Randomized Linear Algebra, Optimization, and Large-Scale Learning

Instructor: Michael Mahoney
  • Email: mmahoney ATSYMBOL
  • Office hours: TBD.
  • Office is on the third floor of Evans Hall.

    Class time and Location:
  • Tue-Thu 3:30-5:00pm, in 340 Evans Hall Hall, on the UC Berkeley campus. (First meeting is Tue Jan 21, 2025.)

  • (1/9) Here is a the initial web page for the class. All students, including auditors, are requested to register for the class. Auditors should register S/U; an S grade will be awarded for class participation and satisfactory scribe notes.

    Course description: Matrices are a popular way to model data (e.g., term-document data, people-SNP data, social network data, machine learning kernels, neural network weight matrices, and so on). However, the size-scale, noise properties, and diversity of modern data present serious challenges for many traditional deterministic matrix algorithms. In recent years, Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra (RandNLA) has emerged as area that exploits randomness for improved matrix algorithms. The course will cover the theory and practice of RandNLA-based algorithms for large-scale matrix problems arising in modern machine learning, data science, and scientific computing. Topics to be covered include: underlying theory, including the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, random sampling and projection algorithms, and connections between representative problems such as matrix multiplication, least-squares regression and linear solvers, low-rank matrix approximation, eigenvector computation, etc.; uses in sketch-and-solve, sketch-and-precondition, and iterative sketching paradigms; uses in scalable first-order and second-order stochastic optimization algorithms; numerical and computational issues that arise in practice in implementing algorithms in different computational environments and at different levels of precision; machine learning and statistical issues; and extensions/connections to related problems as well as recent work that builds on the basic methods. Appropriate for graduate students in computer science, statistics, and mathematics, as well as computationally-inclined students from application domains.

    Prerequisites: General mathematical sophistication; and a solid understanding of Algorithms, Linear Algebra, and Probability Theory, at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level, or equivalent. (If you have not at least seen most of the material in Chapter 2 and 3 of these notes, then you may have difficulties.)

    Course requirements: Most likely, multiple homeworks (ca. $60\%$ total), scribe a lecture (ca. $10\%$), and a research project (ca. $40\%$); and perhaps a final exam.

    Want more information on RandNLA? DJ Rich of Mutual_Information posted a very nice summary video about RandNLA, motivated by but much more general than our recent RandBLAS/RandLAPACK monograph. Check it out if you want to learn more.

    Primary references:

    Much of the material has not worked its way into textbooks, and thus we will be reading reviews and primary sources. There are, however, multiple good reviews on the topic. Here are a few articles that should give you an idea of some of the topics.

    General introductory overviews:

  • "RandNLA: Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra," Drineas and Mahoney (CACM 2016) (pdf)
  • "Randomized algorithms for matrices and data" Mahoney (FnT 2011) (arxiv)
  • "Determinantal Point Processes in Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra" Derezinski and Mahoney (NoticesAMS 2020) (arxiv)
  • Primary material (for the first half of the term):

  • LN-RNLA: "Lecture Notes on Randomized Linear Algebra," Mahoney (unppub 2013) (arxiv)
  • "Recent and Upcoming Developments in Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra for Machine Learning," Derezinski and Mahoney (KDD 2024) (arxiv)
  • "Lectures on Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra," Drineas and Mahoney (PCMI 2017) (arxiv)
  • Theoretical computer science perspective:

  • "Sketching as a tool for numerical linear algebra," Woodruff (FnT 2014) (arxiv)
  • "Randomized algorithms in numerical linear algebra," Kannan and Vempala (Acta 2017) (pdf)
  • Low-rank approximation:

  • "Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions," Halko, Martinsson, and Tropp (SIREV 2011) (arxiv)
  • Scientific computing perspective:

  • "Randomized methods for matrix computations," Martinsson (PCMI 2016) (arxiv)
  • "Randomized numerical linear algebra: Foundations and algorithms," Martinsson and Tropp (Acta 2020) (arxiv)
  • "Randomized matrix computations: Themes and variations," Kireeva and Tropp (unpub 2024) (arxiv)
  • Software perspective:

  • "Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: A Perspective on the Field With an Eye to Software" Murray, Demmel, Mahoney, Erichson, Melnichenko, Malik, Grigori, Luszczek, Derezinski, Lopes, Liang, Luo, and Dongarra (SIAM 2023) (arxiv)
  • Optimization:

  • "Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning," Bottou, Curtis, and Jorge Nocedal (SIREV 2016) (arxiv)
  • Additional material:

  • TBD.

  • Lectures: