STAT 102 -- About the Course

Stat Labs: Learning theory through applications, Nolan and Speed. It will be available in January at Copy Central on Hearst near Euclid.
Recommended Text
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, 2nd ed, Rice.

It will be assigned in lecture, and due in lecture on Wednesday of each week.

Section will meet in 332 Evans and be held as a session on help with the labs. (We may move it to room 432 Evans).

The labs are an integral part of the course. They will require you to analyze data using the statistical software R, and to write up your findings in short reports.

There will be two quizzes. The first one will be on Friday, February 25. There are no make-up midterms.

Final exam
The final will be 12:30-3:30pm Saturday, May 20.

Overall score
Letter grades are not given for midterms. Your letter grade for the course will be based on the overall score you get.

Homework 10%
Labs 40%
Quizzes 20%
Final Exam 30%

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