PB HLTH 292, Section 020
Statistics and Genomics Seminar

Spring 2013

Time: Thursday, 16:00-17:00
Location: 1011 Evans Hall
Organizer: Professor Sandrine Dudoit

Please e-mail sandrine@stat.berkeley.edu to be added to the seminar e-mail list.

Program from previous semesters.

Campus map.

Center for Computational Biology.

Course registration information

PB HLTH 292, Section 020
Course control number: 76324
N.B. SU grade option only, maximum of 2 units

CCB: The Center for Computational Biology is sponsoring this talk. Refreshments will be served.

Thursday, January 24th
Speaker: Dr. Lee H. Chae, Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, CA
Title: Metabolic Reconstruction and the Evolution of Plant Metabolism

Thursday, January 31st
Speaker: Dr. Julia Brettscheider, Department of Statistics, The University of Warwick, UK
Title: Subset Based Assessment of High-Throughput Gene Expression Data Quality in Time Course Experiments

Thursday, February 7th
Speaker: Professor Javier Arsuaga, Department of Mathematics, San Francisco State University
Title: Mitochondrial DNA Organization in Trypanosomatid Parasites

Thursday, February 14th
Speaker: Stephen Francis, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley
Title: Applications of Metagenomic Epidemiology: From Social Networks to Childhood Leukemia

Thursday, February 21st
Speaker: Dr. Jean-Baptiste Poline, CEA-Neurospin and UC Berkeley
Title: An Introduction to Brain Imaging Genetics: Bioinformatics and Biostatistical Challenges

Thursday, February 28th
Special seminar from Center for Computational Biology
Speaker: Dr. Joe Pickrell, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Title: Functional and Evolutionary Analysis of Human Genetic Variation
Time: 15:00-16:00
Location: 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building

Thursday, March 7th

Thursday, March 14th
Speaker: Dr. William Forrest, Genentech
Title: Detecting Substrates of Proteolysis via SILAC Assays

Thursday, March 21th
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Listgarten, Microsoft
Title: Robust and Fast Linear Mixed Models for Genome-wide Association Studies

Thursday, March 28th
Spring recess

Thursday, April 4th
Speaker: Professor Chiara Sabatti, Department of Statistics, Stanford University
Title: Statistical Challenges in the Analysis of Resequencing Data

Thursday, April 11th
Speaker: Dr. Terry Neeman, Statistical Consulting Unit, Australian National University
Title: Can One Increase the Power of a GWAS Study Using a Combination of Resampling DNA Samples and Pooled DNA Genotyping?

Thursday, April 18th
Speaker: Lorenzo Maragoni, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua, Italy
Title: Bringing out New Information from Microarray Data: Quantile Inference for Differential Expression

Thursday, April 25th
Speaker: Dr. Laurent Jacob, Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley
Title: Efficient RNA Isoform Identification and Quantification from RNA-Seq Data with Network Flows

Thursday, May 2nd
Speaker: Professor Joseph F. Costello, Department of Neurological Surgery, UC San Francisco
Title: Genetic Divergence and Therapy-Driven Evolution between Primary and Recurrent Glioma

Thursday, May 9th
Speaker: Dr. Steffen Durinck, Genentech
Title: Integrative Cancer Genomics

Thursday, May 16th
Speaker: Professor Olga Vitek, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
Title: Statistical Methods and Tools for Quantitative Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics