David's Students
Raju J. Bhansali (1971), Asymptotic properties of the Wiener-Kolmogorov
predictor. SA17@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK
Alan J. Izenman (1972), Reduced-rank regression for the multivariate
linear model. alan@temple.edu
Andrey Feuerverger (1972), On the cumulant spectral approach to
polynomial regression of stationary time series.
Pedro A. Morettin (1973), Walsh-Fourier analysis of time series.
Luis Torres-Melo (1974), Stationary point processes. (Deceased.)
John A. Rice (1974), Statistical analysis of self-exciting point
processes. rice@stat.berkeley.edu
Vural A. Akisik (1975), On the estimation of parametric transfer
Sadru Fazal (1975), Nonparametric discriminant analysis.
Tore Schweder (1975), Transformations of point processes: applications
to animal sighting ... tore.schweder@econ.uio..no
Mamoud Daneshmand (1976), Sampling and time series analysis.
Jostein Lillestol (1976), Improved estimates of parameters in complex
normal models ... jostein.lillestol@nhh.no
Haiganoush K. Preisler (1977), Statistical models for poplulations of
sickle and normal blood cells. hpreisler@fs.fed.us
Anthony D. Thrall (1978), Spectral estimation for randomly sampled time
series. tthrall@StanfordAlumni.org
J. Stanford Willie (1979), Analyzing relationships between a time series
and a point process.
Tariq Hasan (1979), Complex demodulation: some theory and some
applications. thasan8@comcast.net
Knut K. Aase (1979), Recursive estimation in time series models.
Peter M. Guttorp (1980), Estimation in population processes.
Stephen P. Ellis (1981), Density estimation for point process data.
Benjamin Sagalovsky (1982), Maximum likelihood and related estimation
methods in point processes and point process systems.
Manuel Folledo (1983), Robust/resistant methods in the estimation of the
evoked response curve. (Deceased.)
Shean-Tsong Chiu
(1984), Statistical estimation of the parameters of a moving source from
array data. chiu@space.stat.colostate.edu
Ross Ihaka (1985), Ruaumoko. ihaka@stat.auckland.ac.nz
S. Aik Quek (1987), The mixed effects model: fitting and validation.
Etsuo Miyaoka (1987), Estimation in mixed Poisson process models.
Ettore Marchetti (1987), Statistical inference in doubly stochastic
point processes.
Bruce Smith (1988), The neurophysiological quantal hypothesis.
Ebby Kimani (1989), Statistical modelling in pest management:
formulation of a mosquito control model. (Deceased) ebi@ebitendo.com
Xiaobao Wang (1991), On the estimation of trigonometric and related
Thomas Scheike
(1993), Statistical analysis of tesselations and nonparametric kernel
regression with biological applications. ts@biostat.ku.dk
Wajih Alaiyan (1993), Statistical aspects of the evoked response
Mark A. Rizzardi (1996), She loves me, she loves me not: pondering over
an ordinal-valued time series of tropical flowers. mar13@humboldt.edu,
Frederic R. Schoenberg (1997), Assessment of multi-dimensional point
process models. frederic@ucla.edu
A. Irizarry (1998), Statistics and music: fitting a local
harmonic model to muscial sound signals. rafa@jhu.edu
Edward Ionides (2001), Statistical analysis of cell motion.
Apratim Guha (2005), Mutual information. staag@nus.edu.sg
Pawel Lasiecki (2006), Assessement of stochastic differential equation
and Markov chain models in time series.
Victor M. Panaretos (2007), Inverse Problems, Stochastic Geometry,
Structural Biology. victor.panaretos@epfl.ch http://smat.epfl.ch/
Srikesh Arunajadai (2008). Small steps for RNA, a big leap for an EEG:
applications of point process and time series methods
Irma Hernandez (2010) Dissertation: Integrating Grouped And Ungrouped
Data: The Point Process Case
Charlotte Wickham (2011) Whither the whale shark wanders: tools and
methods for modelling whale shark movement