Only the most recent version of each course is listed. Ordered by course number.
Semester | Course number | Topic of course | Comments |
Fall 2004 | STAT 20 | Introduction to Statistics and Probability | Lower-division introductory course |
Fall 2016 | STAT 24 | Probability, outside the textbook. | Freshman seminar, emphasizing diversity of contexts where probability appears. |
Fall 2008 | STAT 98/198 | Blackjack and Poker (link goes to recent analog) | Student-taught DeCal course; I am only the sponsor. |
Fall 2012 | STAT 134 | Concepts of Probability | Upper division post-calculus introduction to the mathematics of probability |
Fall 2015 | STAT 150 | Stochastic Processes | Upper division, for Stat/Math majors and others. |
Fall 2017 | STAT 157 | Probability in the Real World | Project-based course for Statistics Majors, emphasizing diversity of contexts where probability appears. |
Spring 2018 | STAT 198 | Introduction to Fundamental Investing | Student-taught DeCal course; I am only the sponsor. |
Fall 2008 | STAT 204 | Probability for Applications | Graduate level, non measure-theory, second course in probability |
Fall 2016 | STAT 205A | Probability Theory | First year graduate core course: measure-theoretic probability (first part). |
Spring 2018 | STAT 205B | Probability Theory | First year graduate core course: measure-theoretic probability (second part). |
Fall 2011 | STAT 206A | Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs | Graduate topics course |
Fall 2013 | STAT C206A | Spatial Networks | Graduate topics course |
Spring 2008 | STAT C206B | Large Deviations and Stochastic Spatial Optimization | Graduate topics course |
Spring 2013 | STAT C206B | Exchangeability and related topics | Graduate topics course |
Spring 2011 | STAT 260 | Finite Markov Information-Exchange Processes | Graduate topics course |
Spring 2007 | STAT 260 | Random Graphs and Complex Networks. | Graduate topics course | Fall 2001 | STAT 260 | Probabilistic Aspects of Combinatorial Optimization and Disordered Systems | Graduate topics course |