STAT 20 -- About the Course

Statistics (3rd edition) by Freedman, Pisani, and Purves.
Nothing fancy but should have square root and power.
We will omit Chapters 7 and 25 of Statistics but cover most of the remainder. We will also cover material from a set of 4 handouts.

This will be given in lecture on Wednesday each week. You should turn in your homework in class on the following Wednesday. There will be about 12 homework assignments during the semester. Late homework is not accepted. To give you a little leeway, only the 10 highest scores will be used to compute your total homework points.

Section will either meet on the third floor of Evans and will be held as a problem solving session, or it will meet in 491 Evans and be a computer lab. When it is a computer lab you will attend only one section that week.

This semester we will be trying out some new computer labs. These labs require color display stations, and so section will be held in room 491 Evans on those days when you are to work on the computer labs. More details on the labs will be given later.

There will be two midterms. The first one will be on Monday, Oct 2. There are no make-up midterms.

Final exam

Overall score
Letter grades are not given for midterms. Your letter grade for the course will be based on the overall score you get.

Homework 10%
Computer 10%
Midterm 1 20%
Midterm 2 20%
Exam 40%

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