Statistics 200A,  Fall 2018

INSTRUCTOR: Ani Adhikari. Please note that I can't answer questions like, "How do I solve Problem X?'' by email or on the phone. Please use email and the phone only for emergencies and administrative matters.  Please include your full name and SID in all email messages to me.  

OFFICE HOURS: Mondays 1-2 in 413 Evans
GSI:  Zsolt Bartha. Office hours Wednesdays 10-12 in 444 Evans

WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Lecture meets TuTh 11-12:30 in 332 Evans. Lab meets Fri 12-2 in 342 Evans. 


PIAZZA: Join STAT 200A Piazza for help with any aspect of the course.

PREREQUISITES:  Algebra, multivariable calculus, and linear algebra.  I will assume not just acquaintance but fluency with all of these.  

TEXT: There is no required text. Lecture sketches will be provided, usually within a day or so after lecture. For reference, I suggest All of Statistics by Larry Wasserman, published by Springer.  We will cover Part I and the "Redux" section near the end of the text. Grimmett and Stirzaker also have an excellent text, but we won't cover much of their Random Processes sections. An excellent reference at the undergraduate level is Probability by Jim Pitman, published by Springer.

HOMEWORK:  Assignments will be part of exercise sets that will be available each week in lab. They will be due the following Thursday at the start of lecture. No late homeworks will be accepted.

There will be one midterm and one final. If you cannot take the final at the date and time given below, you cannot take this class.
There will be no late, early, or repeat exams.

Midterm :   Friday October 12, during the lab period.
Final       :   Wednesday December 12, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. (Exam Group 9)

Overall scores will be computed as follows:

Maximum of: (25% homework, 25% midterm, 50% final) and (25% homework, 75% final)

No individual letter grades will be given for homework, midterm, or final. Your letter grade for the course will be based on your overall score.