This is a chatty discussion of my older research,
intended to be understandable to a Ph. D. student in
theoretical or applied probability.
Numbers like [22] refer to the
and are accompanied by Math Reviews links.
Instead of summarizing the results (for which see Math Reviews
or the actual papers) I focus on context: where did the
problem come from, and what subsequent work has been done?
Rare Events and the Poisson Clumping Heuristic
**NEW (2014)***
The book is back in print. This
link to the Springer site
gives some options; from a University, the "read this book on SpringerLink"
tab is the best deal.
An old PDF version can be found here
Probability Approximations via the Poisson Clumping Heuristic
but don't tell Springer.
This idiosyncratic 1989 book
Probability Approximations via the Poisson Clumping Heuristic
MR 90k:60004
developes a method for writing down first-order approximations in
a wide range of "generalized extrema" settings, and illustrates
with 100 examples from areas like
Markov chain hitting times,
extrema of stationary processes,
combinatorial maxima,
stochastic geometry coverage problems,
multidimensional diffusions escaping from potential wells,
maxima of Gaussian random fields.
Here is a
two page account
from Encyclopedia of Statistical Science.
Here is a
1992 update
keyed to the book.
MR 94j:60138
has a nice application to Markov chain hitting times
arising in genetics.
A recent preprint by Adler
On Excursion Sets, Tube Formulae, and Maxima of Random Fields
relates the "maxima of random fields" chapter to subsequent
developments of Worsley
MR 96b:60132
and others.
Several people (Dacunha-Castelle, Kingman, Figiel and Sucheston) in
the mid-1970s observed that,
from any tight sequence of random variables,
one can find a subsequence which (in some sense) resembles
an exchangeable sequence.
In a lecture at Oxford in Spring 1975, Kingman suggested
this might provide a route to general versions of Chatterji's
subsequence principle
MR 49:9916
which asserts that from general sequences one can extract a subsequence
satisfying analogs of classical limit theorems for i.i.d. sequences.
Such an argument (which seems surprisingly subtle) was carried out as
part of my thesis and published in 1977 as
MR 56:13330.
Some further developments were made in 1986 by
Berkes and Peter
MR 87m:60083.
My original interest in the topic, following Dacunha-Castelle and Krivine
MR 58:30117,
was to prove a conjecture in Banch space theory, that every
subspace of $L^1$ contains a subspace isomorphic to some $l_p$.
This was proved in [10]
MR 83b:46025.
Krivine and Maurey
MR 83a:46030
quickly found a simpler and more general reformulation applying to
stable Banach spaces. See the 1992 monograph by Guerre-Delabriere
MR 94d:46013
for subsequent developments.
Consider an infinite array $(X_{ij}, 1 \leq i,j < \infty)$
of random variables of the form
(*) $X_{ij} = f(A_i,B_j,C_{ij})$
for i.i.d. $(A_i)$, $(B_j)$ and $(C_{ij})$.
The array $X = (X_{ij})$ has the row and column exchangeability
(RCE) property. It is natural (e.g. as a general Bayesian analog of
classical statistical analysis of variance) to seek a converse:
is every RCE array essentially of the form (*)?
This is proved in [11]
MR 82m:60022.
A different proof based on techniques from logic was given independently
by Hoover
MR 84b:60016.
Here is Hoover's original technical report.
At the same time Diaconis and Freedman
MR 83e:92071
were thinking about the same question in connection with human visual
pattern recognition.
My monograph-length survey [22]
MR 88d:60107
of probabilistic aspects of exchangeability gave the state of the art in 1983.
Characterization theorems were subsequently developed in several
directions in a sequence of papers by Kallenberg: see e.g.
MR 96f:60063.
Update (2007).
Kallenberg's 2005 monograph
Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariance Principles
elegantly covers the field.
The theory of RCE arrays has been rediscovered at last twice since 2000.
By Lovasz and co-workers in the context of limits of dense graphs:
see e.g. their
Limits of dense graph sequences
and also see
Diaconis-Janson Graph Limits and Exchangeable Random Graphs
for the precise connection.
And by Vershik
Random Metric Spaces and Universality
in the context of isometry classes of metric spaces with probability measures.
Weak Convergence (classical aspects)
During the 1970s, two very popular but rarely-connected topics were
the theory of weak convergence popularized by Billingsley
MR 38:1718
and the general theory of processes of Dellacherie and Meyer
MR 85e:60001.
Part of my thesis, published in 1978 as [4]
MR 57:14086,
gave a sufficient condition for tightness in terms of increments after
stopping times. This fits nicely with the
martingale characterization approach to weak convergence.
Similar results and extensions were given by Harlamov
MR 55:6600
MR 81g:60002
MR 84i:60045
and are now textbook material: Jacod and Shiryayev
MR 89k:60044,
Ethier and Kurtz
MR 88a:60130.
My own extension [38]
MR 90f:60002
is that, given convergence of finite-dimensional distributions to a continuous-path
limit process, the only way weak convergence can fail is if there are
predictable oscillations of predictable sign.
Around 1979 I circulated drafts of a monograph "Weak Convergence and the General
Theory of Processes" but this was never completed.
Mixing Times for Finite Markov Chains
Elementary theory of finite-state irreducible chains asserts
that as time $t \to \infty$ the time-$t$ distribution
converges to the stationary distribution.
To quantify this there are several variants of
mixing time, formalizing the idea: how large must
$t$ be in order for the time-$t$ distribution to be approximately
the stationary distribution?
Then given a sequence of chains with some "size" parameter
$n$ (e.g. shuffling schemes for $n$-card decks)
one can study how the mixing time grows with $n$.
Theory asserting equivalence of several definitions and relations
to properties of hitting times was initiated in [13]
MR 83f:60098.
Examples of the use of coupling to estimate mixing times
were given in [21]
MR 86j:60156,
showing in particular that riffle shuffle of a $n$-card deck
had mixing time $3/2 \log_2 n$
and introducing the notion of
rapid mixing to mean that mixing time is
poly-log (number of states).
Together with the Diaconis-Shahshahani
MR 82h:60024
analysis of card-shuffling via random transpositions,
these provided a
conceptual basis for mathematical study of mixing times for
finite Markov chains and random walks on finite groups.
Subsequently Jerrum-Sinclair
MR 91g:68084
showed that certain approximate counting problems
in the theory of algorithms could be solved using Markov chains,
the key issue being analysis of their mixing time: this led
to interest in mixing times in the theory of algorithms -- see e.g. the
text Motwani - Raghavan
MR 96i:65003.
In the early 1990s
the field of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) emerged,
in which the central theoretical issue in assessing performance
is estimating mixing times in complicated data-dependent chains
(this can hardly ever be done rigorously). MCMC is now the
topic of several books
MR 97d:62006
MR 98b:60121
and a
preprint server.
Since 1989 I (and now Jim Fill) have been working on a monograph
Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs
which may be completed next millennium!
Finite and Countable Random Trees
Perhaps the most frequently rediscovered result in probability
is the Markov Chain Tree Theorem
giving an expression for the stationary distribution
of a finite-state chain in terms of weighted spanning trees.
Following conversations with Persi Diaconis we observed
MR 91h:60013
(and independently, Broder)
that the theorem could be used to provide an algorithm for
simulating a uniform random spanning tree of an undirected graph.
Further one can use the construction to analyze [43] various properties of such random
spanning trees; this was arguably the first non-trivial application of
the Markov Chain Tree Theorem.
For subsequent uses
see the
forthcoming monograph of Lyons and Peres .
Call a countable rooted tree with a single path from the root
to infinity a tree with one end or a sin-tree.
The simplest occurrence of random sin-trees is as
critical Galton-Watson processes conditioned to be infinite,
e.g. Kesten
MR 88b:60232.
My 1991 "general abstract nonsense" paper [52]
MR 92j:60009
considers families of $n$-vertex rooted trees and supposes that
as $n \to \infty$ the subtrees seen from random vertices
converge to some limit random tree.
Such a limit has a kind of "one-sided stationarity" property,
and therefore (by analogy with stationary sequences)
specifies a "two-sided" structure, which is a random
sin-tree with a certain stationarity property.
[52] gives many examples plus structure theory.
The particular case of the (random graph) mean-field
analog of the minimal spanning tree was studied in [49]
MR 93a:05111.
Later Penrose
MR 97i:60014
showed the same tree arises as the high-dimensional limit of
Euclidean minimal spanning trees.
Random sin-trees have subsequently appeared in many other
contexts, e.g. as components of uniform spanning forests
on countable graphs
preprint by Benjamini et al).
Two of my own recent papers involve sin-trees:
discusses pruning processes on conditioned Galton-Watson trees,
and the limit of the Erdos-Renyi random graph process as seen from
a specified vertex;
Paper [89]
discusses the percolation process on a tree where infinite clusters
are forbidden to grow further.