The Mathematics Survey

1  Overview
2  Open access electronic survey journals
3  The encyclopedia layer
4  Advisory board
5  Organizational partners

1  Overview

The Mathematics Survey project seeks to encourage development of infrastructure for communicating mathematical knowledge, at or near the research level, freely over the web. A five page article to appear in the Notices of the AMS [.html] [.pdf] [.ps] presents our vision as of August 2005. This site describes the current state of the project and will provide future updates. We encourage anyone interested in participating in the project to contact us (Jim Pitman, David Aldous) by email to x@y where x = mathsurv and y = .

2  Open access electronic survey journals

Survey articles are an intrinsically worthwhile way to communicate mathematical knowledge. But there are few existing venues where survey articles in mathematics can be published with open access via the web. In 2004 we founded the journal Probability Surveys devoted to survey papers in probability. Volumes 1 and 2 are complete and Volume 3 (2006) is growing. We are in the process of launching a companion journal Statistics Surveys Another journal participating in the project is Ensaios Matemáticos published by the Sociedade Brasiliera de Matemática. We encourage other mathematicians to found sister survey journals in mathematics, to be supported by a variety of organizations. More details .....

3  The encyclopedia layer

For any mathematical topic there ought to be a place on the web where you can find a brief description (encyclopedia entry) of the topic, together with annotated links to survey papers, research papers etc. Today, only a few such sites exist, created independently by different individuals. For instance
We have agreed with the creators of these sites to reconstitute them as part of a larger system of such sites with an automated linking infrastructure. We hope to persuade the maintainers and developers of similar sites to follow suit. We plan to provide a template which any research mathematician can use to create an authoritative up-to-date site on a topic within their expertize, with linking infrastructure which gives site maintainers an incentive to adhere to common standards. We are founding an electronic journal, The Mathematical Atlas which will provide a forum for mathematicians of all kinds to publish peer-reviewed encyclopedia entries on diverse mathematical subjects, suitable for inclusion in such websites. In particular, we plan to solicit entries for each of the 5531 subjects appearing in the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC 2000) utilized by Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt MATH and each of the 441 subjects listed in the Core Subject Taxonomy for Mathematical Sciences Education. If you know where such entries can already be found on the web, or if you would like create one yourself, or persuade others to do so, please let us know.
To provide access to various subject sites, companion Mathematics Survey journals, and other online resources in mathematics, including subscription services such as as well as free services such as we intend to provide subject navigation and linking software comparable to what is provided by the last three sites, with indexing by various subject classifications. For a preliminary form of such navigation software brought up with help of ZMATH, see MatNav.

4  Advisory board

5  Organizational partners

The Mathematics Survey is supported by a number of organizational partners. These include:

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