List of possibly-relevant papers

Monographs: links to online text from campus machines.

Feng (2010): The Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and related topics.

Kallenberg (2005): Probabilistic symmetries and invariance principles.

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Papers: links lead to PDF versions.

Aldous (1983): Exchangeability and related topics.

Aldous (1991): The continuum random tree II: an overview..

Aldous (2010): More uses of exchangeability: Representations of Complex Random Structures

Aldous (2012a): A conjectured compactification of some finite reversible Markov chains.

Austin (2008): On exchangeable random variables and the statistics of large graphs and hypergraphs.

Austin - Tao (2010): Testability and repair of hereditary hypergraph properties.

Austin (2012): Exchangeable random arrays.

Austin (2013): Exchangeable random measures.

Berestycki (2009): Recent progress in coalescent theory.

Bertoin - Le Gall (2003): Stochastic flows associated to coalescent processes.

Bertoin (2010): Exchangeable coalescents.

Blei - Griffiths - Jordan (2010): The Nested Chinese Restaurant Process and Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Topic Hierarchies.

Broderick - Jordan - Pitman (2012): Clusters and features from combinatorial stochastic processes.

Broderick - Jordan - Pitman (2013): Feature allocations, probability functions, and paintboxes.

Buntine - Hutter (2012): A Bayesian View of the Poisson-Dirichlet Process.

Chatterjee (2007): Stein's method for concentration inequalities.

Chen - Winkel (2009): Restricted exchangeable partitions and embedding of associated hierarchies in continuum random trees.

Collet at al (2013): Exchangeable Occupancy Models and Discrete Processes with the Generalized Uniform Order Statistics Property.

Depperschmidt - Greven - Pfaffelhuber (2011): Marked metric measure spaces.

Diaconis - Freedman (1980): de Finetti's theorem for Markov chains.

Diaconis - Freedman (1982): Partial exchangeability and sufficiency.

Diaconis - Freedman (2004): The Markov moment problem and de Finetti’s theorem: Part I.

Diaconis - Janson (2008): Graph Limits and Exchangeable Random Graphs

Diaconis - Rolles (2006): Bayesian analysis for reversible Markov chains

Donnelly - Kurtz (1999): Particle representations for measure-valued population models.

Gnedin - Haulk - Pitman (2009): Characterizations of exchangeable partitions and random discrete distributions by deletion properties.

Gnedin - Olshanki (2009): A q-analogue of de Finetti's theorem.

Greven - Pfaffelhuber - Winter (2009): Convergence in distribution of random metric measure spaces (Λ-coalescent measure trees).

Griffiths - Ghahramani (2011): The Indian Buffet Process: An Introduction and Review.

Hoover (1979): Relations on probability spaces and arrays of random variables.

Kallenberg (2008): Some highlights from the theory of multivariate symmetries.

Kozma (2012): Reinforced random walk.

Liggett - Steif - Toth (2007): Statistical mechanical systems on complete graphs, infinite exchangeability, finite extensions and a discrete finite moment problem

Lovasz - Szegedy (2010): Regularity partitions and the topology of graphons.

Mohle - Sagitov (2001): A classification of coalescent processes for haploid exchangeable population models

Austin-Panchenko (2013): A hierarchical version of the de Finetti and Aldous-Hoover representations.

Petrov - Vershik (2010): Uncountable graphs and invariant measures on the set of universal countable graphs.

Pitman (1995): Exchangeable and partially exchangeable random partitions.

Pitman (2002): Combinatorial Stochastic Processes.

Rolles (2003): How edge-reinforced random walk arises naturally.

Teh at al (2006): Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes.

Vershik (2004): Random Metric Spaces and Universality.