
1  More on Plotting

We've seen the usage of some basic graphics functions in previous lectures, but there are still a few points that should be covered before we study more advanced graphics commands. One issue has to do with multiple lines on a plot. In addition to the high-level plot command, R provides the points and lines functions, which can add new data to a plot. Consider the nationwide Community Health Data, available at the website The data is available in a zip file, which contains a number of CSV files containing information recorded for each county in the USA. One such file, containing information about various risk factors and access to health care in the counties can be found on the class website: First, we'll read in the data, and look at the first few records:
> risk = read.csv('')
> head(risk)
  State_FIPS_Code County_FIPS_Code CHSI_County_Name CHSI_State_Name
1               1                1          Autauga         Alabama
2               1                3          Baldwin         Alabama
3               1                5          Barbour         Alabama
4               1                7             Bibb         Alabama
5               1                9           Blount         Alabama
6               1               11          Bullock         Alabama
  CHSI_State_Abbr Strata_ID_Number No_Exercise CI_Min_No_Exercise
1              AL               29        27.8               20.7
2              AL               16        27.2               23.2
3              AL               51     -1111.1            -1111.1
4              AL               42     -1111.1            -1111.1
5              AL               28        33.5               26.3
6              AL               75     -1111.1            -1111.1
  CI_Max_No_Exercise Few_Fruit_Veg CI_Min_Fruit_Veg CI_Max_Fruit_Veg Obesity
1               34.9          78.6             69.4             87.8    24.5
2               31.2          76.2             71.2             81.3    23.6
3            -1111.1       -1111.1          -1111.1          -1111.1    25.6
4            -1111.1          86.6             77.8             95.4 -1111.1
5               40.6          74.6             66.1             83.0    24.2
6            -1111.1       -1111.1          -1111.1          -1111.1 -1111.1
  CI_Min_Obesity CI_Max_Obesity High_Blood_Pres CI_Min_High_Blood_Pres
1           17.3           31.7            29.1                   19.2
2           19.5           27.6            30.5                   24.5
3           16.2           35.0         -1111.1                -1111.1
4        -1111.1        -1111.1         -1111.1                -1111.1
5           17.2           31.2         -1111.1                -1111.1
6        -1111.1        -1111.1         -1111.1                -1111.1
  CI_Max_High_Blood_Pres  Smoker CI_Min_Smoker CI_Max_Smoker Diabetes
1                   39.0    26.6          19.1          34.0     14.2
2                   36.6    24.6          20.3          28.8      7.2
3                -1111.1    17.7          10.2          25.1      6.6
4                -1111.1 -1111.1       -1111.1       -1111.1     13.1
5                -1111.1    23.6          16.7          30.4      8.4
6                -1111.1 -1111.1       -1111.1       -1111.1  -1111.1
  CI_Min_Diabetes CI_Max_Diabetes Uninsured Elderly_Medicare Disabled_Medicare
1             9.1            19.3      5690             4762              1209
2             5.2             9.3     19798            22635              3839
3             2.0            11.3      5126             3288              1092
4             4.7            21.5      3315             2390               974
5             4.4            12.4      8131             5019              1300
6         -1111.1         -1111.1      2295             1433               504
  Prim_Care_Phys_Rate Dentist_Rate Community_Health_Center_Ind HPSA_Ind
1                45.3         22.6                           1        2
2                67.0         30.8                           1        2
3                45.8         24.6                           1        2
4                41.8         18.6                           1        1
5                16.2         10.8                           2        1
6                54.3         18.1                           1        1

It's clear that the value -1111.1 is being used for missing values, and we'll need to fix that before we work with the data:
> risk[risk == -1111.1] = NA

Suppose we want to investigate the relationship between Diabetes and Smoking in each of the counties in California. We could create a data set with only California using the subset command, and then plot the two variables of interest:
> = subset(risk, CHSI_State_Name == 'California')
> plot($Smoker,$Diabetes)

Here's what the plot looks like:
Now let's say that we wanted to examine the relationship between smoking and diabetes for some other state, say Alabama. We can extract the Alabama data using subset, and then use the points command to add that data to the existing plot. (Unlike plot, points doesn't produce a new plot, it adds to the currently active plot.)
> = subset(risk, CHSI_State_Name == 'Alabama')
> points($Smoker,$Diabetes,col='red')

The plot now looks like this:
Clearly there's a problem: some of the Alabama points are off the scale. This demonstrates that when you wish to plot multiple sets of points on the same graph that you have to make sure that the axes are big enough to accomodate all of the data. One very easy way to do this is to call the plot function with the minimums and maximums of all the data using type='n' as one of the arguments. This tells R to set up the axes, but not to actually plot anything. So a better way to plot the two sets of points would be as follows:
> plot(range(c($Smoker,$Smoker),na.rm=TRUE),
+      range(c($Diabetes,$Diabetes),na.rm=TRUE),
+      type='n',xlab='Smoking Rate',ylab='Diabetes Rate')
> points($Smoker,$Diabetes)
> points($Smoker,$Diabetes,col='red')
> legend('topright',c('California','Alabama'),col=c('black','red'),pch=1)
> title('Diabetes Rate vs. Smoking by County')

The completed plot looks like this:
To add a line to a plot, the lines function can be used in place of the points function. The built-in data set Puromycin provides data on concentration and reaction rate of Puromycin on two types of cells, treated and untreated. You can learn more about R's builtin data sets by using the data() function, and then using the usual help facility within R. Since this is a small data set (only 23 rows), we can examine it directly:
> Puromycin
   conc rate     state
1  0.02   76   treated
2  0.02   47   treated
3  0.06   97   treated
4  0.06  107   treated
5  0.11  123   treated
6  0.11  139   treated
7  0.22  159   treated
8  0.22  152   treated
9  0.56  191   treated
10 0.56  201   treated
11 1.10  207   treated
12 1.10  200   treated
13 0.02   67 untreated
14 0.02   51 untreated
15 0.06   84 untreated
16 0.06   86 untreated
17 0.11   98 untreated
18 0.11  115 untreated
19 0.22  131 untreated
20 0.22  124 untreated
21 0.56  144 untreated
22 0.56  158 untreated
23 1.10  160 untreated

Since there are two observations at each concentration, we can use the aggregate function to calculate the mean before plotting the data:
> Puro = aggregate(list(rate=Puromycin$rate),list(conc=Puromycin$conc,state=Puromycin$state),mean)

By putting the rate variable in a named list, I insure that the column with the mean will be called "rate". Alternatively, I could rename the column later:
> Puro = aggregate(Puromycin$rate,list(conc=Puromycin$conc,state=Puromycin$state),mean)
> names(Puro)[3] = 'rate'

Now we can create two data frames, one for the treated cells, and one for the untreated ones:
> Puro.treated = subset(Puro,state=='treated')
> Puro.untreated = subset(Puro,state=='untreated')

Examination of the data shows that the rate for the treated cells are higher than the untreated cells. Thus, instead of creating an empty plot as in the previous example, I'll just plot the line for the treated cells first:
> plot(Puro.treated$conc,Puro.treated$rate,xlab='Conc',ylab='Rate',main='Rate vs. Concentration for Puromycin',type='l')
> lines(Puro.untreated$conc,Puro.untreated$rate,col='blue')
> legend('bottomright',c('Treated','Untreated'),col=c('black','blue'),lty=1)

The plot appears below:

2  Multiple Plots on a Page

The mfrow or mfcol arguments to the par function allow you to divide the plotting page into a grid, to accomodate multiple plots on a single page. The layout of the plot is determined by a vector of length 2, specifying the number of rows and columns in the grid. The difference between mfrow and mfcol concerns the order in which the plots are drawn. When using mfrow, plots are drawn across the rows, while mfcol draws the plot down the columns.
As an example, consider the builtin airquality data set, which contains various air quality measures for a five month period in New York. We can get an idea of what the data is like by using the summary function:
> summary(airquality)
     Ozone           Solar.R           Wind             Temp      
 Min.   :  1.00   Min.   :  7.0   Min.   : 1.700   Min.   :56.00  
 1st Qu.: 18.00   1st Qu.:115.8   1st Qu.: 7.400   1st Qu.:72.00  
 Median : 31.50   Median :205.0   Median : 9.700   Median :79.00  
 Mean   : 42.13   Mean   :185.9   Mean   : 9.958   Mean   :77.88  
 3rd Qu.: 63.25   3rd Qu.:258.8   3rd Qu.:11.500   3rd Qu.:85.00  
 Max.   :168.00   Max.   :334.0   Max.   :20.700   Max.   :97.00  
 NA's   : 37.00   NA's   :  7.0                                   
     Month            Day       
 Min.   :5.000   Min.   : 1.00  
 1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 8.00  
 Median :7.000   Median :16.00  
 Mean   :6.993   Mean   :15.80  
 3rd Qu.:8.000   3rd Qu.:23.00  
 Max.   :9.000   Max.   :31.00  

Suppose we want to plot histograms of each of the first four variables, side by side with a plot of the variable over time. The first step is to convert the Month and Date variables into R Date variables:
> airquality$date = as.Date(ISOdate(1973,airquality$Month,airquality$Day))

Rather than typing in the plotting commans repeatedly, we can write a function to make the plots for each variable:
twoplot = function(var){
  plot(density(airquality[,var],na.rm=TRUE),main=paste('Density of',var))
  plot(airquality$date,airquality[,var],type='l',main=paste(var,'vs. time'),ylab=var)

Since we'll be plotting the first four variables, we'll want a 4x2 grid, and we'll want to plot by rows. Thus, we issue the following command:
> par(mfrow=c(4,2))

We can use sapply to call our twoplot function for each of the variables:
> sapply(names(airquality)[1:4],twoplot)
     Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp
[1,]  1216    1216 1216 1216
[2,]  1247    1247 1247 1247
[3,]  1277    1277 1277 1277
[4,]  1308    1308 1308 1308
[5,]  1339    1339 1339 1339
[6,]  1369    1369 1369 1369

Here's the plot:

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