Analysis of Variance

1  Two-Way ANOVA

To express the idea of an interaction in the R modeling language, we need to introduce two new operators. The colon (:) is used to indicate an interaction between two or more variables in model formula. The asterisk (*) is use to indicate all main effects and interactions among the variables that it joins. So, for example the term A*B would expand to the three terms A, B, and A:B. As an example of a two-way ANOVA, consider a study to determine the effects of physical activity on obesity. Subjects were rated for their physical activity on a three point scale with 1=not very active, 2=somewhat active, and 3=very active. In addition, the race (either 1 or 2) of the participant was recorded, along with their Body Mass Index (BMI). We want to answer the following three questions:
  1. Were the means for BMI the same for the two races?
  2. Were the means for BMI the same for the three activity levels?
  3. Is the effect of activity level different depending on race?, or equivalently Is the effect of race different depending on activity level?
The first two questions can be answered by looking at the race and activity main effects, while the third question describes the race by activity interaction. The data can be found at Here are the R statements to run the ANOVA:
> activity = read.csv('activity.csv')
> activity$race = factor(activity$race)
> activity$activity = factor(activity$activity)
> activity.aov = aov(bmi~race*activity,data=activity)
> summary(activity.aov)
                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value  Pr(>F)
race             1   3552    3552 102.5894 < 2e-16 ***
activity         2   2672    1336  38.5803 < 2e-16 ***
race:activity    2    301     151   4.3508 0.01303 *
Residuals     1865  64574      35
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Notice that there are two degrees of freedom for activity - this means two parameters will be estimated in order to explain activity's effect on bmi. Unlike linear regression, where only a single parameter is estimated, and the only relationship that can be fit is a linear one, using two parameters (to account for the three levels of activity) provides more flexibility than would be possible with linear regression.
To see if the analysis was reasonable, we can look at the default plots:
> plot(activity.aov)

The graphs appear below:
There seems to some deviation from normality when looking at the Normal Q-Q plot (recall that, if the residuals did follow a normal distribution, we would see a straight line.) When this situation arises, analyzing the logarithm of the dependent variable often helps. Here are the same results for the analysis of log(bmi):
> activity1.aov = aov(log(bmi)~race*activity,data=activity)
> summary(activity1.aov)
                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)
race             1  4.588   4.588 100.3741 < 2.2e-16 ***
activity         2  3.251   1.625  35.5596  6.98e-16 ***
race:activity    2  0.317   0.158   3.4625   0.03155 *
Residuals     1865 85.240   0.046
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> plot(activity1.aov)

The Q-Q plot looks better, so this model is probably more appropriate. We can see both main effects as well as the interaction are significant. To see what's happening with the main effects, we can use aggregate:
> aggregate(log(activity$bmi),activity['race'],mean)
  race        x
1    1 3.122940
2    2 3.222024
> aggregate(log(activity$bmi),activity['activity'],mean)
  activity        x
1        1 3.242682
2        2 3.189810
3        3 3.109518

Race 2 has higher values of BMI than race 1, and BMI decreases as the level of activity increases.
To study the interaction, we could use aggregate, passing both race and activity as the second argument:
> aggregate(log(activity$bmi),activity[c('race','activity')],mean)
  race activity        x
1    1        1 3.161119
2    2        1 3.298576
3    1        2 3.140970
4    2        2 3.230651
5    1        3 3.084426
6    2        3 3.143478

The arrangement of the output from tapply may be more helpful:
> tapply(log(activity$bmi),activity[c('race','activity')],mean)
race        1        2        3
   1 3.161119 3.140970 3.084426
   2 3.298576 3.230651 3.143478

It's usually difficult to judge relationships like this from a table. One useful tool in this case is an interaction plot. An interaction plot has one point for each combination of the factors defined by an interaction. The x-axis represents the levels of one of the factors, and the y-axis represents the mean of the dependent variable, and a separate line is drawn for each level of the factor not represented on the x-axis. While it wouldn't be too hard to produce such a plot with basic commands in R, the process is automated by the interaction.plot function. The first argument to this function is the factor to appear on the x-axis; the second is the factor which will define the multiple lines being drawn, and the third argument is the dependent variable. By default, interaction.plot uses the mean for its display, but you can provide a function of your own choosing through the fun= argument. For the activity data, we can produce an interaction plot with the following code:
> with(activity,interaction.plot(activity,race,log(bmi)))

Here's the plot:
It can be seen that the interaction is due to the fact that the slope of the line for race 2 is steeper than the line for race 1.

2  Another Example

This example has to do with iron retention in mice. Two different treatments, each at three different levels, were fed to mice. The treatments were tagged with radioactive iron, so that the percentage of iron retained could be measured after a fixed period of time. The data is presented in a table as follows:
         Fe2+                            Fe3+
high   medium   low       high    medium      low
0.71    2.20    2.25      2.20      4.04      2.71
1.66    2.93    3.93      2.69      4.16      5.43
2.01    3.08    5.08      3.54      4.42      6.38
2.16    3.49    5.82      3.75      4.93      6.38
2.42    4.11    5.84      3.83      5.49      8.32
2.42    4.95    6.89      4.08      5.77      9.04
2.56    5.16    8.50      4.27      5.86      9.56
2.60    5.54    8.56      4.53      6.28     10.01
3.31    5.68    9.44      5.32      6.97     10.08
3.64    6.25   10.52      6.18      7.06     10.62
3.74    7.25   13.46      6.22      7.78     13.80
3.74    7.90   13.57      6.33      9.23     15.99
4.39    8.85   14.76      6.97      9.34     17.90
4.50   11.96   16.41      6.97      9.91     18.25
5.07   15.54   16.96      7.52     13.46     19.32
5.26   15.89   17.56      8.36     18.40     19.87
8.15   18.30   22.82     11.65     23.89     21.60
8.24   18.59   29.13     12.45     26.39     22.25

Thus, before we can perform analysis on the data, it needs to be rearranged. To do this, we can use the reshape function. Since there are two different sets of variables that represent the change in the factors of the experiment, we first read in the data (skipping the header), and create two groups of variables in our call to reshape:
> iron0 = read.table('iron.txt',skip=5,nrows=18)
> names(iron0) = c('Fe2high','Fe2medium','Fe2low','Fe3high','Fe3medium','Fe3low')
> iron1 = reshape(iron0,varying=list(1:3,4:6),direction='long')
> head(iron1)
    time Fe2high Fe3high id
1.1    1    0.71    2.20  1
2.1    1    1.66    2.69  2
3.1    1    2.01    3.54  3
4.1    1    2.16    3.75  4
5.1    1    2.42    3.83  5
6.1    1    2.42    4.08  6

After examining the data, it can be seen that the low, medium, and high values have been translated into values 1, 2, and 3 in the variable time. The id variable is created to help us see which line each observation came from, which is not relevant in this case, since the table was just used to present the data, and the values in the table don't represent repeated measures on the same experimental unit.
Next, we eliminate the id column, rename the column named "time" and further reshape the data to represent the two treatments:
> iron1$id = NULL
> names(iron1)[1] = 'level'
> iron = reshape(iron1,varying=list(2:3),direction='long')
> head(iron)
    level time Fe2high id
1.1     1    1    0.71  1
2.1     1    1    1.66  2
3.1     1    1    2.01  3
4.1     1    1    2.16  4
5.1     1    1    2.42  5
6.1     1    1    2.42  6

All that's left is to remove the id column and to rename time and Fe2high:
> iron$id = NULL
> names(iron)[2:3] = c('treatment','retention')
> head(iron)
    level treatment retention
1.1     1         1      0.71
2.1     1         1      1.66
3.1     1         1      2.01
4.1     1         1      2.16
5.1     1         1      2.42
6.1     1         1      2.42

Once the data has been reshaped, it's essential to make sure that the independent variables are correctly stored as factors:
> sapply(iron,class)
    level treatment retention 
"integer" "integer" "numeric" 

Since treatment and level are not factors, we must convert them:
>  iron$treatment = factor(iron$treatment,labels=c('Fe2+','Fe3+'))
> iron$level = factor(iron$level,labels=c('high','medium','low'))
> head(iron)
    level treatment retention
1.1  high      Fe2+      0.71
2.1  high      Fe2+      1.66
3.1  high      Fe2+      2.01
4.1  high      Fe2+      2.16
5.1  high      Fe2+      2.42
6.1  high      Fe2+      2.42

Now we can perform the ANOVA:
> iron.aov = aov(retention ~ level*treatment,data=iron)
> summary(iron.aov)
                 Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
level             2  983.62  491.81 17.0732 4.021e-07 ***
treatment         1   62.26   62.26  2.1613    0.1446    
level:treatment   2    8.29    4.15  0.1439    0.8661    
Residuals       102 2938.20   28.81                      

Before proceeding further, we should examine the ANOVA plots to see if the data meets the assumptions of ANOVA:
Both the normal Q-Q plot and the scale-location plot indicate problems similar to the previous example, and a log transformation is once again suggested. This is not unusual when data is measured as percentages or ratios.
> ironl.aov = aov(log(retention) ~ level*treatment,data=iron)
> par(mfrow=c(2,2))
> plot(ironl.aov)

The plots look much better, so we'll continue with the analysis of the log of retention.
                 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
level             2 15.588   7.794 22.5241 7.91e-09 ***
treatment         1  2.074   2.074  5.9931  0.01607 *  
level:treatment   2  0.810   0.405  1.1708  0.31426    
Residuals       102 35.296   0.346                     
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Since there were only two levels of treatment, the significant treatment effect means the two treatments were different. We can use the TukeyHSD function to see if the different levels of the treatment were different:
> TukeyHSD(ironl.aov,'level')
  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = log(retention) ~ level * treatment, data = iron)

                 diff        lwr       upr     p adj
medium-high 0.5751084 0.24533774 0.9048791 0.0002042
low-high    0.9211588 0.59138806 1.2509295 0.0000000
low-medium  0.3460503 0.01627962 0.6758210 0.0373939

It appears that the high level had much lower retention values than the other two levels:
> aggregate(log(iron$retention),iron['level'],mean)
   level        x
1   high 1.420526
2 medium 1.995635
3    low 2.341685

Although there was no significant interaction, an interaction plot can still be useful in visualizing what happens in an experiment:
> interaction.plot(iron$level,iron$treatment,log(iron$retention))

3  More Complex Models

When working with the wine data frame, we've separated the categorical variable (Cultivar) from the continuous variable for pedagogical reasons, but the aov function can accomodate both in the same model. Let's add the Cultivar variable to the regression model we've previously worked with:
> = lm(Alcohol~Cultivar+Malic.acid+Alkalinity.ash+Proanthocyanins+Color.intensity+OD.Ratio+Proline,data=wine)
> summary(

lm(formula = Alcohol ~ Cultivar + Malic.acid + Alkalinity.ash +
    Proanthocyanins + Color.intensity + OD.Ratio + Proline, data = wine)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-1.13591 -0.31737 -0.02623  0.33229  1.65633

                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)     12.9158487  0.4711149  27.415  < 2e-16 ***
Cultivar2       -0.9957910  0.1776136  -5.607 8.26e-08 ***
Cultivar3       -0.6714047  0.2396380  -2.802  0.00568 **
Malic.acid       0.0559472  0.0410860   1.362  0.17510
Alkalinity.ash  -0.0133598  0.0134499  -0.993  0.32198
Proanthocyanins -0.0561493  0.0817366  -0.687  0.49305
Color.intensity  0.1135452  0.0270097   4.204 4.24e-05 ***
OD.Ratio         0.0494695  0.0987946   0.501  0.61721
Proline          0.0002391  0.0002282   1.048  0.29629
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4886 on 169 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.6541,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.6377
F-statistic: 39.95 on 8 and 169 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

One problem with the summary display for models like this is that it's treating our factor variable (Cultivar) as two separate variables. While that is the way it is fit in the model, it's usually more informative to combine the effects of the two variables as a single effect. The anova command will produce a more traditional ANOVA table:
> anova(
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Alcohol
                 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)
Cultivar          2 70.795  35.397 148.2546 < 2.2e-16 ***
Malic.acid        1  0.013   0.013   0.0552    0.8146
Alkalinity.ash    1  0.229   0.229   0.9577    0.3292
Proanthocyanins   1  0.224   0.224   0.9384    0.3341
Color.intensity   1  4.750   4.750  19.8942 1.488e-05 ***
OD.Ratio          1  0.031   0.031   0.1284    0.7206
Proline           1  0.262   0.262   1.0976    0.2963
Residuals       169 40.351   0.239
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The summary display contained other useful information, so you shouldn't hesitate to look at both.
Comparing these results to our previous regression, we can see that only one variable (Color.intensity) is still significant, and the effect of Cultivar is very significant. For this data set, it means that while we can use the chemical composition to help predict the Alcohol content of the wines, but that knowing the Cultivar will be more effective. Let's look at a reduced model that uses only Cultivar and Color.intensity to see how it compares with the model containing the extra variables:
> wine.new1 = lm(Alcohol~Cultivar+Color.intensity,data=wine) 
> summary(wine.new1)

lm(formula = Alcohol ~ Cultivar + Color.intensity, data = wine)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-1.12074 -0.32721 -0.04133  0.34799  1.54962

                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)     13.14845    0.14871  88.417  < 2e-16 ***
Cultivar2       -1.20265    0.10431 -11.530  < 2e-16 ***
Cultivar3       -0.79248    0.10495  -7.551 2.33e-12 ***
Color.intensity  0.10786    0.02434   4.432 1.65e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4866 on 174 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.6468,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.6407
F-statistic: 106.2 on 3 and 174 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

The adjusted R-squared for this model is better than that of the previous one, indicating that removing those extra variables didn't seem to cause any problems. To formally test to see if there is a difference between the two models, we can use the anova function. When passed a single model object, anova prints an ANOVA table, but when it's passed two model objects, it performs a test to compare the two models:
> anova(,wine.new1)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: Alcohol ~ Cultivar + Malic.acid + Alkalinity.ash + Proanthocyanins +
    Color.intensity + OD.Ratio + Proline
    Model 2: Alcohol ~ Cultivar + Color.intensity
      Res.Df    RSS  Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
      1    169 40.351
      2    174 41.207  -5    -0.856 0.7174 0.6112

The test indicates that there's no significant difference between the two models.
When all the independent variables in our model were categorical model (the race/activity example), the interactions between the categorical variables was one of the most interesting parts of the analysis. What does an interaction between a categorical variable and a continuous variable represent? Such an interaction can tell us if the slope of the continuous variable is different for the different levels of the categorical variable. In the current model, we can test to see if the slopes are different by adding the term Cultivar:Color.intensity to the model:
> anova(wine.new2)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Alcohol
                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)
Cultivar                   2 70.795  35.397 149.6001 < 2.2e-16 ***
Color.intensity            1  4.652   4.652  19.6613 1.644e-05 ***
Cultivar:Color.intensity   2  0.509   0.255   1.0766     0.343
Residuals                172 40.698   0.237
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

There doesn't seem to be a significant interaction.

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