

Vicarism is a moral system founded in 2006 by Philip B. Stark. Its followers, Vicarists, selflessly devote their lives to maximizing others' vicarious enjoyment.

Clearly, Vicarism requires great fortitude and personal sacrifice.

Vicarists meet irregularly in small groups to engage in and discuss activities particularly well suited to vicarious enjoyment, such as ultrarunning, arctic telemark skiing by dogsled, persistence hunting, long-distance open water swimming, triple-centuries, desert stage races, testifying to Congress, and childrearing.

Vicarist practices include conspicuous consumption—for if consumption be inconspicuous, how are others to enjoy it vicariously? Boasting is also encouraged.††

Be sure to see the frequently asked questions and glossary.

Vicarism is not entirely a joke

Vicarism keeps me mindful of my blessings, grateful for them, aware that not everyone has the same blessings, and focused on the good. It reminds me to enjoy as much as possible what there is to enjoy in every moment—and to share the enjoyment.

Starting in 2010, there will be regular meetings of Vicarists in Berkeley, CA, to gambol on trails under full moons and during eclipses, equinoctes, and solstices.

†† Which raises the question, wwB/C/L-T/J/Mba? (What would Buddha, Confucius, Lao-Tsu Jesus or Muhammad boast about?) Nothing, presumably—which shows the importance of just "telling the story" because boasting with ego generates envy, resentment, competitiveness and other unpleasant emotions, rather than vicarious enjoyment.

Last modified 12 January 2010. statistics.berkeley.edu/~stark/vicarism.htm