STAT 152 -- About the Course

The topics covered include:

We will also examine in detail several case studies of samping surveys including opinion polls, exit polls, national health surveys, and the census. These case studies will be explored in class and through research projects. In addition, we will be conducting a sampling survey of our own as a class project. The topic of the survey will be announced.


STAT 101 or STAT 134


Sampling: Design and Analysis, S.L. Lohr

It will be assigned in lecture, and due in lecture on Friday.

Section will meet in 330 Evans and be held as a help session on the labs. Some weeks section may be held in 342 Evans.

The projects are an integral part of the course. They will involve group work, and each group will be expected to write up their project work in a 10 page paper.

There will be two quizzes. The first one will be on Monday, September 27. There are no make-up tests.

Final exam
The final will be from 12:30-3:30pm on Friday, Dec 10.

Overall score
Letter grades are not given for homeworks, labs, and midterms. Your letter grade for the course will be based on the total points for all work in the semester.

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