Stat 133, Spring 2011
Homework 5: GUIs
Due Friday, April 29 at 11:59PM
Using the tcltk library of R, create a graphical user interface to access an R program. Your GUI should display at least three input widgets (like entry fields, check boxes, radio buttions, sliders, etc.) as well as at least one button to activiate it. Make sure the purpose of each widget is clearly labeled.
Your submission for this assignment should contain two attachments. The first is a single pdf file, similar to those submitted for earlier assignments, including a description of your GUI, the code to execute it, and one or more screenshots that show what the GUI looks like. The second attachement should be a plain text file containing all the commands required to run your GUI program, so that I can invoke the R source function on your file, and it will display your GUI.
Email these to me (, by 11:59PM (plus or minus a minute) on the due date. Make certain to save a copy of your email submission.

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On 18 Apr 2011, 12:12.