A justification of some common laws of mortality. Trans. Society of Actuaries 13 (1961),116-119.
The practical realization of a Hilbert transformation. Unpublished memorandum (1963).
The asymptotic behaviour of Tukey's general method of setting approximate confidence limits (the jackknife) when applied to maximum likelihood estimates. Review International Statistical Institute 32 (1964) 202-206.
A frequency approach to the techniques of principal components, factor analysis and canonical variates in the case of stationary time series. Invited Papers, Royal Statistical Conference. Cardiff, Wales Sept 29 - Oct. 1, 1964.
Discussion of Mr. Sprent's paper J. Royal Statistical Society B 28 (1966) 294.
The application of the jackknife to the analysis of sample surveysCommentary 8 (1966) 74-80.
Review of Statistical Methods of Econometrics. By E. MALINVAUD Economica 34 451-453 (1967).
D. R. Brillinger and M. Rosenblatt, "Asymptotic theory of estimates of k-th order spectra". Pp. 153-188 in Spectral Analysis of Time Series Ed. B. Harris. Wiley, New York (1967).
D. R. Brillinger and M. Rosenblatt, "Computation and interpretation of k-th order spectra" Pp 189-232 in Spectral Analysis of Time Series Ed. B. Harris. Wiley, New York (1967).
"An asymptotic representation of the sample distribution function" Bull. A. M. S. 75, 545-547.
The canonical analysis of stationary time series. Pp. 331-350 in Multivariate Analysis - II. (Ed. P. R. Krishnaiah) Academic (1969).
Brillinger, D.R. and Hatanaka, M. (1969)
"An harmonic analysis of
non-stationary multivariate economic processes," Econometrica 7, 131-141.
The frequency analysis of relations bewteen stationary spatial series. Pp. 39-81 in Proc. Twelfth Biennial Seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress (Ed. R. Pyke). Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottawa (1970).
"An empirical investigation of the Chandler wobble and two prposed excitation processes". Bulletin International Statistical Institute 45 (Book 3) 413-433 (1973).
Estimation of the mean of a stationary time series by sampling. JAP 1973, 419-431.
Measuring the association of point processes: a case history. American Mathematical Monthly 83, 16-22 (1976),
Identification of synaptic interactions. Biological Cybernetics 22, 213-228 (1976).
Approximate estimation of the standard errors of complex statistics based on sample surveys New Zealand Statistician 11 (1976) 35-41.
45. "Estimation of the second-order intensities of a bivariate
stationary point process," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B
Vol. 38 (1976), pp. 60-66.
W. A. Silveria and D. R. Brillinger (1978). "On maximum wave heights in severe seas", pp. 1563-1569 in Proceeding 1978 Offshore Technology Conference. Volume III.
D. R. Brillinger. "Comparative aspects of the study of ordinary time series and of point processes", pp. 33-133 in Developments in Statistics 1, Academic Press (1978).
"A note on the estimation of evoked response", . Biological Cybernetics 31, 141-144 (1978).
"Confidence intervals for the crosscovariance function". Selecta Statistica Canadiana, Vol. V (1979) V, 1-16.
"B. Bolt and D. R. Brillinger " Estimation of uncertainties in eigenspectral estimates from decaying geophysical time series, Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. (1979) Vol. 59, 593-603.
A continuous form of post-stratification Ann. Inst. Statist. Math 31, 271-277.
D. R. Brillinger, J. Guckenheimer, P. Guttorp and G. Oster. "Empirical modelling of population time series data: the case of age and density dependent vital rates". Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Sciences, Vol. 13, 65-90. American Math. Soc. (1980).
Some aspects of the analysis of evoked resonse experiments Statistics and Related Topics (eds., M. Csorgo, D. Dawson, J. Rao and
A. Saleh), Amsterdam, North-Holland, (1981), pp. 155-168.
Asymptotic normality of finite Fourier transforms of stationary generalized processes.
J. Mult. Analysis, 12, 64-71 (1982).
A generalized linear model with 'Gaussian' regressor variables. Pp. 97-114 in A Festschrift for Erich L. Lehmann (eds. P. J. bickel, K. A. Doksum and J. L. Hodeges Jr.) Wadsworth, Belmont (1982).
"Statistical inference for random processes". Pp. 1049-1061 in Proc. Int. Congress Math. (1983).
D. R. Brillinger and H. K. Preisler (1983). "Maximum likelihood in a latent variable problem", pp. 31-65 in
Studies in Econometrics, Time Series, and Multivariate Statistics (Eds. S. Karlin, T. Amemiya and L. A. Goodman) Academic (1983).
Fourier inference: some methods for the analysis of array and nongaussian series data. Water Resources Bull. 21, 743-755 (1985).
"What do seismology and neurophysiology have in common? - Statistics!" Pp. 1-11 in C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Volume VIII (1986).
The 1983 Wald Memorial Lectures: Some statistical methods for random process data from seismology and neurophsiology. Pp. 1-54 in Ann. Statist. 16 (1988)
"The natural variability of vital rates and associated statistics" Pp. 693-734 in Biometrics 42 (1986).
Maximum likelihood analysis of spike trains of interacting nerve cellsBiol. Cyb. 59, 189-200 (1988)
The maximum likelihood approach to the identification of neuronal firing systemsAnn. Biomedical Engineering 16, 3-16 (1988)
"Mapping aggregate birth data" Pp. 77-83 in Proc. Statistics Canada Symposium 89, Analysis of Data in Time. Statistics Canada, Ottawa (1989).
"Some examples of the statistical analysis of seismological data".
Pp. 266-278 in Observatory Seismology (Ed. J. Litehiser) U. Calif. Press
"Spatial-temporal modelling of spatially aggregate birth data" Pp. 255-269 in Survey Methodology 16 (1990).
"Locally weighted analysis of spatially aggregate birth data: uncertainty estimation and display" Pp. 71-79 in Proc. Statistics Canada Symposium 91, Spatial Issues in Statistics. Statistics Canada, Ottawa (1991).
"Some asymptotics of a finite Fourier transforms of stationary p-adic process" Pp. 155-169 in J. Combinatorics, Information System Sciences 16 (1991).
"Some history of the study of higher-order moments and spectra" Statistica Sinica 1, 465-476 (1991).
"Nerve cell spike train datya analysis: a progression of technique". J. Amer. Stat. Assoc. 87? 260-271. (1992)
Brillinger, D. R. and Kaiser, H. "Fourier and Likelihood Analysis in NMR Spectroscopy" Ne Directions in Time Series Analysis, Part I. Springer (1993)
"Moments, cumulants and some applications to stationary processes" Moments and Signal Processin eds. P. purdue and H. Solomon. NSA/ONR. Also UCB Statistics Technical Report 382.
"Earthquake risk and insurance" Environmetrics 4, 1-21 (1993).
The digital rainbow: some history and applications of numerical spectrum analysis in Canadian J. Statistics 21, 1-19 (1993)
An application of statistics to seismology: dispersion and modes Pp. 331-340 in Developments in Time Series Analysis (ed. T. Subba Rao) Champman and Hall, London (1993).
Some river wavelets in Environmetrics 5, 211-220 (1994)
Examples of the investigation of neural information processing by point process analysis Pp. 111-127 in Advanced Methods of Physiological System Modelling, Vol. 3. Plenum Press (1994).
Time series, point processes and hybrids, Canadian J. Statistics. vol. 22 (1994), pp. 177-206.
"An analysis of an ordinal-valued time series", pp. 73-87 in Athens Conference on Applied Probability and Time Series Analysis. Volume II: Time Series Analysis. In Memory of E.J. Hannan. Lecture Notes in Statistics Vol. 115. Springer-Verlag (1996).
"Some uses of cumulants in wavelet analysis", Nonparametric Statistics, vol. 6 (1996), pp. 93-114.
"D.R. Brillinger and A.E.P. Villa (1997) "Assessing connections in networks of biological neurons", The Practice of Data Analysis. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
"Remarks concerning graphical models for time series and point processes", Revista de Econometria, vol. 16 (1996), pp. 1-23.
D. R. Brillinger and B. S. Stewart "Elephant seal movements: some frequency based studies", REBRAPE (1996).
Figures for preceding article
"An application of statistics to meteorology: estimation of motion," pp. 93-105 in Festschrift for Lucien Le Cam. Springer, New York (1997).
"B. Bolt and D. R. Brillinger "Maximum likelihood solutions for layer parameters based on dynamic surface wave spectra", pp. 337-342 in Physics Earth Planetary Systems 107 (1997).
"Statistics of earthquakes" pp. 208-212 in Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (1997). J. Wiley, New York.
"A particle migrating randomly on a sphere" J. Theoretical Probability. April (1997).
D. R. Brillinger and B. S. Stewart "Elephant Seal Movements: Dive Types and Their Sequences", Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data: Methods, Applications, and Future Directions (ed. T. G. Gregoire et al.). Lecture Notes in Statistics, Vol. 122, Springer, New York. (1997).
"Some wavelet analyses of point process data". Proc. 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. (1997). IEEE.
D. R. Brillinger and R. A. Irizarry (1998) "An investigation of the second- and higher-order spectra of music", Signal Processing 65, 161-179.
D. R. Brillinger and B. S. Stewart. "Elephant seal movements: modelling migration". Canadian J. Statistics, Vol. 26, 431-443. (1998).
"What are todays x-bar and s? or Happiness is a new data type", StatistiCal News, Fall, 8-10 (1998).
Final Report of the
Haystack Orbital Data Review Panel".
D. K. Barton, D. R. Brillinger,
A. H. El-Shaarawi, P. McDaniel, K. H. Pollock and M. T. Tuley.
Technical Memorandom 4809, Johnson Space Center, Houston.
"Some examples of empirical Fourier analysis in scientific problems". Asymptotics, Nonparametrics and Time Series. (Ed. S. Ghosh) Dekker, New York (1999).
"Some examples of random process environmental data analysis". Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 18 (2000)
D. R. Brillinger, P. A. Morettin, R. A. Irizarry and C. Chiann (2000)."Some wavelet-based analyses of Markov chain data". Signal Processing 80, 1607-1627.
"Time series: general".International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 23, 15724-15731, (2001).
With C. Chiann, R. A. Irizarry and P. A. Morettin "Automatic methods for generating seismictensity maps". J. in Applied Probability 38A, 188-201, (2001)
"John Tukey and the correlation coefficient", Computing Science andStatistics, 33 (2001).
"Space Debris: Flux in a Two Dimensional Orbit". Pp. 105-116 in Statistics and Genetics in the Environmental Sciences, Birkhauser (2001).
Brillinger, D. R., Preisler, H. K., Ager, A. A. Kie, J., and Stewart, B. S. "Modelling movements of free-ranging animals" UCB Statistics Technical Report 610 (2001).
Brillinger, D. R., Preisler, H. K., Ager, A. A. and Kie, J. "The use of potential functions in modelling animal movement" Data Analysis From Statistical Foundations. 396-386 (2001)
John Wilder Tukey (1915-2000)
Notices of the American Mathematical Society Feb. (2002)
Tutorial: statistics and seismic analyses IMA presentation 11 June 2002
D. R. Brillinger, H. K. Preisler, A. A. Ager, J. G. Key and B. S. Stewart "Employing stochastic differential equation to model wildlife motion" Bull. Brazilian Math. Soc. 2002 (33), 385-408.
The life and professional contributions of John W. Tukey Annals of Statistics (2002) 1535-1575.
John W. Tukey's work on time series and spectrum analysis Annals of Statistics (2002) 1595-1618
moments and mutual information in the analysis of time series
", Recent Advances in Statistical Methods Vol. 34, 3-25 (2002)
H. K. Preisler, D. R. Brillinger, A.A. Ager, J.G. Kie and R.P. Akers, "Stochastic differential equations: a tool for studying animal movement" Proc. Internat. Union Forest Research Org. (2001)
"Modelling and analysis of some random process data from neurophysiology" Investigacion Operacional(2003) 206-218
With Preisler, H. K. and Benoit, J.
"Risk assessment: a forest fire example." Science and Statistics (2003)
Lecture Notes in Statistics 40, 177-196, IMS. (2003).
An analysis of a bivariate time series in which the components are sampled at different instants Lecture Notes in Statistics 42, 376-396, IMS (2003)
Some examples of risk analysis in environmental problems, Computing Science and Statistics, 34, 3-24 (2002).
"Analise de Regressao e Informacao Mutua" Transparencies of Keynote Talk at the Brazilian Regression School (2003).
Regression, mutual information and point processesTransparencies of Opening Talk at Point Processes Meeting at BIRS (June,2003)
"Risk analysis: examples and discussion (Plenary Talk)"Proceedings Ninth International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering Vol. 1, 3-12 San Francisco (2003)
Simulating constrained animal motion using stochastic differential equations Lecture Notes in Statistics 41, 35-48 (2003)
Three environmental probabilistic risk problems Statistical Science 18, 412-421 (2003)
Brillinger, D.R., Preisler, H.K., Aager, A.A. and Kie, J.G. "An exploratory data analysis (EDA) of the paths of moving animals"J. Statistical Planning and Inference 122 (2004).
Brillinger, D.R., Preisler, H.K. and Naderi, H.M. "Wildfire chances and probabilistic risk assessment". Proceedings of Accuracy 2004 and Ties 2004, Portland, Maine (2004).
Preisler, H.K., Brillinger, D.R., Burgan, R.E. and Benoit, J.W. "Probability based models for estimation of wildfire risk". Int. J. Wildland Fire 13, 133-142 (2004).
"Everyone was an environmentalist". Newsletter, ASA Section on Statistics and the Environment 6 No. 1, 2-3 (2004).
"Some data analyses using mutual information" Brazilian J. Probability and Statistics 18, 163-183 (2004).
Brillinger, D.R., Preisler, H. K., Ager, A.A. and Wisdom, M.J. "Stochastic differential equations in the analysis of wildlife motion" 2004 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Statistics & the Environment Section (2004)
"The beginnings of some exploratory environmental risk analyses", Proc. International Statistical Institute Sydney (2005).
"A journey through random process data analysis: one type to the next", script of video prepared by ASA Committee to Film Distinguished Statisticians (2007).
D. R. Brillinger and B. A. Bolt, "Objective estimates of the seismic intensity of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake", Pp. 311-316 in Proceedings 250th Anniversary of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake (2005).
"Modelling some Norwegian soccer data", to appear (2006)
Volatility for point and marked point processes. IPM64 Proceedings Bull. Inter. Nat, Stat. Inst. (2007).
Tukey, John Wilder Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (2006).
Anscombe, Frank Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (2006).
A meandering hylje Pukkila60 (2006)
Discussion of C. Mallows (2006) "Tukey's paper after 40 years", Technometrics 48, 319-325 (2006).
D. R. Brillinger, B. S. Stewart and C. L. Littnan, "Three months journeying of a Hawaiian monk seal", IMS Lecture Notes - Monograph, to appear (2006).
D. R. Brillinger, H. K. Preisler and J. W. Benoit, "Probabilistic risk assessment for wildfires", Environmetrics 17, 623-633 (2006).
D. R. Brillinger and A. Guha, "Mutual information in the frequency domain", J. Stat. Planning and Inference, in press. (2007)
"A potential function approach to the flow of play in soccer", J. Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 2, Iss. 1, Article 3 (2007).
"Learning a potential function"
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 14, 867-870 (2007).
"Extending the volatility concept to point processes" J. Statistical Planning and Inference 138, 2607-2614 (2008).
"The 2005 Neyman Lecture: dynamic indeterminism in science" Statistical Science 23, 48-64 (2008).
"The 2005 Neyman Lecture: Rejoinder" Statistical Science 23, 76-77 (2008).
D. R. Brillinger, B. S. Autrey and M. D. Cattaneo, "Probabilistic Risk Modelling at the Wildland Urban Interface: the 2003 Cedar Fire". Environmetrics (Published on line Sept. 29 2008).
Modelling game outcomes of the Brazilian 2006 Series A Championship as ordinal-valued Brazil. J. Prob. Statist. 22, 89-104 (2008).
Extreme event risk Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment and Analysis (2008).
D. R. Brillinger, K. A. Lindsay and J. R. Rosenberg "Combining frequency and time domain approaches to systems with multiple spike train input", Biological Cybernetics 100 (2009) 459-474.
D. R. Brillinger and R. A. Davis "A conversation with Murray Rosenblatt" Statistical Science. (2009).
D. R. Brillinger and B. A. Bolt "A statistical study of the1755 Lisbon earthquake.". 455-470 in The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake Revisited (eds. L. A. Mendes-Vistor et al.) Springer. (2009).
D.R. Brillinger, J. Penzien, B. Romanowicz "Bruce Allan Bolt 1930-2005 Professor of Seismology, Emeritus.". 103-108 in The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake Revisited (eds. L. A. Mendes-Vistor et al.) Springer. (2009).
Some examples of the communication of risk and uncertainty". Environmetrics 21, 1-9 (2010).
D. R. Brillinger and B. S. Stewart "Stochastic modelling of particle movement with application to marine biology and oceanography" J. Statistical Planning and Inference 140 (2010) 3597-3607.
Slides to go with preceding paper
An analysis of Chinese Super League partial results Science in China A: Mathematics 52, 1139-1156 (2009)
Modelling spatial trajectoriesHandbook of Spatial Statistics, 463-475. CRC Press (2010).
Soccer-World football Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (2010)
John W Tukey 1915-2000 A Biographical Memoir National Academy of Sciences (2009).
Erich Leo Lehmann, 1917-2009. J. J. R. Statist. Soc. A 173, 683-686 (2010).
Statistical Science Conversation with DRB by Victor Panaretos Stat Sci 26, 440-469 (2011).
David Harold Blackwell, 1919-2010. J. R. Statist. Soc. A, (2010).
Exploratory Data Analysis Pp. 530-537 in International Encyclopedia of Political Science (2011)
Brillinger, D. R., Preisler, H. K. and Wisdom, M. J. "Modelling particles moving in a potential field with pairwise interactions and an application". Brazilian J. Prob. Statist. 25, 421-436 (2011).
"In Memoriam David H. Blackwell". Proceedings of the 58th World Statistics Congress, ISI (2011).
"In Memoriam David Harold Blackwell" Academic Senate, University of California.156 , 218-222 (2011)
David H. Blackwell Proc. American Philosophica; Soc. 156, 218-222 (2012)
Editors P. Guttorp and D. Brillinger "Selected Works of David Brillinger" Springer (2012)
The Nicholson blowfly experiments: some history and EDA. J. Time Series Analysis (2012).
"An analysis of 1990-2011 Ontario surface air temperatures". pp. 16-28 in Y. P. Chaubey Recent Advances in Mathematics and Statistics (2013)
Aligning some Nicholson sheep-blowfly data sets with system input periods Stat (Wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI:10.1002/stat4.13 (2013)
"... how wonderful the field of statistics is ...". Past, Present and Future of Statistical Science. pp. 5-11 in COPSS 50th Anniversary Volume, CRC Pres (2014).
Brillinger, D.R. and Finney, M. An exploratory data analysis of the temperature fluctuations in a spreading fire Environmetrics 25, 443-453 (2014).
Synthetic plots: some history and examplesSao Paulo J. Mathematical Sciences pp. 157-168.(2014)