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Stat Labs integrates the theory of statistics with the practice of statistics
through a collection of case studies, which we call labs.
Each lab introduces a problem, provides some
scientific background, suggests investigations for the data, and provides a summary of the theory
used in the investigations.
Our philosophy of teaching statistics through case studies is described in a recent article appearing in The American Statistician, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp 370-376. We have collected our labs into a text for advanced introductory statistics courses. A sample chapter, Maternal Smoking and Infant Health, can be found at this web site along with ideas on how to use our text in a course. This web site provides the data used in Stat Labs, and answers to our students' frequently asked questions on how to use S-plus and R to analyze these data.
To Order:
Labs: Mathematical Statistics through Applications can
be purchased in paperback from Springer-Verlag for $34.95.
last updated on March 21, 2000.