CS 281B / Stat 241B, Spring 2014:
Statistical Learning Theory
Course description
This course will provide an introduction to the
theoretical analysis of prediction methods, focusing on statistical
and computational aspects. It will cover
approaches such as kernel methods and boosting algorithms, and
probabilistic and game theoretic formulations of prediction
problems, and it will focus on tools for the theoretical analysis of the
performance of learning algorithms
and the inherent difficulty of learning problems.
Prerequisites: CS281A/Stat241A, or advanced training in
probability or statistics, for example at the level of Stat 205A or
Stat 210A.
- Probabilistic and game-theoretic formulations
of prediction problems
- Risk Bounds
- Overfitting
- Uniform convergence
- Concentration inequalities
- Finite classes
- Rademacher averages
- Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension
- Covering numbers
- Model selection
- Approximation-estimation trade-off
- Method of sieves, Regularization
- Oracle inequalities
- Online prediction
- Mistake bounds: halving, weighted majority
- Prediction with expert advice
- Online optimization
- Potential function methods
- Log loss; Bayesian methods
- Portfolio selection
- Kernel methods
- Perceptron algorithm
- Support vector machines
- Constrained optimization, duality
- Hinge loss
- Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
- Representer theorem
- Kernel methods for regression
- AdaBoost
- Optimization
- Margins analysis
- Logistic regression
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