Ryan Tibshirani

Research Software Teaching Group Other


I am lucky to work with the following great people:

Logan Brooks, Delphi research programmer Michael Celentano, Statistics postdoc Tiffany Ding, Statistics Ph.D. student Jeremy Goldwasser, Statistics Ph.D. student
(co-advised by Michael Jordan)

Addison Hu, Statistics and Machine Learning Ph.D. student Seunghoon Paik, Statistics Ph.D. student Pratik Patil, Statistics postdoc Xueda Shen, Biostatistics Ph.D. student


I am lucky to have worked with the following great people (the headings refer to their graduation dates, or end dates for postdocs):


Maria Jahja, Statistics and Machine Learning Ph.D. student Natalia Oliveira, Statistics and Machine Learning Ph.D. student Pratik Patil, Statistics and Machine Learning Ph.D. student
(co-advised by Jing Lei)
Next: Argo AI Next: Google Next: postdoc at UC Berkeley


Alden Green, Statistics Ph.D. student Collin Politsch, Delphi postdoc
(co-advised by Sivaraman Balakrishnan)
Next: postdoc at Stanford University Next: postdoc at University of Cambridge


Alnur Ali, Machine Learning Ph.D. student Sangwon (Justin) Hyun, Statistics Ph.D. student Veeranjaneyulu Sadhanala, Machine Learning Ph.D. student
(co-advised by Zico Kolter) (co-advised by Max G'Sell)
Next: postdoc at Stanford University Next: postdoc at University of Southern California Next: postdoc at University of Chicago


Yu-Xiang Wang, Statistics and Machine Learning Ph.D. student
(co-advised by Stephen Fienberg and Jing Lei)
Next: faculty position at UC Santa Barbara

Happy memories

(May 2022)

(Nov 2021)

(May 2019)

(May 2018)