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Stat Labs: Mathematical Statistics through Applications uses a model we have developed for teaching mathematical statistics through in-depth case studies.

Traditional statistics texts have many small numerical examples in each chapter to illustrate a topic in mathematical statistics. Here, we instead make a case study the centerpiece of each chapter. The case studies, which we call labs, raise interesting scientific questions, and by figuring out how to answer these questions we develop statistical theory.

The labs are substantial exercises. Data are provided to address the questions; the solutions are nontrivial and leave room for different analyses. They provide the framework and motivation for the topics in mathematical statistics and they help students develop statistical thinking.

This approach integrates mathematical statistics and applied statistics in a way not commonly encountered in an undergraduate text.

The Student
The book is intended for a course in mathematical statistics for juniors and seniors. We assume that students have had one year of calculus, including Taylor series, and a course in probability. We do not assume students have experience with statistical software so we incorporate lessons on how to use the software into our course.

Statistical Topics
This book covers the standard topics found in most mathematical statistics texts.

ChapterMain Topic Additional topics
1 - Infant health descriptive statistics quantile plots
normal approximation
2 - Video games simple random sampling confidence intervals
3 - Radon in households stratified sampling optimal allocation
parametric bootstrap
4 - Patterns in DNA estimation and testing maximum likelihood
goodness-of-fit tests
5 - Taste testing experimentdesign of experiments contingency tables
chi-square tests of homogeneity & independence
6 - HIV in hemophiliacsPoisson counts and rates confidence intervals for rates
Mantel-Haenszel test
7 - Crab growth patternsregression correlation
8 - Instrument calibration Simple linear models replicate measurements
confidence bands
9 - Voting behavior ecological regression weighted regression
10 - Infant health multiple regression model checking
geometry of least squares
indicator variables
11 - Genetically altered miceanalysis of variance quantile plots
ANOVA table
balanced and unbalanced designs
12 - Helicopter design response surface analysis factorial design

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  How to Use Stat Labs 
 Stat Labs Data 
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