PH296, Section 33
Fall 2002

Class presentations

N. B. Contact me ( by October 21st to discuss your project and schedule your class presentation.

Guidelines for preparing your presentation (pdf)

Suggested references

N.B. This list is still being updated and is obviously incomplete. The references below are simply starting points to guide your search of presentation topic. Feel free to suggest other topics and papers.

Landmark papers and related discussions

Mendel's experiments

Linkage analysis

DNA structure and replication

Protein structure and synthesis *** ADD

Microarray data analysis

Genetic Epidemiology and Microarrays
Special issue of Genetic Epidemiology, Vol 23., Issue 1, 2002.


Differential expression, clustering, classification

Comparative genomic hybridization

Combined sequence and microarray data analysis

Sequence analysis

Protein structure and function

Genetic mapping Computing Databases