References to chance in micro-blogs - Examples by topic

Here we categorize by topic. The percentages below add up to 86%; the others instances were in smaller categories or uncategorizable. Here is the entire list in this categorization.

School (8%)

Not unexpectedly a fairly frequent topic.

Career or Job (5%)

Romance (4%)

Somewhat less common here than in regular blogs.

Sports - spectator (9%)

Another predictably frequent topic. In contrast, almost no references to the individual participating in sports.

Medical (3%)

Much less frequent than in the Bing data.

Social, in the sense of relations with other people, other than romantic (16%)

Rather a catch-all category.

Philosophy, in the sense of implicit advice for other people (7%)

More common than I had expected.

Introspective thoughts (6%)

Everyday activities, individual rather than social (11%)

The physical world (7%)

Mostly weather and animals.

Stuff -- human artifacts (10%)