Statistics 2
Fall, 1997
Course Description

P.B. Stark

Statistics 2 is the least mathematical course offered by the Statistics Department. Neither linear algebra nor calculus will be used. However, you need to be comfortable with math at the level of high-school algebra (e.g., equation of a straight line, plotting points, taking powers and roots). The emphasis of the course is critical thinking about numerical evidence. Topics will include experiments and observational studies, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, elements of probability, chance variability, sampling, and hypothesis tests, as well as common techniques of presenting data in misleading ways.

The course will rely on the world-wide web to distribute information, including assignments and lecture notes. You will need to use a web browser such as Netscape to access these documents.

On midterm and final exams, you are responsible for all material presented in lecture, whether or not it is also in the book.

Statistics 2: General Information
Statistics 2: Homepage

© 1997, P.B. Stark. All rights reserved.
Last modified 19 August 1997.