Ella Hiesmayr

Ella Hiesmayr

I am a graduate student at the Statistics Department at the University of California, Berkeley, co-advised by Shirshendu Ganguly and Steve Evans. For more information see my CV.

E-mail: ella dot hiesmayr at berkeley dot edu


My research is in probability theory. I focus on random graphs on the one hand, and processes motivated by biological applications on the other. In the first area I have been working on sparse Erdős-Rényi graphs, and am currently also interested in geometric graphs. In the second area my work has been on weakly interacting branching processes. I hope to combine these two research directions in the future.

Publications and Preprints

The Spectral Edge of Constant Degree Erdős-Rényi Graphs,
with Theo McKenzie, 2023, arxiv-link

Mean-field interacting multi-type birth-death processes with a view to applications in phylodynamics,
with William S. DeWitt, Steven N. Evans and Sebastian Hummel, 2023, arxiv-link

Spectral large deviations of sparse random matrices,
with Shirshendu Ganguly and Kyeongsik Nam, 2022, arxiv-link

Upper tail behavior of the number of triangles in random graphs with constant average degree,
with Shirshendu Ganguly and Kyeongsik Nam, 2022, arxiv-link , to appear in Combinatorica

Asymptotic results on Hoppe trees and its variations,
with Ümit Işlak, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 57 (2), pp. 441 - 457, 2020, journal-link

Some remarks on biased recursive trees,
with Ümit Işlak, 2018, arxiv-link

Found in translation,
in Critical Conversations in African Philosophy, Asixoxe - Let’s talk, edited by Alena Rettová, Benedetta Lanfranchi and Miriam Pahl, Routledge, New York, 2021, journal-link


2019-2023, University of California, Berkeley, Statistics Department, Graduate student instructor

Stat 20 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Stat 134 Concepts of Probability
Stat 150 Stochastic Processes
Stat 155 Game Theory
Stat 204 Probability for Applications (Graduate Level)
Stat 205B Probability Theory (Graduate level)
Stat 206 Advanced Topics in Probablity and Stochastic Processes (Graduate level)

2017-2018, Koç University, Mathematics Department, Teaching assistant

Math 107 Introduction to Linear Algebra
Math 531 Real Analysis

07/2017, Feza Gürsey Summer School, Teaching assistant


2013/14, University of Vienna, Philosophy Department, Teaching assistant

Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy


Probability Student Seminar

Co-organizer with Adam Q. Jaffe from Fall 2021 to Spring 2023

Statistics Graduate Student Association

Co-president with Daniel Soriano 2020/21, Graduate Assembly Representative 2019/20, Membership in Social Committee 2018/19 and 2019/20, Website Committee 2023/24, Student Seminar Committee 2021/22