This file contains some information for students who would like a letter of recommendation from me. If you'd like me to write you a letter, this is what I need from you: 1) A single email listing all schools to which I need to submit the letter, including the department/program and the deadline by which I should submit it. 2) A copy of your CV/resume and any additional useful information that will help me to understand your background and your goals. 3) For students in one of my classes, a copy of your graded problem sets. And a few words of advice for those of you in one of my classes that will help me to write a strong letter for you. 1) Do well on your problem sets. Follow my instructions for what makes for a good problem set solution, including text that sets the context for your code and describes how you solved the problem, as well as good and clear coding style. 2) Show me that you are engaged with the material - ask and answer questions in class, ask and answer questions in the class online discussion forum. 3) Talk to me outside of class about the material and not just when you are confused by a problem on a problem set -- after class or during office hour. In general, the more you have a relationship with the person you are getting a letter from, the more that person can say about you in the letter. This may sound inauthentic, and if you are doing these things solely to get a good recommendation letter, it is in some ways. But it is the reality of the situation when you are asking for a recommendation letter from someone, and hopefully you will actually be doing these things primarily so that you learn the material, have more fun, and have interesting interactions with me and your classmates.