Papers on Technology in Education
- Case Studies and Computing: Broadening the scope of statistical
(with D. Temple Lang)
in Proceedings of the 2003 ISI Meeting
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- Rethinking the Use of Technology in Education:
An Interactive Statistical Environment Using R
(with D. Temple Lang)
Talk given at the Joint Statistical Meeting, 2003
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- An Environment for Creating Interactive Statistical Documents
(with S. Buttrey and D. Temple Lang)
in Proceedings of the Interface, 2001
|PDF file|
- Computing in the Mathematical Statistics Course
(with S. Buttrey and D. Temple Lang)
in Proceedings of the 2001 Joint Statistical Meeting
|PDF file|
- Multimedia Statistical Labs & Toolkit (with D. Temple Lang),
in Proceedings of the 1999 ISI Meeting
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- Interactive Education: A Framework and Tools (with D. Temple Lang),
in Newsletter of Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics,
Vol. 9, No. 1, 1998
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Papers on Teaching Statistics
- You can load a die but you can't bias a coin (with A. Gelman), in
Teaching Statistics.
|PDF file|
- A Class Project in Survey Sampling (with A. Gelman), in
College Teaching.
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- Some Statistical Sampling and Data Collection Activities
(with A. Gelman), in
Mathematics Teacher.
|PDF file|
- A probability model for golf putting (with A. Gelman), in
Teaching Statistics
|Postscript file|
- Double takes: some statistical examples with surprise twists
(with A. Gelman)
|PDF file|
- Case Studies in the Mathematical Statistics Course, to appear in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Teaching Statistics
|HTML file|
- Teaching statistics theory through applications (with T. Speed),
in The Amercian Statistician
|PDF file|
Papers on Undergraduate Summer Research Mathematics Programs
But what good came of it at last?
How to Assess the Value of Undergraduate Research
(with A. Adhikari),
in the
AMS Notices 2002.
|PDF file|
The Mills College Summer Mathematics Institute &
The Berkeley Summer Mathematics Institute for the Mathematical
in the
Proceedings of the Conference on Summer Undergraduate
Mathematics Research Programs, sponsored by the AMS and NSA.
|PDF file|
Evaluating Summer Math Programs,
in the
Proceedings of the Conference on Summer Undergraduate
Mathematics Research Programs, sponsored by the AMS and NSA.
|PDF file|
Discussion on How to Evaluate Summer Mathematics Programs,
in the
Proceedings of the Conference on Summer Undergraduate
Mathematics Research Programs, sponsored by the AMS and NSA.
|PDF file|
Papers on Empirical Processes
- Limit Theorems for the infinite-degree U-process (with C. Heilig),
in Statistica Sinica.
|Postscript file|
- On Min-Max Majority and Deepest Points,
in Statistics and Probability Letters
|Postscript file|
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