STAT 135 -- About the Course

Stat Labs: Mathematical Statistics through Applications Nolan and Speed, Springer-Verlag.
Recommended: Introductory Statistics with R, Dalgaard, Springer-Verlag.

Assignments are posted on the web. HW is due in section on Mondays. The HW will be a combination of computer work and paper-and-pencil-type problems. No late HW will be accepted.

Section will meet as a help session for the computer assignments or as a problem session. It will be split into three one-hour sessions. Assignment to the sessions will determined by the TA. Speak to the TA if you have special time constraints.

The labs are an integral part of the course. They require data analysis using the statistical software R. I am in the process of deeloping a graphical user interface to R, and some of the labs will use this interface rather than directly programming in R. Lab reports will be written up as short papers.

One midterm will be held on Wednesday, March 5. There are no make-up tests.

Final exam
The final exam will be held on Monday, May 19 from 8-11 am

Letter grades are not given for homeworks, labs, and exams. Your letter grade for the course will be based on the total points for all work in the semester.

Homework 15%
Labs 40%
Midterm 15%
Final Exam 30%

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