This plot is bad for several reasons --

# Set the background to pink and 
# Save the old parameter settings

oldpar = par(bg="pink") 

# Make a line plot of the number of transistors by date
# The type of plot is "line", the line width is 3, and its color is green.
# The tck parameter set to 1 puts a grid on the data region 
# The ylim parameter was used to include 0 on the y-axis


# fill in the space below the line with red

We had to work hard to get such a bad plot. The default values for plotting arguments in R do a pretty good job, but we are still left with the decision of how to scale the y axis.

#restore the old setting of par

# Make a line plot of the number of transistors by date

The above plot is a far simpler, cleaner plot on a log-scale. But there is plenty of room for inmprovement.

 ylab = "Growth in comparison to 1975 - log scale"
 xlab = "Date"
 coll = c("black","red","green","blue")
 varl = c("Transistors","Microns","MIPS","Clock speed")

# Superpose the lines on one plot, use colors to distinguish them
# Use a log scale again, and look at the changes relative to 1975
# so that all variables use the same y-axis

ChipsN = Chips[-5]
ChipsN =[-1], function(x) x/x[1]))

 matplot(Chips$Date,cbind(ChipsN[c(1,3,5)], 1/ChipsN[2]),
       type="l", log="y", lwd=2, lty=1, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, col=coll)

# Include a legend that distinguishes the various measures 
 legend(1976, 1000, legend=varl, fill=coll, bty="n")

# Add marker lines to denote important technological advances
# Use a pale color so the markers do not dominate the data region
 abline(v=1993, col="grey")
 abline(v=1985, col="grey")

# Label the marker lines
 mtext(text="Pentium", side=3, line=-1.2, at=1993+0.1, adj=0)
 mtext(text="32 bit processor", side=3, line=-1.2, at=1985+0.1, adj=0)