On the wisdom of crowds

After another long break I am back to doing prediction market bets based on the consensus opinion of the audience in my talks. These are on PredictIt. Average profit per trade (Predictit) = -37.

Talk, place Month Contract Price (for Yes) Prediction Outcome
Columbia University Applied Probability seminar 10/22 Biden resign before end first term 22 No ???
"Outside the textbook" popular talk, MSU 10/18 Joe Biden Dem. Nominee 2020 17 No Yes
"Outside the textbook" popular talk, Notre Dame 9/18 Elizabeth Warren Dem. Nominee 2020 15 Yes No
STAT 157, Berkeley 10/17 Trump President end-2018 69 Yes Yes
STAT 157, Berkeley 3/16 Trump to be elected President 32 Yes Yes
"Probability, outside the classroom", UBC Vancouver 3/16 Trump to be elected President 28 No Yes
STAT 24, Berkeley 10/16 Clinton to be elected President 83 Yes No

Below are old Intrade prediction market bets. Average profit per trade (Intrade) = 35.

Talk, place Month Contract Price (for Yes) Prediction Outcome
STAT 150, Berkeley 3/11 Trump to run for President 51 No No
STAT 157, Berkeley 9/11 Obama to be re-elected 49 Yes Yes
Teaching the "real world" course, Marseilles 12/11 Any country drop Euro in 2012 33 No No
"Real world" popular talk, Oxford 2/12 Overt attack on Iran in 2012 35 No No
Teaching the "real world" course, Christchurch NZ 3/12 Overt attack on Iran in 2012 37 No No
Teaching the "real world" course, Santa Barbara CA 5/12 Individual mandate ruled unconstitutional in 2012 56 No No
Teaching the "real world" course, Stanford 5/12 Individual mandate ruled unconstitutional in 2012 59 No No
STAT 134, Berkeley 8/12 Obama to be re-elected 57 No Yes
60'th birthday conference, Courant 9/12 Obama to be re-elected 66 Yes Yes