

Class Home Page

Concepts in Computing with Data

Statistics 133, Spring 2011

The first "assignment" is to activate your SCF computer account, and then log into one of the Macs in Room 342, take your own picture (using the built-in camera), and email the photo to me at


Feb 11Introductory R Assignment html pdf (2 pages)
Mar 4Data and Regular Expressions html pdf (2 pages)
April 1Graphics and Databases html pdf (2 pages)
 Note:  If you're using download.file to download albums.db on Windows, add mode="wb"
to your download.file call.
April 15XML, Classification and Cluster Analysis html pdf (2 pages)
April 29    Graphical User Interfaces html pdf
 Note:  If you use a Mac, you'll need to download and install a compatible version of
 Tcl/Tk to your computer before the tcltk library will work properly. You can find
 the the file on the R Mac OS X Tools page. The file's name is tcltk-8.5.5-x11.dmg
May 6CGI Programming html pdf

Guidelines for Assignments

The report for the assignment should be in a single pdf file, emailed to, at or before the due date and time. Your report must include: