Grading Policy

The overall course grade will be computed as follows:
HW Lab MidtermFinal
Percent 20%10%25% 45%

About the Course

The basic concepts of probability will be introduced through examples and problems that the instructor and students will work in class. These problems will be provided in handouts on a weekly basis.

Section will be spent working with the teaching assistant to complete problems on the handouts that were not covered in class, to cover any additional problems that students request, and to introduce the computer assignments.

Students are encouraged to work in groups when solving the homework and in-class problems. However, you must write the solutions to the homework problems in your own words. In class, everyone will have the opportunity to present solutions to problems on the blackboard. By the end of the semester, in addition to approximately 125 homework problems, you will have a complete set of about 100 problems that cover all of the course material.

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