1937 Born, Toronto, Canada
Degrees and Other Education
1961-2 Social Science Research Council Fellow, London School of
1961 Ph.D., Mathematics, Princeton University
1960 M.A., Mathematics, Princeton University
Associate of the Society of Actuaries
1959 B.A., Mathematics, Victoria University, University of Toronto
Lieutenant(c), Royal Canadian Naval Reserve
Academic and Research Career
1979-81 Chair, Statistics Department, UCB
1977 Short Term Visitor, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Organization, Australia
1976 Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New
1969- Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley
1969 Instructional Lecturer, 12th Biennial Seminar, Canadian
Mathematical Congress
1967-8 Visiting Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley
1966-9 Reader, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
1964-6 Lecturer, LSE
1962-4 Member of Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories
Lecturer in Mathematics, Princeton University (half-time)
2010 Visiting Maclaurin Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Mathematics
& its Applications
Honourary Member, Statistical Society of Canada
2008 Doctor of Science (honoris causa), McMaster University, Canada
2007 PIMS 10th Anniversary Distinguished Lecturer
Principal Lecturer, 10th Latin American Congress on Statistics and
Probability (Unable to present due to family illness and death just
2006 Foreign Member, Brazilian Academy of Science
2005 Neyman Lecturer, IMS
2004 Huggins Lecturer, Acadia University, Nova Scotia
Filmed as a Distinguished Statistician for the American Statistical
Association's Archive
Pfizer Colloquium, University of Connecticut
Foreign Member, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
2003 Doctor of Mathematics (honoris causa), University of Waterloo.
2002 Keynote Speaker, 34th Symposium on the Interface
2002 Founding Fellow, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical
2001 Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation
Honorary Member, Probability and Statistics Section, Cuban Society of
Mathematics and Computation
2000 Britton Lecturer, McMaster University, Canada
1999 Doctor of Science (honoris causa), University of Western Ontario
1997 Lecturer PIMS Inaugural Meeting
1996 Hunter Lecturer, International Environmetrics Society
1994 Distinguished Lecturer, Simon Fraser University
Keynote Speaker, SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering, San
1993 Keynote Speaker, 25th Symposium on the Interface
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Principal Lecturer, 5th Latin American Congress on Statistics and
Keynote Speaker, Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and
Environmental Engineering Conference, Waterloo, Ontario
Keynote Speaker, Winter Meeting, Canadian Mathematical Society
1992 Recipient Gold Medal, Statistical Society of Canada
Herzberg Lecturer, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Keynote Speaker, 3rd General Meeting of the Environmetric Society,
Invited Lecturer, Opening Meeting Fields Institute
1991 R.A. Fisher Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical
Distinguished Lecturer, University of Texas at Dallas.
1989 Wilks Lecturer, Princeton University
1985 Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
Principal Speaker, Summer Research Institute, Australian Mathematical
Principal Speaker, 2nd Latin American Congress on Statistics and
Probability, Caracas
1984 Hotelling Lecturer, University of North Carolina
1983 Wald Lecturer, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians, Warsaw
Guest Lecturer, Peking University, Beijing, China
1982-3 Guggenheim Fellow
1981 Jacob Marschak Seminar Speaker, UCLA
1979 Medallion Lecturer, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), Los
1975-6 Guggenheim Fellow
1974 Member, International Statistical Institute
Special Invited Lecturer, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Edmonton
1973 Miller Research Professor, UCB
1972 Fellow, American Statistical Association
1969 Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
1961-1962 Social Science Research Council Fellow
1960-1961 Bell Telephone Laboratories Graduate Fellowship
1959-60 Woodrow Wilson National Fellow
1959 Canada Council Scholarship
1959 S. H. Janes Medal, Prim in Math et Phys, Victoria University,
1958 One of top five competitors in Putnam Mathematical Competition
Elected or Appointed Positions
2008-9 Member CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize Committee
2007- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Center for Ecological and
Evolutionary Synthesis, Norway
2006- Editorial Board, Latin American Journal of Probability and
Mathematical Statistics
2006-8 President, The International Environmetrics Society (TIES), the
Environmetrics Section of the ISI
2003-5 Chair, Advisory Committee Berkeley Seismographic Laboratory
2003-7 Chair, Committee on Publications, International Statistical
Institute (ISI)
2003 Charter Member, Network of Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES)
2001-2 President, Statistical Society of Canada
Member, Advisory Committee Berkeley Seismographic Laboratory
2000-4 Chair, Committee on Probability and Statistics in the Physical
Sciences, Bernoulli Society
2000 Member, Committee to Consider Service Medal Awards, International
Statistical Institute
1999-2005 Member, Scientific Review Panel, Pacific Institute for the
Mathematical Sciences (PIMS)
1999-2000 Chair, Section U (Statistics), American Association for the
Advancement of Science
1998-2001 Section Editor, Encyclopedia of Environmetrics
1998-2001 Member, Synge Prize Committee, Royal Society of Canada
1998- Associate Editor, Brazilian J. Probability and Statistics
1997 Member, NASA Panel to Review the Haystack Radar
1997- Faculty Participant, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research
Center (PEER)
1996-7 Member, International Committee to Review Canadian Mathematics
1996- Deputy Editor, Environmetrics
1995-7 Editor, Statistical Science
1995- Editorial Board, Resenhas, now Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical
1995 Board, National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS)
Member, IMS Committee on Liaison with Bernoulli Society
1994-5 President, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Member, Awards Committee, Statistical Society of Canada
1994-7 Member-at-Large, Section on Statistics, AAAS
1994-8 Editor, Statistical Science
Member, Parzen Prize Committee
1993-7 Advisory Committee, Earthquake Engineering Research Center
1993-5 Member, Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS)
1992-4 Consulting Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics
1992-8 Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Fields Institute, Canada
1991-2002 Co-Chair, Group in Biostatistics
1991-4 Editorial Board, Case Studies in Biometry
1990-6 Editorial Advisory Board, Environmetrics
1990 Member, Blue Ribbon Committee on the Establishment of Mediterranean
Fruit Fly in California
1988- Faculty Participant, Earthquake Engineering Research Center
1988-90 Board of Governors, Institute for Mathematics and its
Applications, University of Minnesota
1987-93 Editorial Board, Chance
1987-91 Editor, International Statistical Review
1987-90 Member, Grant Selection Committee for Statistics, National
Research Council of Canada
1987-8 Chair, Awards Committee, Statistical Society of Canada
1986-7 Member P. Robillard Award Committee, Statistical Society of
1985-7 Member, Committee on Research Support, Statistical Society of
1985-6 Member, Committee on Honourary Fellows, Statistical Society of
1984-7 Editor, Statistical Science
1982-91 Member, Statistical Methods Advisory Committee, Statistics
1980-92 Member, Demography Group
1980-7 Board of Editors, Journal of Theoretical Neurobiology
1980-3 Member, Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics, National
Research Council
1979-87 Editorial Board, Journal of Time Series Analysis
1979-81 Member, Committee to Prepare Roster of Statisticians,
International Statistical Institute
1978-80 Member, Committee on the Integration of Statistics,
International Statistical Institute
1978-82 Member, Panel on Fertility Determinants, National Research
1978-9 Member, Regional Activity and Demographic Review Committee
(READ), U.S. Department of Energy
1977-9 Member, Committee on Corporate Members, Mathematical Association
of America
1977-87 Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics
1977-80 Member, Grant Selection Committees for Mathematics and
Statistics, National Research Council of Canada
1977-9 Member, National Statistics Committee, National Research Council
1977-8 Member, Statistical Task Force, Weather Modification Advisory
Chair, Advisory Committee, Survey Research Center
1977-8 Vice Chair Statistics Department
1976-87 Editorial Board, Springer-Verlag Series in Statistics and
Lecture Notes in Statistics
1976-8 Publications Committee, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
1976 Chair, Nominating Committee, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
1975-8 Editorial Board, Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1975-92 Research Associate, Seismographic Stations, UCB
1975-9 Council of the Bernoulli Society
1975-7 Advisor on Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Council of Ontario
1975-6 Chair, Editor Selection Committee, Institute of Mathematical
1974-7 Council of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
1974-5 Vice Chair, Statistics Department
1972-83 Member, Analysis Advisory Committee, National Assessment of
Educational Progress
1972-8 Associate Editor, Annals of Probability
1972-8 Associate Editor, Annals of Statistics
1973-1976 Member, Advisory Board, Survey Research Center
1973 Co-Organizer, Conference on Forecasting Air Pollution for
1972-8 Chairman, Evans Hall Computer Committee
1970-2 Associate Editor, Annals of Mathematical Statistics
1968-9 Editorial Board, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series
Member, Research Section Committee, Royal Statistical Society
1960-1 Chair, Graduate College Committee, Princeton University
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Royal Statistical Society
American Statistical Association
Statistical Society of Canada
Statistical Society of Brazil
The International Environmetrics Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Royal Society of Canada
Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
Brazilian Academy of Sciences
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Seismological Society of America
Canadian Mathematical Society
Consultant (partial list)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Seismological Group, Blacknest,
National Broadcasting Corporation, New York City
National Assessment of Educational Progress, Denver
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston
Geomatrix Inc., Oakland
Institute of Biometry and Community Medicine, University of Exeter,
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority