Problems and Issues in Electronic Publishing
Special Session at the Joint AMS-SMM International Meeting
Houston, TX, May 13, 2004
Klaus Kaiser, University of Houston
Bernd Wegner, Technische Universität Berlin
Enrique Ramírez de Arellano, CINVESTAV
Associate secretary:
John L Bryant, AMS
List of talks and related links
Some remarks on the new schemes in electronic publishing in mathematics.
Abstract (pdf)
Constancio Hernandez,
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
Electronic publishing for the Boletìn de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana?
Abstract (pdf)
Enrique Ramírez de Arellano,
Cinvestav-IPN, México, D. F.
Efficient processing of journal submissions
Abstract (pdf)
A. J. Hildebrand,
University of Illinois
Triangular relationships in electronic publishing: What problem-solving solutions can subscription agents offer?
Abstract (pdf)
Katy Ginanni,
EBSCO Information Services
Some recent issues on the business of journal publishing: An independent point of view.
Abstract (pdf)
Klaus Kaiser,
University of Houston
Some aspects of running the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
Abstract (pdf)
Julio G. Dix,
Texas State University - San Marcos
The Mathematics Survey
Abstract (pdf)
Jim Pitman,
University of California, Berkeley
Facilities in e-Edita for authoring and publishing interactive mathematical materials for the Internet
Abstract (pdf)
Feliu Davino Sagols,
Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Electronic publishing - the view from the library
Abstract (pdf)
Molly T White,
Physics Mathematics Astronomy Library, University of Texas at Austin
EMANI - Current achievements of a project for the long-term preservation of electronic publications in mathematics
Abstract (pdf)
Bernd Wegner,
TU Berlin
Preprints and journals: the experience from MP_ARC, MPEJ and Experimental Mathematics
Abstract (pdf)
Rafael de la Llave,
Univ. of Texas at Austin
XML Query in web site organization.
Abstract (pdf)
Elena A Fraboschi,
Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Further links