GUIs / CGI Programming

1  Using Images with the tcltk package

The current version of tcl that ships with R allows you to display images in your GUIs, but only if they are in GIF format. Fortunately, it's very easy to change the format of images if they are, for example JPEG or PNG files. On any SCF machine, the command:
mogrify -format gif *.jpg

will convert all the files ending in .jpg to files with the same name, but in the GIF format. You can then use the .gif files that are created to display in your GUI.
To use images with the tcltk library, first create a Tcl variable representing the image with code like:
myimage = tclVar()

Next, create a tklabel using the image= argument pointing to the tcl variable that holds the image:
img = tklabel(frame,image=myimage)

Like any other widget, you can change the image during the execution of your program using the tkconfigure function. Suppose we have another tcl variable called otherimage that has an image associated with it. To change the img widget to display that image, use

If you have many pictures, it will be more convenient to store the tcl image variables in a list. Suppose the R list pics contains the full pathname of several GIF files. (It's usually simplest to use setwd to change to the directory where you're storing the GIF files, so that you only need to type their names, not their full paths. The command

allows you to navigate to the directory with the GIF files.)
The following example displays pictures of three fruits, chosen from a list of five. When the button is pressed, it uses tkconfigure to change each picture many times, to give the illusion of a slot machine. Note the use of sapply to create a list of images, regardless of the number of images used.

pics = list.files('fruits',pattern='\\.gif$')
pics = paste('fruits/',pics,sep='')
n = length(pics)
theimages = sapply(pics,function(pic)
spinner = function(...){
    for(i in 1:50){
        r = sample(1:n,size=3,replace=TRUE)
top = tktoplevel()
f1 = tkframe(top)
f2 = tkframe(top)
r = sample(1:n,size=3,replace=TRUE)
img1 = tklabel(f1,image=theimages[[r[1]]])
img2 = tklabel(f1,image=theimages[[r[2]]])
img3 = tklabel(f1,image=theimages[[r[3]]])

A picture of the GUI before spinning is shown below

2  Web Servers

We're all familiar with the use of a webserver - we type an address or click on a link, and then the page we want appears in our browser. But what actually happens when we type in a web address? Web servers are simply programs that listen for requests on a particular port (port 80 by default), and then send out information to the connection that requested it. Such a two-way connection is known as a socket. To see what really happens when a request is sent to a webserver, we can write an R program that creates a socket on an unused port, and then try to access that port through a web browser. Then we can have our program simply send back whatever it received in order to see what's really going on. The program is surprisingly simple:
webecho = function(){
    xx = make.socket('localhost',port=1888,server=TRUE)
    stuff = read.socket(xx,maxlen=1024)

The function opens a socket to port 1888, reads whatever gets sent to it, and then sends it right back to the same place as the request came from, so it can be displayed in a browser. The call to on.exit makes sure that the socket is closed after the communication takes place. To run the program so that it will be able to respond to requests, we place it in a loop:
> while(1)webecho()

(If you run the program on a UNIX system, you'll have to quit your R session (with control-\) to stop it; on a Windows system you may be prompted to quit your R session when you try to exit.)
Now let's type the following address into a browser:

Here's what appears in the browser:
GET /something HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:1888
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051010 Galeon/1.3.21 (Debian package 1.3.21-6ubuntu3) (Ubuntu package 1.0.7)
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive

The output consists of the actual request (the line with the GET), and a series of headers. This is all the information that is transmitted from the browser to the webserver when a request is made for a particular page. Once a webserver receives a request like this, it returns the page that the user requested (as specified in the GET directive). If that page contains images, documents or additional programs, they would be sent to the browser through the same mechanism.
This is fine for ordinary, static pages, but what about the case where we accept input from the user? This would be the case when data is entered into a field, or checkboxes are checked on a page, and then a button is clicked to send the information from the browser to the web server. Web pages that accept information are known as forms. There are two mechanisms that can be used to send information from a web browser to a webserver; GET (which is the default, if you don't explicitly state a method) and POST. (We'll look at their differences shortly.) For example, the HTML that would be used on a web page to accept a text field and use the GET method to send the information would look like this:
<form action='http://localhost:1888' method=GET>
<input type=text name=myvar><br>
<input type=submit value='GET'>

Notice the action= specification in the form tag; this specifies the program which will be executed once the information is sent from the browser to the web server. The name= specification, which must always be present in an HTML that will accept information from a user, defines the name of a CGI variable. CGI stands for "Common Gateway Interface", and is a catch-all term for any program which is executed by a web server in response to a request from a browser.
Here's how this html would display in a browser:
What happens if we enter something in the field, and click on the button? Let's put the words "hello, world" in the field and see:
First, notice that the address has changed, reflecting the address given in the action= specification. Additionally, some text has been added to the end of the displayed URL, and we can see that this same text was sent to the web server as part of the GET specification.
The extra text that's in the URL and the GET specification is said to be urlencoded; non-alphanumeric characters (like the comma) are replaced with a percent sign followed by the two-digit hexadecimal representation of the character, and spaces are replaced with plus signs. (A complete list of the encodings can be found at
This method of transfering information has its limitations. First of all, it's obvious that it won't work for things like files, because there's just not enough room in a URL to accomodate files of arbitrary length. Secondly, it may not be prudent to display the information that you're transfering in the URL where it can easily be seen. An alternative to GET is known as POST. Let's see how it differs from GET by creating a form identical to the first one, but with the method specified as POST. The html looks like this:
<form action='http://localhost:1888' method=post>
<input type=text name=myvar><br>
<input type=submit value='POST'>

Here's how it displays in the browser:
Once again, we'll enter "hello, world", and click on the button:
Notice that the URL no longer has any information about the CGI variables; the urlencoded string with the values now appears after the header information that the web browser sent. (Remember that for protocols like HTTP, a single completely blank line indicates the end of the headers.) Since the information in the form is not placed in the URL, this should allow us to upload local files to a CGI program. Here's the HTML code for a form that will upload a file:
<form action='http://localhost:1888' method=post enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type=file name='myfile'>
<input type=submit value='POST'>

Here it is displayed in a browser:
The Browse... button is generated automatically when type=file is specified for an input element. For file uploading, the method must be set to post; using get just won't work. Now I'll fill out the form with the name of the file that holds the source for the webecho function that we've been using to see how it gets transfered.
The file is sent (after the headers) in a form very similar to an email attachment. One big difference is that, if the file to be transmitted is a non-text file (like an image or document), no encoding needs to be done - the HTTP protocol utilizes all 8 bits of each byte. You may have noticed the enctype="multipart/form-data" specification in the previous form. This is what causes the web browser to send it's data in the "attachment" style, and is required when you're uploading a file. If you specify it in a normal form, it will send the CGI variable information in a similar fashion. With a form like this:
<form action='http://localhost:1888' method=post enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type=text name=myvar><br>
<input type=submit value='POST'>

entering "hello, world" results in the following:
Host: localhost:1888
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051010 Firefox/1.0.7 StumbleUpon/1.9993 (Ubuntu package 1.0.7)
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------14394547745218385925125258
Content-Length: 178

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myvar"

hello, world

Note that in this case, there was no urlencoding of the variable's value.

3  CGI Scripting

Before continuing, it's worth making note of some very practical details that you'll have to consider before beginning a project that uses CGI scripting. The programs which a web server will execute in response to a request need to be in specially designated directories, or the web server will treat them as ordinary documents, not programs. In general, access to such directories will be limited, both for financial and security reasons. In addition, a program which requires large amounts of computer resources may make it difficult for others who use the server to get anything done.
When you are writing CGI programs, it's very important to avoid allowing users manipulate any input which might find its way outside of the web server's slightly protected environment. What this means is that programs that call operating system programs, (for example calls to system in R), should generally be avoided.
Now that we've seen what's going on behind the scenes, we can start to look at the facilities in R that will allow us to write CGI scripts. The CGIwithR library provides a "wrapper" script that sets up an environment in which R can run. The most important function of the CGIwithR library is to gather all the information that the web browser has sent to the web server (regardless of how it was sent to the browser) and to make it easily available inside of R. The CGIwithR library takes all of the CGI variables (defined in the forms that a user has responded to), and places them in a list called formData, which can be manipulated like any other list in R. Note that the library resolves all issues regarding which method (get or post) was used in the form that generated the variables, and that the formData list is the only object you need to look at to get the values of the CGI variables defined in the form.
Once your program has received the information from a user's web browser, any printing statements that you make in your program will be directed back to the browser. This means that you need to follow the rules of HTML when you are displaying results, not the ordinary rules that would apply for an regular R session. The cat function is very useful in this regard, because it displays exactly what you tell it to, without any element numbering or formatting. If you know the basics of HTML, you may prefer to simply use cat to generate most or all of the HTML your CGI script creates. (There is a library called R2HTML that automates the "HTML-ization" of R objects, and you may want to study it on your own, but we won't be using it here.) Here are some ideas for generating appropriate output in CGI programs written with R.

4  A First CGI program with R

As a simple way of getting started with CGI programming, let's take the output from the first simple form that we created and see how the information gets translated from the CGI environment into the R environment. I'm assuming that your SCF account is s133xx and that you've followed the instructions at to prepare your account to use CGI scripting. Typically, you would put the page containing the html in your public_html directory. Suppose the following is placed in a file called form1.html in your public_html directory:
<form action='cgi-bin/R.cgi/test1.cgi' method=get>
<input type=text name=myvar><br>
<input type=submit value='GET'>

Since file names in HTML are interpreted relative to the directory that the HTML resides in, we can refer to the CGI program relative to the cgi-bin directory. Notice that this will allow you to use the same form whether you're running on the SCF network or through a tunnel. In addition to the formData list that holds the values of the CGI variables, information is also passed to your CGI program through environmental variables. These variables can be accessed with the Sys.getenv function, but for our purposes here, we can use the showEnvironmentVariables function that's part of the CGIwithR package. Here's a simple program that will just print out some information about the formData list and the environmental variables that are transfered into the environment:
Here's the test1.cgi program:

cat('Class of formData=',class(formData),' Mode of formData=',mode(formData),'<br>')
cat('Names of formData=',names(formData),'<br>')




If we run the program (by pointing a browser at http://springer/ s133xx/form1.html, entering "hello, world" and pressing the button), here's what the output looks like:
Class of formData= list Mode of formData= list
Names of formData= myvar

[1] "hello, world"

SERVER_SIGNATURE        Apache/2.0.54 (Ubuntu) Server at springer Port 80
R_INCLUDE_DIR           /usr/local/linux/R-2.2.1/include
HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE         300
HTTP_USER_AGENT         Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051010 Galeon/1.3.21 (Debian package 1.3.21-6ubuntu3) (Ubuntu package 1.0.7)
SERVER_PORT             80
HTTP_HOST               springer
LD_LIBRARY_PATH         /usr/local/linux/R-2.2.1/lib:/usr/local/lib64:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/3.4.5:/usr/X11R6/lib:/server/linux/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/i386/client:/server/linux/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/i386
DOCUMENT_ROOT           /mirror/data/pub/html/classes/s133
HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET     ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
SCRIPT_FILENAME         /class/u/s133/s133xx/public_html/cgi-bin/R.cgi
REQUEST_URI             /~s133xx/cgi-bin/R.cgi/test1.cgi?myvar=hello%2C+world
SCRIPT_NAME             /~s133xx/cgi-bin/R.cgi
R_GSCMD                 /usr/bin/gs
HTTP_CONNECTION         keep-alive
PATH_INFO               /test1.cgi
REMOTE_PORT             48242
PATH                    /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
PWD                     /class/u/s133/s133xx/public_html/cgi-bin
SERVER_ADMIN            webmaster@localhost
R_SHARE_DIR             /usr/local/linux/R-2.2.1/share
PATH_TRANSLATED         /class/u/s133/s133xx/public_html/cgi-bin/test1.cgi
HTTP_REFERER            http://springer/~s133xx/form1.html
HTTP_ACCEPT             text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
SHLVL                   1
SERVER_NAME             springer
FORM_DATA               myvar=hello%2C+world
SERVER_SOFTWARE         Apache/2.0.54 (Ubuntu)
QUERY_STRING            myvar=hello%2C+world
R_HOME                  /usr/local/linux/R-2.2.1
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING    gzip,deflate
R_DOC_DIR               /usr/local/linux/R-2.2.1/doc
R_SESSION_TMPDIR        /tmp/RtmpPPrmxy
R_PLATFORM              x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
R_PAPERSIZE             letter
R_PRINTCMD              lpr
R_LATEXCMD              /usr/bin/latex
R_DVIPSCMD              /usr/bin/dvips
R_MAKEINDEXCMD          /usr/bin/makeindex
R_RD4DVI                ae
R_RD4PDF                times,hyper
R_UNZIPCMD              /usr/bin/unzip
R_ZIPCMD                /usr/bin/zip
R_BROWSER               /usr/bin/firefox
EDITOR                  vi
PAGER                   /usr/bin/less
R_PDFVIEWER             /usr/local/linux/bin/acroread
AWK                     gawk
EGREP                   grep -E
MAKE                    make
PERL                    /usr/bin/perl
TAR                     tar
LN_S                    ln -s

You may have noticed that the URL we used for the action= specification makes it look like R.cgi is a directory, not a file. What happens is that the R.cgi program gets invoked by the web server, and it examines the PATH_INFO variable to find the name of your script (test1.cgi in this case.) It then loads up the formData list and calls your program.
If you examine the information that our simple web echoing program displayed, you'll see that each of the headers that were passed to the program have been transfered to environmental variables with a prefix of HTTP_. Although you most likely won't need them, you can examine the list of environmental variables to find information that you might want to use in your CGI programs and then access the information by using Sys.getenv.
The most important thing to notice is that the myvar CGI variable, defined in the input field of the HTML form, is available inside your R program, in unencoded form, in the element with the name myvar. This is the mechanism by which all the CGI variables are transfered into the R environment.

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On 13 Apr 2011, 20:56.