLC, LST II LLC, LST Holdings LTD., Montgomery Capital, Inc., Alan Buerger, Reid Buerger, Constance Buerger, and Krista Lake. (U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 14-CV-07139 JSR) Deposition.
26. April 2015. Testimony before the California State Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting. Legislative hearing.
25. July 2014. New Jersey Carpenters Health Fund, New Jersey Carpenters Vacation Fund, and Boilermaker Blacksmith National Pension Trust, on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated, vs. Residential Capital, LLC; Residential Funding, LLC; Residential Accredit Loans, Inc.; Bruce J. Paradis; Kenneth M. Duncan; Davee L. Olson; Ralph T. Flees; Lisa R. Lundsten; James G. Jones; David M. Bricker; James N. Young; Residential Funding Securities Corporation d/b/a GMAC RFC Securities; Goldman, Sachs & Co.; RBS Securities, Inc. f/k/a Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc. d/b/a RBS Greenwich Capital; Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.; Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.; Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; Bank of America Corporation as successor-in-interest to Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.; UBS Securities LLC; JPMorgan Chase & Co., Inc. as successor-in-interest to Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc.; and Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. (U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Case 08-CV-8781 HB) Deposition.
24. October 2013. United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, and Tennessee, the Commonwealths Of Massachusetts and Virginia, and The District Of Columbia Ex Rel. John Hendrix, Plaintiffs, vs. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc., d/b/a JM Eagle, a Delaware corporation, and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., a Delaware corporation (U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Case ED CV 06-00055-GW) Trial.
23. September 2013. Tessera, Inc. vs. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., a Delaware corporation; Spansion, LLC, a Delaware limited liability corporation; Spansion, Inc., a Delaware corporation; Spansion Technology, Inc., a Delaware corporation; Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc., a Republic of China corporation; ASE (U.S.), Inc., a California corporation; ChipMOS Technologies, Inc., a Republic of China corporation; ChipMOS U.S.A., Inc., a California corporation; Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd., a Republic of China corporation; Siliconware USA, Inc., a California corporation; STMicroelectronics N.V., a Netherlands corporation; STMicroelectronics, Inc., a Delaware corporation; STATS ChipPAC, Inc., a Delaware corporation; STATS ChipPAC (BVI), Inc., a British Virgin Islands company; STATS ChipPAC, Ltd., a Singapore company (U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Case C 05-04063 CW) Deposition.
22. July 2013. United States, the States Of California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, and Tennessee, the Commonwealths Of Massachusetts And Virginia, and The District Of Columbia Ex Rel. John Hendrix, Plaintiffs, vs. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc., d/b/a JM Eagle, a Delaware corporation, and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., a Delaware corporation (U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Case ED CV 06-00055-GW) Deposition.
21. June 2013. Free Speech Coalition, Inc., American Society Of Media Photographers, Inc.; Michael Barone; David Conners a/k/a Dave Cummings; Thomas Hymes; Townsend Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Sinclair Institute; C1R Distribution, LLC d/b/a Channel 1 Releasing; Barbara Alper; Carol Queen; Barbara Nitke; David Steinberg; Marie L. Levine a/k/a Nina Hartley; Dave Levingston; Betty Dodson; Carlin Ross vs. Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General of the United States (U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Case 2:09–4607 MMB) Trial.
20. October 2011. Jonathan Buckheit vs. Tony Dennis, Dean Devlugt, Town of Atherton, County of San Mateo, Anthony Kockler and Jerry Carlson (U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Case CV09-5000 JCS) Deposition.
19. June 2010. Testimony before California State Senate Committee on Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments. Legislative hearing.
18. April 2010. Testimony before California State Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting. Legislative hearing.
17. March 2010. Suzan Sharpley and Robert Abeling vs. William Long; Novato Sanitary District; Elaine Ginnold, Marin County Registrar of Voters; Does 1–10. (State of California Superior Court, County of Marin, Case CIV 096368) Trial.
16. January 2010. Kastanos et al. vs. Central Concrete Supply Co., Inc. (State of California Superior Court, County of Alameda, Lead Case No. HG 07-319366) Trial.
15. June 2009. Star Scientific, Inc., vs. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, et al. (U.S. District Court, Maryland District, Northern Division, Case Nos. MJG-01 1504 and MJG-02 2504) Trial.
14. May 2009. Star Scientific, Inc., vs. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, et al. (U.S. District Court, Maryland District, Northern Division, Case Nos. MJG-01 1504 and MJG-02 2504) Deposition.
13. July 2008. Coordination Proceeding Special Title (Rule 1550(b)) Cellphone Termination Fee Cases (State of California Superior Court, County of Alameda, Case 4332) Deposition.
12. April 2008. Coordination Proceeding Special Title (Rule 1550(b)) Cellphone Termination Fee Cases (State of California Superior Court, County of Alameda, Case 4332) Deposition.
11. August 2007. Self-Insurers’ Security Fund vs. Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. (U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. C 06-02828 JSW) Deposition.
10. March 2007. Peter Wachtell vs. Capital One Financial Corporation and Capital One Services, Inc. (U.S. District Court, District of Idaho, Case No. CIV03-267-S-MHW) Deposition.
9. November 2006. Coordination Proceeding Special Title (Rule 1550(b)) Cellphone Termination Fee Cases (State of California Superior Court, County of Alameda, Case 4332) Deposition.
8. November 2006. ACLU vs. Gonzales (U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Civil Action No. 98-5591) Trial.
7. August 2006. ACLU vs. Gonzales (U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Civil Action No. 98-5591) Deposition.
6. December 2004. Star Scientific, Inc., vs. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, et al. (U.S. District Court, Maryland District, Northern Division, Case Nos. MJG-01 1504 and MJG-02 2504) Trial.
5. December 2003. Richison et al. vs. American Cemwood Corporation (State of California Superior Court, San Joaquin County, Case No. 005532) Trial.
4. December 2003. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. vs. City and County of San Francisco (U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. C99-2071 VRW) Deposition.
3. May 2003. Richison et al. vs. American Cemwood Corporation (State of California Superior Court, San Joaquin County, Case No. 005532) Deposition.
2. May 1998. Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Census. Legislative hearing.
1. 1997. Testimony before the State of California Senate Committee on Natural Resources. Legislative hearing. stark/bio.htm
Last modified December 20, 2024.